Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 203 The Power of the Source Data Integration Module

Source data integration module.

The effect is as simple and straightforward as the name.

That is to unify and regulate all the data blessings of a starry sky fleet. All data except active skills and special passive blessings will be integrated!

Moreover, this kind of integration is not simply about superimposing data, but through module calculations to check for deficiencies and fill them in, and then overlay and integrate them.

If it is what Qingyang thinks, I am afraid that the actual combat power of the fleet will skyrocket after the integration!

Qingyang's eyes were serious: "Load the Eternal Fleet!"

[Source data integration module is loading]

[Loading completed, renamed Fleet Core (please upgrade the fleet for more effects)]

[Basic data integration and regulation in progress]

[Targets: Star weapons, adjutant talents, commander talents, permanent attribute blessings superimposed on special battleships, attribute blessings in passive skills],

[Please note that the temporary increases and special increases in active skills and passive skills still take effect independently]

[Basic data integration and regulation progress——10\u00150%]

[Confirmation completed, arrangement completed]

[Expanding fleet core list]

[Armament increase (all-round): +550% (calculating from the basic 50%, missing items will be increased by the core, the maximum increase is 49%)]

[Defense increase (all-round): +450% (same as above)]

[Mobility increase (agility + stealth, all-round): +400% (same as above)]

[Star weapon increase (actual effect): +50% (including but not limited to star weapon active skills and passive skills)]

[Other increases (all-round): +250% (including but not limited to star map radius, detection fineness, and other small attribute increases)]

[High-dimensional characteristic blessing (permanent superposition of the whole fleet): +150% annihilation, +100% star dome, +100% killing]

[Comprehensive regulation of the Eternal Truth Fleet: +900% (real-time combat power based on the whiteboard state without blessing, excluding high-dimensional blessings, active skills, and environmental skills)]

Qingyang's eyes slowly widened, staring at the battle power blessing of the Eternal Truth Fleet at the bottom, which was full of incredulity.

Just counting the basic blessings of various talented star weapons, the current actual combat power of the Eternal Fleet is already nine times that of the original version? !

You must know that this does not include the subsequent superposition of template blessings and active and judgment talents!

Normally, there is no integration template, and the comprehensive blessing should be around six or seven hundred. The current nine hundred is the result of the five major increases being optimized by the integration module.

[Attachment 1: With this module, the star generals whose quality is lower than the red grade in the T5 fleet period will be automatically excluded, and the original low-quality star generals will be swallowed up by the module]

[Attachment 2: New star weapons and modules are added again. Data blessings and basic blessings will be directly integrated into the core data. Star weapons only display active skills]

[Appendix 3: Active skills and judgment skills of purple gold grade and above will be percentage-based blessings based on the normalized data.

Example: Law of the Universe: All-round actual combat power increase + 20% = 900% × 120% = 1080% (the actual combat power of the entire fleet after the increase)]

[Appendix 4: High-dimensional energy source, only rare high-dimensional characteristics are calculated. Ordinary high-dimensional characteristics will be swallowed up by the core, which enhances rare characteristics and increases the increase of other attributes]

If the previous integration has greatly increased the strength of the fleet, then the following reminder in Appendix 3 will directly increase the importance of high-quality star weapons and highly talented adjutants exponentially!

Although the priority of the original blessing was also very high, due to the diversity of data, the actual increase in combat power was only 40 to 50% at most.

And now with the blessing of the source data integration module, the current high-quality active skills will directly become the highest limited level!

In other words, if the basic increase in Xingwu is high enough, even if it reaches 10,000%, then Gu Xue's Law of the Universe will be superimposed on this basis.

The actual combat power is increased by 2000% out of thin air!

Of course, based on the 1w% increase in the basic whiteboard state, I am afraid that it will take at least forty or fifty times to increase the loop.

From now on, no matter how complicated the Xingwu is, you only need to look at the results after the core statistics.

Clearly feeling that the fleet's combat power, including the scope of the local star network, had increased, Qingyang could no longer hold back his smile.

I originally thought that rule aggregators, modules, and personnel were the most precious rewards, but I didn’t expect that the source data integration module was.

And according to specific data, the source data module seems to require a higher-level fleet to fully exert its power!

Moreover, it seems that the high-dimensional energy source blessing of the commander's talent will be directly included in the high-dimensional characteristic blessing list and affect the entire fleet?

With the blessing and additional effects of the Sixth Agreement, I can also synchronize these energies.

In other words, will I have a variety of 100% higher-dimensional characteristics and powers?

Qingyang suddenly remembered the high-dimensional energy sources he had obtained before. Except for Annihilation, those given by the Star of Truth were all ordinary sources.

No wonder I didn't see it after the core rules. It turned out to be integrated with attribute blessings.

In addition, the 150% increase in the annihilation characteristic must also be due to these three ordinary characteristics, after being swallowed and fused.

Qingyang's eyes flashed with light, and he immediately raised his palm.

In an instant, a rich dark silver light emerged, and a terrifying pressure suddenly descended!

The extremely pure power of annihilation!

Even if he has not completely reached the level of high-dimensional life, and only his will belongs to high-dimensional life, Qingyang can easily suppress some low-star high-dimensional life at this moment!

After all, the power of annihilation is not a power that ordinary high-dimensional beings can possess!

After experimenting with the power obtained several times, Qingyang left the Xingmi space and came to the control room.

As soon as Qingyang appeared, he saw in the three-dimensional star map covering a hundred meters, countless tiny but real warship shadows were fighting together, and there were shattered wreckage and particle clusters everywhere.

The fierce light spear flashes and is displayed on the star map in real time!

Everything happening within the surrounding hundreds of thousands of light years is being displayed on the star map in real time, and even the movement of mechanical bodies several meters high can be clearly seen.

After the blessing of the source data integration module, the original equipment of major star battleships such as star maps have also been enhanced.

Looking at the tragic battlefield in the star map, Qingyang's expression remained unchanged: "How is it?"

"The intruders are the legions of two advanced civilizations, the Sestan Federation and the Kokoporo Dynasty, with a total of 84.68 million main battleships and tens of thousands of fortresses and battle star units.

There are more than 30,000 high-dimensional special warships and 1,300 related special large-scale units. "Lilith said quickly.

Qingyang nodded slightly: "How is the situation?"

"It has been intercepted 350,000 light years away. Currently, 200 million mechanical battleships, 30,000 battle star fortress units, another 5,000 dreadnoughts and 2,000 star destroyers have been dispatched to fight.

The current battle situation is good and victory is expected in three days. "

Lily said with confidence without any hesitation.

"No, one day is enough." Qingyang smiled.

"The Eternal Fleet has been strengthened a lot, Guxue!"

Upon hearing Qingyang's call, Gu Xue immediately activated the Law of the Universe.

The energy circuits on the surface of the thousands of star warships that were raging on the front line were getting brighter and brighter.

The terrifying light spears are becoming more and more terrifying. Each of the dense light spears can defeat large battleships and even fortress battle stars!

The entire battlefield is filled with the remains and ruins of enemy troops, and hundreds of billions of biological corpses can even be seen.

Wang Sen and Zhao Zunhai were still a little shocked at this moment.

Not to mention the starry sky battleships that far exceed the strength of most Tianjiao T5 fleets, what is going on with this mechanical army that is exaggerated into a system and is comparable to the Alliance Army's standard army? ?

Normally, doesn’t it take longer for conventional machinery to adapt to a different universe?

With the scale in front of me, I don’t know if I would have thought that the Eternal Fleet has been in this universe for decades.

Chang Xi suddenly came up and said, "Commander, three things.

Alliance Logistics left, taking away the Suoyang embryos, leaving behind a large amount of finished materials called Immortal Alloy.

The Black Dragon Empire followed closely behind the Blount Group and sent a communication request.

Zhou Jin's will connected to the macroscopic realm and discovered the location of the realm of stars. "

Upon hearing this, Qingyang turned to look at Chang Xi.

"Did Zhou Jin sense the macroscopic realm? Is the realm of stars also locked?"

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