Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 229: High Dimension Realm: Ji Shang Arrives

[It is expected to require 500 truth points]


"So few?" Qingyang didn't react for a moment.

The recent consumption of truth points has been based on a thousand. Faced with an existence with such a special personality like Destruction, the requirements are still too low?

[In fact, for the Star of Truth, it is far easier to eliminate disillusionment than to interfere with reality]

Hearing this, Qingyang thought thoughtfully: "Then please ask the Star of Truth to help purify it."

[Five hundred truth points have been deducted and are being purified]

Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the star map.

Ignoring the large number of red dots near the ruins, Qingyang focused on the scanned composition of the ruins.

As long as the space-time star core disappears, those powerful pollution twisters that are far away will not actively pursue them, and the Eternal Fleet will be able to explore this ruins as usual.

Of course, this refers to the outer areas of exploration.

The Central Ruling Sector is at the core of the Solulan ruins. According to the star fleet's combat power, it requires at least T4 to have the capital to explore.

The current Eternal Fleet obviously does not have this ability.

If it weren't for the fact that they could go to the central ruling star area through the abnormal space-time area before, the high-dimensional pollution twisters that could be seen everywhere along the way inside would have been able to stop them.

Those giant structures twisted into evil mechanical wills, basically every one of them has the combat power of a high-dimensional life level.

Qingyang quickly glanced at the structural diagram of the ruins. He thought for a long time but did not take action. He hunkered down and planned to wait for the purification of the space-time star core to be completed.

Although it was unclear why the ruins were not distorted, Qingyang did not intend to act rashly without being able to confirm whether there was a greater danger inside.

You must know that this is close to the core area of ​​a ninth-level peak civilization ruins!

It is still a ruin that was attacked and polluted by powerful gods. The closer to the core area, the more serious the pollution.

Released his mental power to be alert to the movements deep in the ruins, Qingyang closed his eyes and rested for a while.

Fortunately, there is Xingmi space that can carry additional star battleships, otherwise at least thousands of battleships would have been directly damaged in the wave of escape just now.

It is not even possible to rule out the possibility of more than half being damaged. After all, the greater the number, the greater the damage range.

The losses of the Eternal Fleet will be truly terrible at that time.

For a normal gold medal T5 fleet, there is no Star Vault Space and Star Mi Space. There is a high probability that the whole army will be destroyed in the wave just now.

[The purification of the space-time star core is completed, the core of the space-time rules has been separated, and the source of time and space has been separated]

[The solidity and position of the core of the rules far exceed that of polymers, and there are two options to choose from.

The first option: Template. The core template of rules will be very powerful, but it requires continuous upgrading of development capabilities, and there is no guarantee that it can be fully developed.

The second plan: Blank slate, using the core of the universe rules as the basic framework, to create a series of star battleships unique to the collaborators

This starry sky battleship will have various effects such as battle formation, group amplification, mutual amplification, and commander feedback. The more types of starry sky battleships and the larger the fleet, the stronger the amplification will be.

There is no advantage or disadvantage between the two in the early and mid-term, and there is no advantage or disadvantage in the later stage if the template can be fully developed]

[Note: Consuming truth points can allow the Star of Truth to research exclusive star battleships on your behalf, but the consumption is relatively huge and the replacement cannot be completed in a short time]

Qingyang was slightly startled, two options

Since there are no advantages or disadvantages, and the second option still has a guarantee, then I must choose the second option, but it is indeed a problem to consume a lot of truth points.

However, as long as the bounty and commission tasks can be completed, there should be no shortage of truth points.

Star of Truth said that the stronger the Eternal Fleet is, the higher the chance of triggering tasks and bounties, and the richer the rewards will be.

Qingyang thought of this and said very simply: "The second option is to put the core of the time and space rules with you first. I believe it will be of some use to you."

[The specific effect is not yet clear. When the analysis is completed, appropriate rewards will be given to the collaborators]

Qingyang no longer paid attention to the core of the rules, and his eyes fell expectantly on the mist that suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was an extremely illusory and ethereal feeling, as if the fog would dissipate out of thin air in the next second, and there seemed to be endless information contained in the mist.

"What is space and time?"

Suddenly, Qingyang asked.

[Space-time refers to time and space in a narrow sense, where time is just a conceptual name for the movement of all things, and has no specific symbols or rules]

The answer is the local star network, or the will of the star network!

Obviously, Xingwang had a premonition of something before he took the initiative to answer.

[Cosmic time and space refers to the operating carrier that records all existence and reality. It is the plot line or progress bar that has been planned by the narrative layer of the universe.

If the will of the universe is the screenwriter, then the time and space of the universe is the number of pages of the script or the main line of the text. The power of time and space is extremely powerful in intervening in a certain narrative scope]

[Generalized space and time refers to the macroscopic information generated when all things are running. Thinking is information data, will is information data, matter is information data, and fantasy is information data.

All illusory idealism and material reality within the scope of understanding of all things are information data, and time and space are the names of their integration.

The past is the information of the past, the future is the information data calculated in advance through interference information data, and the power of time and space is the power of all things]

[Then Commander Qingyang, for you personally, what is the narrow meaning of time and space? What is the broad sense of space and time? 】

Star Network explained the most recognized meaning of time and space among the three alliance scientific research materials, and finally asked Qingyang suddenly.

In the haze, Qingyang seemed to see a bright object that was boundless and reflected the endless sea of ​​stars.

The unspeakable majesty threw his will towards Qingyang, and his will was full of peace.

At the same time, all the twisted people in the Solulan Dynasty who had reached high dimensions were frozen in place, and their originally disordered will was suppressed by an incomparably great will.

Even those polluted twisters who were infinitely close to divinity temporarily lost their will at this moment and became dead-like stars and machines again.

Zi Xiao, who was rushing towards the Eternity, also felt this familiar great will.

He couldn't help but smile: "As for civilization, it seems that Xiaoyang has reached the most critical moment. What direction will you choose?"

Faced with such questioning, Qingyang fell into deep thought.

The three explanations basically include the explanation of the general direction of space and time.

So what is his own personal understanding of it?

In a daze, Qingyang recalled the time on earth when countless brave people marched toward death one after another for their ideals.

It reminds me that human beings in the Earth era did not know the future but still stepped into the dark universe, and never retreated even when faced with the crisis of extinction.

Fighting, struggling, and climbing to the peak with difficulty, in fact, they can find a remote corner of the universe to live peacefully.

So what supports them?

Qingyang thought again of the Kaba civilization and the explorer humans in the Palace of Truth that he had seen before.

The former is the guardian of the matrix. He would rather spend hundreds of millions of years alone in the universe with a clear will than purify his fellow humans, and finally resolve his personality peacefully without any desire or pursuit.

The latter has been extinct for countless years, but its group will, which represents civilization, still condenses the pursuit of civilization into a template and continues to explore the unknown path.

What are they for?

There are countless pan-human civilizations that are in danger of extinction. Faced with dangers that can destroy civilization, their choices seem to be consistent.

I would rather give up everything I have accumulated over a long period of time to keep the fire, even if I have to sacrifice a thousand people in battle in order to keep the fire for one person.

Finally, Qingyang found the answer.

"To me, the narrow meaning of time and space is inheritance and hope."

[Very interesting answer, so what does space-time in a broad sense, that is, the power of space-time, mean to you?]

Qingyang was silent for a moment, then smiled: "History, will, culture, ideals, knowledge, and memory are all truth, and time and space exist in the truth!

Truth covers time and space, and to me, time and space in a broad sense is truth! "

The scene fell into silence, and Qingyang and the core crew members around him who heard the conversation couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Finally, the voice of Star Network echoed again.

[You have determined your future life beliefs and also determined the nature of your future power]

[Will determines the specific effectiveness and power of power. I believe that your power of time and space will be more than the power of all things]

[The Star Network will help you advance to a high-dimensional realm, and the source of time and space you obtain will become a solid foundation]

Qingyang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, obviously Xingwang recognized his explanation.

Before Qingyang could say anything, the supreme power suddenly descended, and Qingyang's body instantly turned into an illusory source of data.

Under the influence of supreme power, the source of time and space next to it merged into the source of source data formed by Qingyang without any resistance.

As time goes by, the source data represented by Qingyang becomes more and more ethereal, revealing a hazy and dreamy colorful light as a whole.

Qingyang's will at this moment is also constantly mobilizing his spirit and soul, gradually integrating with the source data.

With the help of StarNet, this most difficult process has become extremely simple.

The will, soul, spirit, and body tend to be integrated without distinction from each other, which is the most significant feature of the high-dimensional realm.

As the fusion proceeds, the scattered source data slowly gathers together again, eventually forming a huge cocoon of light.

The light cocoon beats like a heart, and finally bursts at a certain limit!

Then the familiar yet unfamiliar figure slowly fell to the ground.

The figure then waved his hand, and countless particles around him materialized out of thin air, condensing into a familiar black-on-gold-patterned outfit.

The crystal hazy body quickly solidified as the clothes condensed.

At first glance, Qingyang looks the same as before, but if you look carefully, you will find that Qingyang's body seems to have endless streams of light flying past.

The whole thing has an indescribable ethereal quality, not like an entity, but more like a projected shadow from a higher level.

Looking at Qingyang, whose aura was more restrained than before, Gu Xing smiled and said: "Commander!"

Qingyang nodded slightly and smiled: "Get ready to set off and continue our journey."

[Don’t be so impatient, how about you count me in]

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