Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 232 Deliberate Incident: Pan-Human Civilization Asks for Help

Chapter 232 Deliberate Event. Pan-human Civilization Calls for Help

The violent high-dimensional energy explosion covered a large area of ​​the starry sky. The four fleets quickly recovered and hurriedly passed by the Eternal Fleet and the Purple Sky Fleet and hid behind the two fleets.

Now they are dragging their feet if they stay on the battlefield.

The commander Wu Ya of the fleet belonging to the Tianming Empire among the four exploration fleets was shocked and looked at the starry sky in the distance, which was hit by a large number of powerful high-dimensional forces.

She could sense that the energy level of each light spear was enough to easily damage the main battleship in her fleet.

You know, the starships in her exploration fleet are all elite warships of the Tianming Empire, second only to the special warships of the Tianming Empire, and at least comparable to the special warships of the eighth-level medium civilization.

However, now there are millions of palace-type warships in front of them, and any one of them can severely damage her exploration warship!

Because Wu Ya was on a mission, she was far away from the Tianming Empire, so she didn't get any confidential information about the Tianming Empire at all. She just heard that a fleet from other mysterious human civilizations had arrived.

Originally, she thought that the difference between them and the Tianming Empire was not big at most, but now it seems that it is far from that simple.

Among them, at least more than 100,000 ships are not weaker than the Tianming special warships, and even stronger.

It can even be vaguely felt that these warships have some more dangerous fluctuations, which are fluctuations beyond the energy of the high-dimensional sky realm.

Not to mention that there are millions of palace warships that are enough to suppress the elite warships of the Empire. The warships in front of them are enough to be comparable to one-tenth of the elite warships of the Tianming Empire!

Who would give such a large-scale elite warships to their young geniuses?

It seems that according to the news from the Empire, this fleet has a similar function to the exploration fleet.

The mysterious civilization behind this fleet is very likely to be far more powerful than the Tianming Empire!

Thinking of this, Wu Ya's breathing became slightly rapid. As a middle-level officer of the Tianming Empire's military, she knew what this matter represented!

Watching the huge fish shadow that was still moving steadily in the fierce artillery fire, Qingyang's eyes flashed with surprise. The artillery fire of the Eternal Truth Fleet and the Purple Sky World Tour Data Mechanical Corps was enough to kill ordinary high-dimensional life even if it was not firing at full force.

Even a four-star high-dimensional life would be severely suppressed, but the huge fish shadow in the artillery fire was only significantly hindered in its forward speed, and its life fluctuations did not decrease.

It seems that the damage it suffered was not high.

At least it was a five-star high-dimensional life!

Qingyang's expression was still calm, and he didn't have much worry. As long as the high-dimensional life that came was not seven-star or stronger, their two star fleets could basically solve it with powerful star martial arts skills.

Obviously, the fish shadow that was slowed down in front would not be a high-star existence.

"Use the Spear of Kappa, and 60% of the armament of the entire fleet is enabled!"

Qingyang gave the attack order in his mind.

In an instant, a huge pure white energy spear condensed above the Eternal, and the condensed multiple high-dimensional energies gathered, turning into a physical crystal that could be seen with the naked eye!

The 100-mile crystal light spear that can only be observed but not touched, and only exists in the high-dimensional level!

The space was rippling silently, and the Spear of Kappa disappeared on the spot, as if it had never appeared. At the same time, the high-dimensional storm covering dozens of light years in the distance seemed to be hit by something.

It was instantly scattered and disappeared!

The shield was dimmed to the point of almost breaking and disappearing, revealing a huge red fish that was a million kilometers long!

The red fish was as huge as a star, and its scales were covered with strange and winding purple patterns, emitting bursts of dark luster, like the roots of a tree.

At least 30% of the body was damaged, revealing the obvious flesh and blood mechanical structure. The huge black and disgusting flesh and blood were entangled in the mechanical structure assimilated by the patterns, and illusory energy bodies like blood vessels continued to appear and then quickly dissipated.

The entire giant fish was shrouded in ominousness.

Three pairs of dull purple giant eyes comparable to stars stared closely at the Eternal Fleet and the Purple Sky Patrol Fleet, or the rear of the two fleets.

Ji Shang, who was about to praise the power of the Spear of Kappa, stopped talking and was slightly surprised: "According to the high-dimensional energy level of this thing, it should not be able to withstand this attack.

Is there something protecting this thing?"

Qingyang also thought of this, and his eyes decisively looked at the four fleets of different styles behind him.

Intuition told him what these fleets behind knew.

"Chang Xi, force the communication."

Chang Xi, who was pruning the Idealist Tree, was still gently repairing the sapling with his hands, and at the same time, a light flashed in his eyes.

Tianming Exploration Fleet.

[Alarm, the core server communication module is being invaded by a mysterious source, and the firewall is being activated]

[Communication has been connected]

Without waiting for Wu Ya to react, his flagship automatically activated the communication module.

A cold voice came immediately.

"Target fleet, immediately state the cause and effect of the matter, and only narrate it once!"

Gu Xing's voice was full of coldness.

Suddenly, the communication paused slightly.

Gu Xing's voice came again, but this time it was very peaceful.

"Pan-human civilization, Tianming Empire?

Captain Wu Ya, may I ask why this twister is chasing you? It seems to be targeting your four fleets."

As the tone changed, the Eternal Fleet's weapon system also cancelled the lock on the Tianming Exploration Fleet. Of course, the other three fleets were still locked.

The giant fish on the other side was suppressed by the main space battleship of the Zixiao Patrol Fleet in a fixed space area and could not move freely.

It is not certain whether solving this twister will attract stronger enemies, so Qingyang and Ji Shang will not kill them casually.

Wu Ya, who was a little confused because of her tone, reacted quickly.

The tone was respectful: "Dear Eternal Fleet.

We explored the ruins of a temple of the Solulan Dynasty and obtained a special jade pillar. Before we could figure out the purpose of this jade pillar, this god-level twister suddenly jumped out of the sky and attacked us.

After suffering heavy losses, we began to escape. It was the eighth day of our escape when we met you.

Hmm. It should be noted here that we are actually not sure whether that temple is a building from the Solulan Dynasty. Its style is completely different.

And it has not been polluted by too much heavenly environment. "

Wu Ya quickly told the details without any unnecessary explanation.

Seeing this, Gu Xing looked at Chang Xi who was pruning the saplings. Seeing that it was correct, he said directly: "Please give us the jade pillar, and we will give you a certain amount of compensation afterwards."

Wu Ya did not hesitate at all, and the other three fleets had no objections after a brief exchange.

In the interstellar age, the effective division of interests among advanced civilizations is very clear, and there will never be redundant and time-wasting arguments.

For example, now, items with unknown positive value and high dangers will not have much nostalgia.

After receiving the jade pillar, Qingyang and Ji Shang swept it with their mental power at the same time.

Ji Shang frowned immediately.

"What a strong scent of Paya."

Qingyang, who didn't know why, was a little confused.


Ji Shang nodded: "The big universe, a certain deity in the six highest dimensions, has extremely strong power of space rules, and has the ability to quickly travel through different universes.

Powerful divinities that like to devour other universes' space rules. "

Qingyang was even more curious: "Why do you swallow the divinity of space rules in other universes? Is there any explanation?"

Could it be the pursuit of diversification?

"Because He can't do anything to other divinities on the regular side of the great universe."


However, I just gained the power of time and space and was promoted to a higher dimension, and now this thing appears

Why do you feel like something's not quite right?

Somewhat deliberate.

[Please note to collaborators, the reward for detecting a request for help comes from meta-human civilization]


What's going on?

Qingyang was surprised at first, and then became more confused.

These two things should have nothing to do with each other, right?

If there is a connection, can it be understood that this is guiding one's actions?

It seems that only one person can guide himself in this way.

Macroscopic world!

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