Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 206 The Emperor marveled at the alliance’s tyranny

[Please note that fluctuations in high-dimensional life forms have been detected]

[One light year away from the base area]

【Receive application information】

Qingyang and others did not hesitate and immediately teleported to an extremely exquisite space palace.

This is a conversation place specially created to receive this great emperor who has maintained a seven-level human civilization for tens of thousands of years.

Using level eight civilian technology materials and equipment, the level of luxury should be quite similar, and the strength and technical intensity displayed are definitely far superior to the palace of the Black Dragon Empire.

It is a direct statement to the Black Dragon Emperor that we have the qualifications and strength to help the Black Dragon Empire become the hegemonic civilization of the Seven Stars!

It can completely save a lot of communication time and processes!

Of course, the most important thing is the identity of an Alliance human. The natural affinity power it brings to a high-dimensional metahuman is more attractive to a high-dimensional metahuman than an ordinary human being!

Because metahumans who have reached high-dimensional levels know very well what this means.

"Send the Formation Breaker to greet him." Qingyang said, and at the same time, the light battle clothes on his body quickly changed into regular clothes.

Behind Qingyang, the core crew members such as Chang Xi, Gu Xing, Gu Xue, and Zhao Zunhai also switched their clothes to regular clothes.

The alliance's regular clothing is both a dress and other than some specific clothing and customized clothing, the alliance does not have a classification of banquet-specific clothing.

After all, no matter what the banquet is in the alliance environment, it is actually a normal dinner and meeting friends, and there is no such thing as class.

In addition to food containing psychic and special powers, whether they are high-ranking officials of powerful countries or citizens of large countries in the Alliance, their food and use are similar.

Therefore, there is no complicated banquet culture and wine table culture.

Time passed slowly, and everyone waited for about five minutes. The gorgeous ink-colored hull of the Formation Breaker appeared with a wave of fluctuations.

Then a heroic man exuding the aura of a high-dimensional life, gradually turned from virtual to real, and appeared in front of everyone.

On the surface of the black-gold battle robe, the scale-like armor was filled with mysterious light gold lines, and the powerful natural pressure made everyone marvel in their hearts.

Almost substantial domineering and evil spirit!

You must know that this is just a natural breath, not intentionally released by the person in front of you.

The black hair floated slightly, and the black-gold pupils also looked at Qingyang and others.

The person coming is none other than the Black Dragon Emperor, win!

Not only Qingyang and others were amazed by Yingsheng's momentum and strength, but Qingyang and others were also shocked by Yingsheng!

Along the way, Yingsheng felt at least dozens of sources of huge threats to him. In two of them, Yingsheng could clearly feel the breath of death!

One of them comes from the battleship above the hall at the moment, and the other comes from a star in the distance!

In addition, as a high-dimensional life, Yingsheng can also clearly see the will time of Qingyang and others.

Extremely young!

Except for Lilith and Chang Xi, who are digital beings, the others are not in the standard youth state of the Black Dragon Empire.

This is outrageous. These 'young people' in front of them are definitely among the top group in the Black Dragon Empire, including the young man at the forefront and the long-haired young man.

He could even feel a hint of threat to himself. It was obvious that he had already half-stepped into the same divine realm as him, and had the power to severely damage the ordinary divine realm!

Incredible, except that the Black Dragon Emperor has no other thoughts at this moment.

"It is a great honor to meet the emperor of the Black Dragon Empire. I am the commander of the Eternal Fleet, Qingyang. These are my friends and crew members."

Qingyang introduced in a very standardized way, while showing a smile.

It has to be said that the aura image of the Black Dragon Emperor is very consistent with some of his impressions.

Of course, it's just his momentum and image. After all, he is the emperor of an advanced interstellar civilization. His personality and behavior are definitely different from the impression in his memory.

Ying Sheng immediately smiled slightly: "As a young genius from a high-ranking civilization of the same ethnic group, Commander Qingyang is too polite. I am the current leader of the Black Dragon Empire, Ying Sheng."

The Black Dragon Emperor discovered the concept of human beings in Qingyang and others as early as the first time, which was derived from the meaning of kinship at this level of narrative.

Only those who have the same essence in terms of will and spirit, and whose own strength reaches an incredible level can possess it.

Similar to the distinction between superior and inferior divinities, the divinity at the top of a certain rule order must have unparalleled influence and interference on other divinities with the same rules.

I don’t know how strong the civilization that represents the concept of human beings must be, at least far beyond the Black Dragon Empire!

In addition, as a civilization responsible for the concept of ethnic group, the will and spirit are absolutely noble, at least for the same race.

Therefore, the Black Dragon Emperor has completely let down his guard at this moment.

When Qingyang saw this, he understood in his heart, so he simply waved his hand and displayed many huge chairs and round tables, and everyone took their seats one after another.

"Mr. Yingsheng, I probably already know the purpose and thoughts of your visit this time, and I already have a general understanding of the situation of the Black Dragon Empire in this star cluster.

I have also investigated other level seven civilizations, so please don’t worry.

It is the obligation of the Star Sea Human Alliance to help fellow pan-human civilizations become stronger and defeat their enemies. "

As he spoke, Qingyang gently drew a panel.

The content is detailed benefits, conditions and details of joining the alliance.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to join, just put your name on it.

The Eternal Fleet will still help the Black Dragon Empire gain hegemony and destroy other seventh-level civilizations. "

Qingyang smiled, his calm tone full of indifference, but it made Ying Sheng slightly stunned.

The basic framework of the constellation universe is alliance, competition, strategy, development and war competition, and it should be cleared through several agreements as much as possible.

Obtain knowledge and gifts from powerful civilizations in various heavenly realms.

Starting from the basic six-level civilization, even if there is a generational hostility, there will rarely be a war of annihilation, because this is an act that is not approved by the basic framework of the universe.

Coupled with the environmental impact of countless years, the civilization of the Xingqun Universe pays attention to the 'public morality' of the universe and the bottom line that the ethnic group cannot be completely wiped out.

Even if I win, I think so subconsciously.

Completely different from the chaotic but resource-rich universe.

Before the birth of the Alliance, the Empire of Time never did anything, and countless powerful civilizations fought and grew on the basis of unlimited resources.

Until countless super star clusters, nebulae, large nebulae and even nebula clusters gave birth to overlords, and a dominating empire of time was born in the star sea area.

Only then will the situation in the universe be basically stable, but only the upper levels will be stable, and fighting will continue under the eighth-level civilization.

Hundreds of civilizations were completely destroyed at every turn.

According to the birth of an empire of time in about five eras, the empire of time existed for about two or three eras and then fell into a deep sleep in the long river of time.

During this period, one can imagine the level of fighting and chaos in the universe.

Until the Star Sea Human Alliance was born, a civilization that was completely beyond the operation of the macrocosmic program, but was included in the scope of the will of the macrocosm.

Only in the Xinghai area can order be truly born.

In the end, the will of the universe judged that the existence of the alliance would make the birth of civilizations in the Star Sea region of higher quality, and that it could fully serve as a good parent for everyone, which fully recognized that the alliance has always existed in reality.

Other previous empires of time occupied most of the star sea area, which prevented the birth of new empires of time, which affected the average quality of civilization for a long time and was moved into the long river of time.

After all, this was not a loss to the Empire of Time, so no Empire of Time expressed dissatisfaction.

In other words, after reaching the level of the Empire of Time, the higher-ups of civilization and even the entire population have absolutely rational thinking, and will not do any inexplicable things as long as they are sure to be beneficial.

This resulted in the fighting always being extremely fierce, whether before or after the birth of the Empire of Time.

Although they wouldn't kill them on sight, it would still be a proper cosmic melee.

The alliance grew up in this environment in its early days and fought its way to the strongest position.

The number of civilizations buried with one's own hands, to put it bluntly, would not necessarily be enough even if all the civilizations in the center of the entire galaxy and universe were tied together.

Just the names of the civilizations that were destroyed when the Star Sea region was purged in the Third Era would cost tens of thousands of pages to print.

When Qingyang looked at it, he thought he was reporting the name of the dish.

Even though the alliance is now much calmer, the evil spirit is still hidden in the bones from generation to generation.

Qingyang noticed Ying Sheng's expression and said directly: "The other seven seventh-level civilizations have more or less killed the citizens of the Black Dragon Empire, and have even done some technological experiments on the citizens, right?"

Yingsheng nodded in confirmation.

"That's enough. According to the alliance's procedures, none of these civilizations, including that group, with a positive relationship can escape.

Moreover, if they remain, they will interfere with human hegemony in this star cluster. "

The Black Dragon Emperor looked at Qingyang, whose expression was full of 'all must die', and the Eternal crew members who were accustomed to it, and felt a little curious.

How overbearing is the working environment of the Star Sea Human Alliance?

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