Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 231 The hunted exploration fleet

Remains of the Sorulan dynasty.

Qingyang quickly searched the strategic warehouse, and at the same time, the large-scale Zixiao patrol fleet continuously bombarded a large number of ordinary twisters around it. As a legion-type star fleet with superior average quality.

The high-end firepower quality of the Zixiao patrol fleet is no weaker than that of the Eternal Fleet, and the intensity of the fleet's firepower is even more exaggerated!

The dense light spear strikes even formed an endless river of dazzling light!

Forcibly drowning the surrounding enemies trying to rush in, the violent explosions and high-dimensional energy storms were like splashes in this sea of ​​light spears, which were quickly dispersed by the attack torrent, and then more high-dimensional energy storms appeared. .

Tens of millions of twisted people around are suffering casualties all the time, unable to make any progress!

These polluted and distorted people who are not at the level of high-dimensional life have no power to resist in the face of Zixiao Xunshi's attack.

Behind the fierce battlefield is an extremely huge circular giant warehouse, with a square giant structure comparable to a large star in the center.

Coupled with space technology, the internal space is thousands of light-years in diameter, and countless materials and items are densely packed inside.

Of course, only a very small part of them are resources needed by star battleships. The rest are various resource crystals, war auxiliary equipment, modular giant parts and other resources needed by millions of civilizations.

"Why are this giant structure and the pre-existing ships inside not distorted by pollution?" Qingyang asked curiously. Not far away was the ship that was imprisoned in the sky by a halo and could not see the end.

Ji Shang seemed to be used to this: "Reality Stable Anchor is a device that anchors the standard parameters of reality to resist any reality distortion force. Maybe other civilizations call it differently, but the function is the same.

It is usually used to resist rule level and divine pollution, and prevent large-scale reality distortion and memetic pollution events in civilization.

The strengths of reality anchors are different, and the distortions and interference they can withstand are also different. As a ninth-level civilization, the Solulan Dynasty has laid reality anchors throughout the territory, but those things can only resist high-dimensional pollution.

Except for the stable anchors in these strategic places, other places are obviously unable to resist pollution at the divine level. In addition, this thing can only resist pollution distortion and has no lethality. "

Reality stabilizing anchor, advanced civilization should be a necessary basic technology, right?

If the alliance has a star network, it shouldn't be necessary.

Even the local star network's reality distortion resistance is enough to easily resist divine pollution and distortion.

The local star network is not exclusive to the star fleet.

It's just that the Star Fleet's local star network has more characteristics, and some of its effects are more abnormal.

The alliance's regular legions can also lay a standard local area star network over a large area when fighting independently outside.

You can even overwrite the main server network if necessary!

[High-dimensional energy source detected]

Hearing this, Qingyang retracted his attention and looked over with a smile on his face.

The effect of high-dimensional energy source combined with eternal agreement is very powerful.

If the high-dimensional energy source absorbed by the fleet has high-dimensional characteristics superimposed to 100%, then Qingyang himself can mobilize this high-dimensional power at will.

The strength of the power depends on the quality of the fleet!

in other words.

Now Qingyang can use the three high-dimensional powers of annihilation, killing, and disintegration that are common to the entire fleet at will, and their power is linked to the Eternal Fleet. It is not difficult to kill two or three-star high-dimensional beings!

Not counting the comprehensive attributes, just in terms of damage, it is not even weaker than the power of time and space he awakened.

As long as there are enough high-dimensional energy sources and the fleet has more blessing characteristics, Qingyang's combat power will be stronger!

Theoretically speaking, even if Qingyang doesn't get promoted now, as long as the fleet reaches the gold medal T4 level, he can instantly kill mid- to high-star high-dimensional beings!

It is tens of thousands of light years away from the strategic warehouse.

The four fleets that looked a little embarrassed suddenly left the sky and sailed away from the area in a panic. Their target was the warehouse area where Qingyang and Ji Shang were!

Three of the fleets were the exploratory fleets Qingyang encountered when he entered the ruins area.

The difference is that the size of the three fleets has dropped significantly. Some of the large warships appear to be dilapidated, and the armor layers are in tatters.

It looked like the shield collapsed at least once.

On Shenxiao, Ji Shang, who was drinking tea with Qingyang in a garden attic, paused for a moment.

Then his eyes were full of surprise and thinking.

"What's wrong?" Qingyang asked curiously when he saw this.

It's rare for Ji Shang to show such an expression.

"There is something big going on with the Alliance, and it can only be said to be a good thing."

Ji Shang took a sip of tea and continued: "If the alliance plans to launch a war of destruction against the surrounding universe, will Brother Qingyang continue to explore the unknown universe or participate in this war?"

War of destruction?

Alliance launched against the surrounding universe?

Meaning more than one universe?

Qingyang already had a guess in his heart, and then simply said: "I should choose to explore the unknown universe. Compared with the specialized star fleet, the Eternal Fleet is not good at cosmic-level warfare.

Exploring the unknown universe can also bring many benefits to the alliance. Moreover, even if I want to participate in the war, I am afraid that the United Legion will not agree. "

Yes, it is obviously more important to go to other unknown universes to find meta-human civilization than to let the Eternal Fleet participate in the war.

Ji Shang had already expected this, so he said helplessly: "If I say it, there is a high probability that I will be dragged over to become a strong man."

A mere T5 was roped in to be a strong man?

Not even the heritage fleet, right?

Qingyang didn't ask, no one had any secrets.

[Please note that more than 90,000 level 8 civilized warships have been detected and entered the coverage of the star network]

The two people immediately looked at the huge screen that suddenly unfolded, looking at the four fleets that were obviously escaping in the screen, and couldn't help but wonder.

The four exploration fleets of the eighth-level civilization can collectively kill low-star and high-dimensional beings. What other enemies in the middle and outer areas can make them so panic?

The Twisters around the strategic warehouse were emptied not long ago by the Purple Sky Patrol and the Eternal Fleet.

Currently, within tens of thousands of light-years around, there are basically no polluting twisters, and any twisters that can be attracted have been purified.

Therefore, the four fleets quickly approached the strategic warehouse.

"I remember this is a very large warehouse area. Why are there no twisters around?"

"Don't worry so much, that thing is still hunting in the space mezzanine, speed up the withdrawal from the ruins!"

"Damn it! It's too late. We will be caught up in tens of millions of light years at most."

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have taken that thing. I haven't figured out its use yet and it's still being chased by a heavenly being.

Wait, what are those? ! "

Suddenly one of the creatures commanding the fleet exclaimed in shock.

The other fleet commanders looked subconsciously.

I saw a bright and sacred light covering the starry sky in front of me. If you look carefully, you will find that it is millions of purple and gold crystal battleships!

It looks like a palace building, classical and noble.

In the center of the purple-gold battleship, there are tens of thousands of huge and bright star battleships that look like natural works of art in the universe. The color of platinum reflects the starry sky, and no structural protrusions can be seen on the whole.

Like a complete jade stone.

Before the four fleets could react, tens of thousands of twelve-sided light arrays suddenly appeared around those bright star warships, and terrifyingly powerful light spears were instantly activated, covering the four fleets!

The commanders of the four fleets suddenly became stiff and unable to move, their hearts filled with despair.

The next moment, a terrifying attack was seen passing between the four fleets and blasting towards the rear.


hold head high! !

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of overfrequency booming sounds and the spread of a high-dimensional energy storm.

A hoarse roar suddenly resounded through the minds of the surrounding beings.

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