Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 228 Space-time star core space-time high-dimensional template? !

Chapter 228 Space-time star core·Space-time high-dimensional template? !

The mysterious thing in this twisted and polluted realm is like a lighthouse in the dark night, the moment when the space-time storm that is enough to imprison many high-dimensional lives dissipates.

Hundreds of extremely terrifying Qi machines spread out.

Several of them are not even weaker than the vast cosmic monster formed from the Starry Sky Continent!

There is no doubt that those are the super units and even individual strongmen of the major pseudo-gods in the Solulan Dynasty. They are obviously unable to avoid the attacks of the mysterious gods.

Facing the mysterious object, Qingyang took the initiative to approach Qingyang without any joy. He noticed that countless distorted illusory lights and shadows were covering him.

The Eternal immediately used the starry sky to escape from here, but the distorted and disturbed dimensional barriers and sky barriers around it became obstacles at this moment.

The Eternal, which could enter the starry space instantly, has seen a significant drop in entry efficiency, and several twisted and disordered wills have incidentally locked the Eternal.

The template reading is only about halfway through.

Qingyang's thoughts moved.

All the naval guns in the Xingmi space were converted into charged guns, and then began to charge their respective shields!


The moment Qing Yang gave the order, he saw the surrounding space particles and matter suddenly twisting into whirlpools.

Dense pale tentacles emerged from the vortex, surrounding the area where the Eternal was located through planet fragments and the bodies of countless polluters.

[Alert: The space is being decomposed, please leave quickly]


There was obviously more than one Twister that attacked immediately. While the pale tentacles tried to block the space, the invisible space tide rushed towards the Eternity!

Apparently under the influence of the mysterious things, many twisters with space power were born in the ruins.

As the Eternity's shield suddenly trembled, fierce ripples splashed on the God's Wall Shield.

The defense value of the joint shield began to decline visibly with the naked eye, and it dropped to about 70% in just ten milliseconds!

Just at this time, the reading bar of the Infinite Star Dome template ended, and the Eternal, which was about to withstand more attacks, disappeared directly.

Only a group of disorderly pollution twisters were left who had no reaction at all and were still wandering around according to their instincts.

From the mysterious object appearing on the front end of the Eternal, leading to the discovery of a large number of extremely powerful twisters, to the smooth entry into the starry space.

Less than a few seconds actually.

However, in just these few seconds, the joint shield lost nearly 40% of its defense value, and the Eternal ship's hull value also dropped by 20% due to their respective chain attacks!

Even Qingyang's mental threshold seemed to be pricked by a needle at this moment, with a slight sting.

"Fortunately, the Pollution Twister that was twisted from the Starry Sky Continent didn't attack just now, otherwise it would have been a difficult day." Zhao Zunhai rubbed his head.

Then he opened an illusory window and took out a sculpture.

The party logo sculpture of the Everlasting Star Party!

In an instant, the mixed will and spirit of everyone in the entire fleet seemed to be cleansed and they felt extremely comfortable.

Qingyang, who noticed that his mental threshold was restored, looked at the sculpture in surprise, and then bowed slightly towards the sculpture.

Only then did his eyes focus on the front of the Eternal.

I saw a colorful mist in the center, surrounded by a ring of runes. The mysterious thing was still clinging to the front of the ship, with no intention of leaving.

Gu Xing said helplessly: "Although it looks like a treasure, this thing attracts too much hatred within the ruins of the Solulan Dynasty."

At present, the Eternal cannot sail in the original star space for a long time, otherwise the shield will shatter.

The Central Ruling Sector is five to six billion light years away from the border, and the buffer shield needs to be jumped out at least hundreds of times during the process. God knows what this thing will attract during this period.

A ninth-level peak civilization, divine realm mechanical warfare unit and individual power, starting with at least five digits.

There is no lack of force at the pseudo-divine level. Facing the twisted monsters formed by these things, the Eternal Fleet will be torn apart for a few minutes at most.

There is no doubt that the attraction of mysterious things to these things will most likely attract them.

Qingyang stared at the mysterious object in front of him, his mind running rapidly.

Give up or hold on?

In just the blink of an eye, Qingyang made the decision to directly put the mysterious object into a Xingmi space that only had mechanical equipment.

There is no reason to hand over the treasure you have obtained!

[Please note that the joint shield has dropped below 50% defense value]

Qingyang removed his consciousness from the treasure and controlled the Eternity to leave the starry space.

Just after they left, something abnormal appeared around the Eternal. The clouds were rolling deep in the purple mist, and countless huge black-purple arcs of light that looked like lightning forcibly dispersed and split the large purple mist!

Then it hit the Eternity hard.

Seeing this, Qingyang was unambiguous. The main cannon equipped with Diyuansha suddenly gathered energy, and the Yuansha light spears with a kill index of 900,000 quickly gathered together.

Eventually, a buzzing sound that only advanced beings can 'hear' spreads.

A red light spear with a cross-sectional diameter of a hundred kilometers burst out!

The surrounding space showed a circle of fragments superimposed around Yuansha's main gun.

Without checking the results of the battle, Qingyang swept forward decisively and quickly the moment he released the attack, and quickly left the area.

Among the huge Zijin fleet that was sailing somewhere, Zixiao's eyes lit up as he was practicing in a palace-like flagship.

"The aura of the main gun Xingwu should be Xiaoyang, change direction and join the Eternal Truth Fleet!"


On the other side, the Eternal, which was moving at high speed, suddenly stalled.

The huge and dazzling ship instantly broke away from its high-speed state, as if it had plunged into a swamp and mud.

Qingyang, who was just about to find out what the mysterious object was, raised his head and looked forward.

It was a giant ruin with a diameter of about tens of millions of kilometers, and there was a ring world around it that could house hundreds of billions of people.

Surrounded by huge ruins.

What surprised Qingyang was that although this ruins was still full of pollution and distortion, it was not distorted or corrupted.

It is still a normal building, at least it will not suddenly stretch out huge illusory tentacles and invisible limbs to attack the Eternity!

Looking at the purple mist with black shadows behind him, Qingyang was slightly hesitant to enter it.

Then when he saw a twisted vertical pupil occupying most of the area on the surface of a huge dim star, Qingyang decisively chose to enter.

According to unreliable sources, the Sorulan Dynasty's Twisters will not damage any of the original structures.

This is true even if this creation has not been distorted and contaminated.

"Hopefully they won't demolish this monument."

As he said that, the Eternal had already entered the interior of the giant structure, and then hurriedly found an area similar to a shipyard and huddled up.

The most important thing at the moment is this uninvited mysterious thing. Qingyang wants to see what it is.

[Exploring·One hundred truth points have been consumed]

[Confirmed·The space-time star core suffered from a small amount of destruction pollution (incomplete)]

[Introduction: The core remnants of the space-time rules of a small, deserted regional universe were destroyed and polluted due to various accidents but were not completely polluted.

It then has a vague basic will. If it can be evolved, it will become a high-level rule polymer (space-time rule).

And it will precipitate an extremely pure source of power that condenses the essence of time and space in the universe]

[Suggestion: Purify the space-time star core and transform the space-time rules into a high-dimensional template. The collaborators can personally absorb and assimilate the space-time essence.

And use this to be promoted to become a true high-dimensional human being]

Real high-dimensional human beings. Complete high-dimensional life forms!

"I see. Does the Star of Truth think that my individual talents tend to focus on the general category of time and space?"

For some reason, Qingyang suddenly remembered the deep green sun that the Star of Truth once showed him.

He seems to be the powerful divinity in time and space!

"How many truth points are needed to purify the space-time star core?"

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