Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 209 The mountain and sea war stars dispatched·Five Elements Cycle Template!

If the original Goou Federation home star and the Goba Agreement star were destroyed, all major civilizations would immediately be shocked and concerned.

So at the moment when the ruling star of Bavos perished, many high-level civilization officials fell into a state of sluggishness, and then panicked inside.

Even the Sestan Federation and Mir's Ark, who were originally entangled in the central star field, could not help but stop large-scale military operations and hold urgent discussions.

The breath of the divine realm!

And it is still an extremely powerful divine realm, with an aura that is no weaker than that of the Black Dragon Emperor, the first of the Seven Heroes!

Immediately, the inquiry from the Black Dragon Empire reached Qingyang.

When they met at the time, Concubine Xiang was not at the base, but was playing outside, so Yingsheng was not aware of Concubine Xiang's existence.

After confirming that this god of unknown origin was a member of the Eternal Fleet, Ying Sheng let go of his solemn mood and became more cheerful.

The destruction of the mother stars of the two civilizations was quickly packaged as a sneak attack and revenge by Lilith and Chang Xi, and spread throughout the data networks of the two civilizations.

Even various documents from the military and special departments were forged by the two women. Even the military of their own tribe could not tell the authenticity for a while.

Coupled with various intricate conspiracy theories and evidence of benefits obtained through theories, the two civilizations quickly fell into turmoil.

Although there are many high-level people in level-7 civilizations, less than one percent of the elites and high-level people have been assassinated so far. The demise of the mother star and the agreement star still makes the civilian and military grassroots angry.

They all called for the suspension of the alliance!

Even if you don't fight for hegemony, you can't ally with the traitors. Anyway, if you fail in the fight for hegemony, you won't perish. At worst, you will slowly seek opportunities to overtake.

Taking this opportunity, Gu Xing, Tian Ling and a group of extraordinary people assassinated and framed the case more quickly.

There is even a phenomenon of silencing citizens.

Anti-alliance citizens who participated in local mental cluster discussions gradually began to die in droves.

In less than a month, the Bago Alliance was already shaky. It even disbanded due to opposition from the top leaders, and the credibility of the top leaders of the two communities also began to decline.

If the actual murderer could be caught, even if there was only one, with the thinking ability of a seventh-level civilized citizen, he would be able to quickly figure out what was going on.

However, there is such a large-scale assassination and silencing, and there is not even a video of the two seventh-level civilizations? !

Citizens of the two races who have never seen a higher-level civilization naturally don't believe it. A seventh-level civilization that can play with space at will doesn't even have a clue?

You must know that these are not just two assassinations, but tens of thousands of assassinations, and even involve dozens of terrorist incidents of annihilation and destruction of the home planet!

Not even a single clue or trace.

Even seventh-level civilized beings with developed thinking abilities don’t believe it.

Seeing that the plan was going smoothly, Qingyang showed a smile: "Concubine Xiang, disguised as a passing high-dimensional life, disappeared through the sky at the edge of the Seven Heroes Star Cluster, and then returned to the base in disguise.

Otherwise, other seventh-level civilizations would not dare to take action. "

Concubine Xiang, who was playing on a primitive ecological planet, immediately said: "I understand, brother Qingyang."

Then in an instant, it transformed into the original body of the god Sekirei-kun hundreds of kilometers in size. The terrifying characteristics of 'fire' spread, and the characteristics of destruction, purification and light side contained in it oscillated.

With dozens of innate characteristics added to her, even with only one high-dimensional star, Xiang Fei's strength is still no weaker than that of Ying Sheng.

Containing a hint of divine will, it even further caused the roar of the star cluster heaven.

Concubine Xiang swaggered away from the planet and moved away from the area in a few flashes. On the way, she also devoured several stars that were orbiting inanimate planets.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of all sixth- and seventh-level civilizations, and various detection devices closely followed Xiang Fei's every move.

It took dozens of seconds for many civilizations to discover that Xiang Fei was flying in a straight line, and any high-energy objects blocking its progress along the way would be destroyed by it.

In just a minute or so, this god-level creature had teleported through the sky several times and approached the edge of the Seven Heroes Star Cluster.

Many civilizations feel relieved. Looking at the ruling star of Bafus in this way, it is obviously just an obstacle in the way of this god-level creature.

Because the planet's shield energy level was too high, it was judged to be a threat and destroyed.

Even though it was generally clear, many civilizations were not completely relieved until they were sure that Xiang Fei had truly 'disappeared' at the border of the Seven Heroes Star Cluster, leaving behind a few observation equipments to continue doing their own thing.

In the Star Cluster Universe, various natural disasters are not uncommon.

There are also powerful single biological disasters.

There are even occasional rumors of beings descending from heaven and carrying out psychic strikes on the area without subjective consciousness.

In the end, several seventh-level civilizations calculated that the probability of their opponents having new divine support was zero, and they completely put down their guard against Xiang Fei.

As long as it's not the opponent's support.

As for the Eternal Fleet Base, the two seventh-level civilizations considered it to be the escape route left by the Black Dragon Empire to ensure that there would still be enough territory after defeat.

The Black Dragon Empire also acquiesced to this statement, which meant that the two civilizations no longer paid too much attention to the base.

Because there are various giant structures hiding mechanical warships, other civilizations only know that there are many warships in the base, but they are not sure how many there are.

This just happens to explain why the small-scale legion sent by the family was quickly wiped out.

The Black Dragon Empire obviously placed all its military reserves here.

If Qingyang knew the thoughts of the two civilizations, he would probably have to lament that coincidences are everywhere.

Over the next month, the intensity of the battlefield in the Central Star Territory dropped significantly.

The Goba Alliance fell into violent turmoil, and at the same time, its military investment in the other two civilizations gradually weakened.

Two seventh-level advanced civilizations were attacked by their home planets. The main fleet was unable to intercept the mysterious enemy and had to withdraw part of the special fleet.

Return to look for these sneak attackers who are suspected of being 'special battleships' from other level seven civilizations.

The Black Dragon Empire did not take the opportunity to counterattack. Instead, it retreated on a large scale and gave up 60% of the occupied area of ​​the central star field. It no longer took the initiative except for defense.

As if they were about to give up, they couldn't help but be overjoyed to see these two seventh-level advanced civilizations.

Teams were sent to the door one after another with gifts, and in front of the victory, they swore to heaven how great the benefits and post-war treatment would be if they joined.

All they need is some help from the Black Dragon Empire, or not being hostile to them for hundreds of thousands of years after the war, etc.

Winning this simply meant that the empire still needed to discuss it, and sent away the two groups' missions.

The Seven Heroes Star Cluster, which had been engaged in a hegemonic war for tens of thousands of years, unexpectedly fell into silence, although the Blount Group, which had made a lot of money from the war, was a little disappointed.

But he didn't dare to do anything.

In addition to the short-term respite of the Black Dragon Empire, the Eternal Base also ushered in great changes.

The Qingxue industrial giant cluster has been expanding in scale, and the crazy violence that lasted for a month shows the current strength of the base.

Just in terms of quantity, it is no worse than the seventh-level advanced civilization, close to one billion.

There are seemingly many stars scattered throughout the base that has expanded to five thousand light years, but in fact, five thousand light years can easily be completely hidden.

However, in order to confuse the opponent, there are always more than 100 million warships forming thousands of fleets, patrolling hundreds of thousands of light-years around.

And hung up the temporary logo of the Black Dragon Empire.

Finally, a powerful template called the ‘Five Elements Cycle’ appears.

[High-dimensional template: Five Elements Cycle (Special)]

[Template type: Group growth type (applied to the fleet at all times)]

[Basic state: The fleet size is based on the T5 basic size, every +50% of the number of battleships (standard quality), all attributes +5%]

[Five Elements Return to Origin (Passive): Shield recovery efficiency, hull recovery efficiency, crew life recovery efficiency, weapon buffer efficiency, star weapon buffer efficiency +50%]

[Five-pointed Spirit Yun (Passive): Descendants of crew members born within the fleet have a combined probability of birthing rare talents (adjutants, extraordinarys, commanders) +1%]

[Note: This template is derived from self-narration and does not consume any power of the Star Network when running (including increasing the probability of rare talents)]

[Current fleet comprehensive bonus: 915%]

From this abnormal template, Qingyang discovered something in common with a powerful star weapon or template.

That is, they are all growth-prone, and the longer they develop, the more terrifying the effects will be.

The strength of the top commanders in the alliance in Qingyang's perception could not help but rise to a higher level.

“Commander, the Goba Alliance has just been announced to have broken down, and many high-level leaders of the two civilizations have been dismissed by cluster thinking.

The star battleships that were stalling for time have all returned, and now Sestan, Mir and the other two seventh-level civilizations are gathering their troops.

Preparing to annex most of the territory of the Goba Alliance, the Central Star Territory Goba Alliance theater has been carved up. "

Chang Xi's voice was as gentle as ever, reporting the situation.

Qingyang closed the book in his hand and smiled.

"it's time."

In the center of the base, a small bubble suddenly appeared among the stars with a diameter of tens of millions of kilometers, and then a bright star with a diameter of 20,000 kilometers gradually appeared.

The soft and bright light converged, and the bright stars slowly faded in a burst of ripples.

eventually disappears.

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