Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 205 Black Dragon Emperor

There really is a hegemonic civilization.

To be honest, Qingyang has no impression of the strength of the tenth-level civilization, let alone the overlord-level civilization.

But judging from the combat power of the pseudo-eighth-level civilization with the God's Attendant Fleet, fighting the Eternal Fleet should be no different than crushing an ant to death.

This information is immediately stored in the memory block and the local star network database.

Qingyang touched his chin: "Eternal Empire."

I feel like I am a fleet of the Eternal Empire, and I feel a little unhappy.

The Seven Heroes Star Cluster, the melee area, and the area occupied by the Black Dragon Empire.

Even if it has been suppressed and retreated steadily, the Black Dragon Empire's occupied area in the central star field is dozens of times larger than other seventh-level intermediate civilizations!

When it comes to its own combat effectiveness, the Black Dragon Empire is actually stronger than the other two civilizations.

It's a pity that as the war begins, the backers of the two civilizations are gradually revealed.

There is even a seventh-level intermediate civilization that has been merged under the banner.

The other three seventh-level intermediate civilizations also receive more or less assistance from other civilizations, and they also form alliances.

In terms of situation, it can also barely compete with the three advanced civilizations of Sestan Federation, Mir's Ark, and Black Dragon Empire.

Even the reinforcements from one of the seven-level medium civilizations are as strong as the special fleet reinforcements from Sestan and Mir's Ark!

Because the Black Dragon Empire was unwilling to bow its head and compromise, it did not have any external reinforcements and could only rely on its own national strength to fight.

The result now is chaos.

Facing the enemy's reinforcement fleets with a high proportion of high-dimensional damage, the Black Dragon Empire has no way to compete except for rare cutting-edge weapons and the Black Dragon Emperor himself.

There are even some hostile fleets, and even the Black Dragon Emperor himself cannot compete with them. If they are not careful, they will be surrounded and killed.

The central theater of the empire, the imperial command fortress.

A huge palace-shaped fortress with magnificent retro decoration and a central command area.

There was a middle-aged man about two meters tall who was taking off his special armor, with a touch of fatigue on his handsome face.

The long black hair moved automatically without wind, and thoughts emerged from the majestic eyes.

The sophisticated battle armor quickly turned into particles and dissipated, and then another group of particles surged in to form a dark gold dress.

Covering the whole body of the handsome man.

"Your Majesty, do you really want to go there in person? Wouldn't it be too casual?"

The minister next to him was still a little worried.

Yes, this man is the emperor of the Black Dragon Empire, win!

Ying Sheng said calmly: "I have made up my mind, and besides, this is the guidance given to me by the will of civilization, I have to go!

Now because of this mysterious force, both the Sestan Federation and Mir's Ark have reduced their defense lines. This is my chance to escape temporarily. "

Unlike the Alliance, the will of other civilizations is the same as the will of the universe. It only has an operating mode similar to a mechanical program and has no subjective consciousness.

In addition to being able to passively defend against some special-level threats after birth, it rarely delivers messages to the real level, even if it is just a vague guidance.

You must know that most civilizations will not feel the guidance of the will of civilization from birth to death.

So after hearing the words of victory, the minister fell into silence, not knowing what to say.

Even the number of times when the guidance of civilized will appears in the Black Dragon Empire can be counted on one's fingers. The last time it appeared was when Ying Sheng ascended the throne, which confirmed Ying Sheng's absolute recognition and prestige.

Until now, winning has proven the correctness of civilization's will choices countless times.

But facing the current situation, the minister is still full of worries.

At least half of the current war situation in the Black Dragon Empire is supported by victory.

After all, facing those mysterious fleets with high-dimensional characteristic coverage rates reaching 60% or even 100%, the Black Dragon Empire has very few means of resistance.

In the end, the minister did not continue to persuade.

The victory is confirmed, so there is no need to stay any longer, just teleport away through the macroscopic world!

The Black Dragon Emperor, with such a strong talent, is naturally the chosen one in the macroscopic realm. Otherwise, he would not be able to lead the empire from the seventh-level medium civilization to the high level quickly.

And they are all powerful among the seventh-level advanced ones.

The Black Dragon Emperor who was teleporting sighed. In the struggle for hegemony, owning an entire star cluster as a resource is the desire of every seventh-level civilization.

The Black Dragon Empire was no exception, but the war for hegemony came too quickly.

According to the Black Dragon Empire's thinking, the time when this sudden hegemonic war broke out would have to be delayed by at least a hundred thousand years.

After all, the moment the war broke out, the Black Dragon Emperor could clearly feel that the other two civilizations were not fully prepared, and all aspects of their arrangements were uncoordinated.

The Black Dragon Empire speculated that they were the forces behind these civilizations, forcibly adding fuel to the flames and breaking out the war in advance.

The question is what would attract the attention of those civilizations?

The pseudo-eighth level basically only needs a few key technologies to reach the eighth level. The actual combat effectiveness is no worse than many eight-level elementary civilizations.

What kind of treasure can be found in a mere star cluster?

Winning becomes more and more helpless. As the Chosen One of the Macroscopic Realm, even when he goes to the land of stars, he is a guest of all major advanced civilizations.

It's just that as a king and the pride of the human race, he will never allow the Black Dragon Empire to dissipate, not even to be enslaved by other ethnic groups!

Black dragon humans must always maintain their pride as humans!

Thinking of this, his eyes became more determined to win.

Eternal Fleet.

In the base area that is being rapidly expanded, more defense, observation, interference, logistics and other huge structures are constantly coming from the star ring channel.

Countless mechanical battleships, giant mechanical battleships and even battle stars gush out from another star ring like water.

At present, these mechanical warships are all warships that have been updated by some scientific research institutions on the cosmic spiritual energy of the stars and combined with some Soyang technology!

The most basic high-dimensional characteristic blessing of mechanical warships is basically around 30%. Enhanced warships and large warships have a blessing intensity of 40% or even 50%.

Such as battle stars, fortresses, elite mechanical ships, and even high-dimensional attack coverage rates of 60% to 80%.

There are also a group of defense and guard warships taken away from the Suoyang ruins and transformed into mechanical warships!

It has powerful 100% high-dimensional blessings, and even relatively powerful high-dimensional characteristics, and is matched with the equipment and machinery of the ninth-level civilization.

The strength is stronger than the original God's Fleet, and is almost as strong as the elite battleships of the eighth-level medium civilization!

Although there are only about 20,000 ships, the suppressive power is comparable to a senior T5 fleet that just meets the standard.

In short, without relying on the Eternal Fleet, Lilith can contend with and suppress the Sestan Federation or Myr's Ark on her own.

"Currently, the base has expanded to a radius of five hundred light years, and the layout of defense structures, warning equipment, and interference structures has been completed.

All planets and starry sky continents within the range were also decomposed and absorbed, leaving only more than 6,000 stars, which were used as lighting for large-scale war preparation star ports and daily energy sources.

The ultimate goal is to expand the base area to a radius of fifteen hundred light years. "Chang Xi learned a secretary's outfit from somewhere and followed Qingyang with a smile and reported.

Qingyang looked at Lilith dressed as Lolita and asked: "How is the fighting situation nearby?"

"The invading legion has been defeated, and about 14% of the remaining enemy troops have withdrawn and did not pursue pursuit.

Counting the newly transferred fleets, there are a total of 300 million mechanical warships and various war star fortresses, currently divided into 500 main fleets and more than 50,000 patrol fleets.

The mechanical battle star formation and the fortress formation have also been dispersed to ensure that no organized hostile forces will appear within two million light years around the base. "

Lilith said competently, while looking at Chang Xi curiously.

Why does Commander Qingyang look at Sister Chang Xi 5% more often than usual after changing into this outfit?

Qingyang didn't notice Lilith's curious eyes and quickly browsed the data records.

At the same time, he warned: "Don't take the initiative to attack in the short term. The situation in the Seven Heroes Star Cluster is a bit complicated. Just develop it with all your strength.

In addition, the scientific research giant is allowed to quickly integrate the technology of Suoyang Ruins, and some of the eighth-level technologies provided by the Guiyi Legion are also applied as soon as possible. The mechanical legion's combat power is gradually insufficient. "


Lilith and Chang Xi responded softly at the same time.

[Please note that fluctuations in macroscopic heaven delivery have been detected]

Qingyang was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

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