Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 208 Terrorist Attack (Interstellar Version)

Goo Federation, Barforth Council.

The two mediocre seventh-level intermediate civilizations in the Seven Heroes Star Cluster originally had an advantage in this war that was not even as good as the newly promoted seventh-level civilization Blount Group.

However, relying on a small amount of support from the pseudo-eighth-level civilization behind them and forming a strategic alliance - the Goba Alliance, it has become a force second only to the three major seven-level advanced civilizations.

Even to a certain extent, the advantage of the Goba Alliance is greater than that of the Black Dragon Empire without strong support!

He has been at war with two other seventh-level medium civilizations that are fighting each other all year round. He plans to integrate the resources of the four seventh-level middle civilizations to prove his potential and apply for more powerful fleets from his backers.

And then gain hegemony!

However, it is obvious that the other two level seven intermediate civilizations are civilizations dominated by psychic technology, and although the various supports they receive are not as good as those of the Goba Alliance.

But it is much stronger than the support received by the Goo Federation or the Bafus Council alone.

In addition, although the two civilizations are not in alliance, they both intentionally or unintentionally target the Gobah Alliance, resulting in the Gobah Federation having little effect in the past ten thousand years.

It just occupies a little extra territory.

Goba Alliance·Central Protocol Star.

The latest session of the Supreme Council was held, and representatives of both parties and the high-level delegation were in mood swings but somewhat sad.

Whether it is the Goou tribe that looks like an octopus or the gelatinous ball-shaped Bafos tribe, one can clearly feel the helplessness.

“The frequency of assassinations and small-scale terrorist attacks has been too high recently, and assassinations are always carried out by those with the highest citizen influence.

What was destroyed were all the major surface and historical creations, and what was left behind were traces of the methods of both of us. It was obvious that someone wanted to frame us. Representative Goou sighed.

Representative Bafus' body flashed slightly: "I know it, but our citizens don't know it. If there is large-scale dissatisfaction, the turmoil caused will be very serious!"

Advanced civilization, even if it has a social system, will not be the same model as surface civilization.

The number of lives in a normal seventh-level civilization is not even as much as that of a sixth-level civilization, but the quality is a hundred times more terrifying.

Basically every individual is an excellent scientist or artist, but their talents may have different emphasis.

But even if it is weak, it still has to crush the art masters or great scientists of the same direction in lower civilizations.

I can’t say how strong it is, but at least a level 7 civilization citizen can memorize a complete set of level 6 civilization technology trees without any problem.

Advanced civilizations have more or less thinking cluster modes. In normal states, they are independent individuals. When major events occur, they will connect to mental cluster thinking.

Therefore, advanced civilizations do not have many complex hierarchies.

In total, there are three levels: those in power, elites, and citizens. There is basically no gap in the resources enjoyed between the levels, but the power and responsibility for mobilizing social resources are different.

There are still uprisings and rebellions in civilizations below level six, and it is basically impossible for advanced civilizations to exist.

If the person in power is a waste, it only takes one mental cluster thought vote to veto the person in power. Of course, the probability of a waste in an advanced civilization is lower than that of a genius.

Although there is cluster thinking, the top leaders of the two civilizations cannot tell the citizens the whole story at will.

After all, they are essentially lives of independent individuals with free will. They are not without seven emotions and six desires, and there is also no shortage of various personalities.

It is extremely difficult to determine whether there are really no traitors or traitors.

"All the elites who were assassinated possess confidential information, including several military commanders. If it spreads, morale and trust in the military will definitely drop.

Now we can only declare to the outside world that he died with honor. "The Go-O Federation representative said worriedly.

Bafus' tone was equally helpless: "A large number of rumors suddenly appeared in the virtual network, spreading that we had a conspiracy to assassinate each other.

And analysis and data reasoning, if I didn't know the inside story, I might even be suspicious. "

"Today is a comprehensive meeting that takes place every ten years. More than half of the senior leaders from both sides gather together, and a large number of powerful elites gather together. There will be no surprises, right?"

Suddenly there was a slightly uneasy voice.

The whole scene was silent for a moment, and then Representative Goou shook his head and smiled.

"No need to worry, there is only this one planet within a hundred light-years, and it is blocked by more than 200 star-circling defense platforms, and more than 200 fleets and 20 million main battleships are deployed.

In addition, there are dozens of cutting-edge security structures and multi-functional structures, and two special fleets have also been mobilized, totaling more than 6,000 ships.

Foolproof! "

Hearing such a confident tone, hundreds of elites from both races around him felt relieved.

With such a defense, even if Sestan and Mir wanted to invade, it would take a long time.

There's no way it could be broken into!

"Let's put aside the assassinations and rumors for a moment and discuss the war situation. The situation has become increasingly intense recently.

The Black Dragon Empire feels like it won't last long, but Sestan and Mir must not dare to make a killing move, and the unscrupulous eighth-level civilization of the divine realm doesn't want to provoke them. "

"Indeed, we can plot the central star territory of the Black Dragon Empire."

The huge internal area of ​​the Agreement Star.

There was originally a huge alloy sculpture, but suddenly there was a wave, and then a human-shaped alloy fluid melted out of the sculpture.

The image is clear, and Tian Ling's exquisite and pretty face is revealed.

The alliance terminal on the wrist makes thousands of various warning nets on the agreement star invisible, and can even release an interference wave.

Without the will of the twelve levels, facing the interference wave, Tian Ling will be regarded as other species.

For example, the Gou tribe!

In addition to the hundreds of high-level people in the two groups in the conference hall of the central tower, hundreds of thousands of elites were communicating and discussing in other places.

You can also see floating Gools and Bafoss on the floating streets of Noda.

Through the interference and data modification of the terminal bracelet, the elites of the two races did not feel anything strange about Tian Ling.

Tian Ling looked around and casually integrated a neutron collapse bomb the size of a fingernail into a sculpture nearby.

Suddenly, I noticed that the central tower had its own powerful shield and seemed to be a large spaceship.

Tian Ling couldn't help but frown.

If this tower-shaped spacecraft is maneuverable enough, the neutron collapse bomb cannot guarantee to kill the target.

Thinking of this, Tian Ling approached the tower slowly and at the same time, the concealment and interference module of the Wanhua mecha was activated.

With the support of the Broken Divine Machine, various shields and interceptions along the way did not cause any obstruction to Tian Ling.

The surrounding Goou and Bafos tribes were slightly surprised.

The authority is so high?

Why didn't you go in on time for the meeting and why did you come now?

Could it be that there is an emergency?

Because the meeting lasted for two weeks, this kind of situation basically happened every session, and the elites of the two races didn't pay much attention to it.

After the doubts have passed, continue your work.

Tian Ling floated in the air and entered the tower's shield defense area.

"Psychic coding!"

Goou and the Bafus mecha team who were suddenly on duty blocked the way.

Hearing this, Tian Ling's eyes flashed with dark green light, and dozens of bronze chains poured out from arrays that appeared simultaneously.

In the blink of an eye, the mecha team was pierced through the corrosion, and finally turned into a pile of bronze residue.

【alarm! alarm! Invasion.]

Tian Ling no longer held back, the illusory and cool mecha appeared out of thin air, and then an even more ancient aura descended.

The original tens of meters of mecha quickly surged to a hundred meters, and transformed from the original humanoid machine into a twelve-winged retro spiral body.

The exquisite bronze light surges, the exquisite bronze gears and the antique-like modules keep running.

Awakening Mode·Broken God Machine!

As the mysterious and complex lines spread, hundreds of rays condensed by the breaking power shot through the giant tower in an instant, turning it into a hornet's nest!

The Shattered God Machine rushed forward until the last layer of energy alloy, which was comparable to a 50,000-index high-maintenance shield, was revealed, revealing the stunned top brass of the two clans.

Then, under the astonished gazes of hundreds of senior officials from both clans, a dark green blade of light appeared out of thin air and swept across, completely clearing out all the senior officials.

Suddenly, Lilith's voice echoed in the Broken God Machine, an independent space control area.

"Tian Ling, I have turned off all the cameras and recording equipment in this tower, just leave!"

Dark cyan light flickered in Tian Ling's pupils, and the 100-meter broken divine machine quickly disappeared and flew straight into the sky.

Finally, when she approached the planet's shield, Tian Ling canceled the Wanhua Mecha mode, and her entire body turned into a ball of data and disappeared.

In a space mezzanine close to the planet's shield, the Starkiller Star Destroyer, which had always been hidden, quickly left.

The next moment, the dark blue force field spread out.

The entire agreement planet collapsed rapidly, and was then torn apart by a neutron force field with a diameter of less than one kilometer.

The surrounding defense platforms and garrisoned warships were also torn to pieces.

After a few minutes, the neutron force field slowly dissipated, leaving behind an empty starry sky and universe.

There are no traces.

On the other side, Goba's home planet, the ancient star that had just arrived, also succeeded.

Because the planet does not have a strong internal shield, the ancient star dropped the neutron collapse bomb.

He just specifically assassinated a dozen high-level officials who would leave before the bomb took effect, and left in a daze.

Meanwhile, the Council of Bavos governs the Star.

A small cardinal suddenly appeared outside the planet's shield, looking at the planet with a diameter of more than 40,000 kilometers in front of him and the shield with an index of 500,000.

The red light flashed in his eyes, and then the bird straightened its feathers, fluttered its wings and left.

After a while, the ruling star of Bafus slowly turned into particles and dissipated.

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