Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 233 Dark Mist·Starlight Federation

Of course, this is just speculation. Maybe it's really a coincidence?

I had just been promoted to a high-dimensional realm and obtained the power of time and space. A temple building that did not belong to Solulan appeared in the ruins of Solulan. The believers in the temple happened to be the divinity of time and space in the Xinghai Universe.

Subsequently, several exploration fleets obtained the only valuable thing in the temple and happened to meet them. At the same time, they encountered a meta-human civilization asking for help.

Even though the probability is extremely low, the possibility of coincidence cannot be completely ruled out.

No matter how you think about it, it's too much of a coincidence.

But if it is said that the macroscopic world has brought benefits to him and the alliance, this reason is too far-fetched.

Why should He benefit Himself?

Qingyang fell into deep thought.

"What's wrong?"

Ji Shang, who was playing with Paya Yuzhu across the table, saw Qingyang's solemn face and asked immediately.

Qingyang said directly: "The distress data of an unknown meta-human civilization has been detected, and the specific situation is completely unknown."


Ji Shang, who had just put down the jade pillar and picked up the tea cup, had a bright light in his eyes and a look of expectation on his face.

"Count me in, let's go and see together."

Ji Shang said, filled with admiration in his heart.

It has long been heard that Qingyang has extremely powerful luck talents when encountering or looking for meta-human civilization, and can even receive signals from meta-human civilization that even the alliance cannot receive.

Even across countless dimensional worlds, there is a probability of receiving it!

Therefore, Qingyang has the highest priority in the Guiyi Plan, and the Guiyi Plan even arranged for a special person to wait for news about Qingyang in the big universe.

Unexpectedly, even in a different universe far away from the scope of the big universe, Qingyang's luck in this area is still effective.

Ji Shang is very aware of the power of his own Zixiao World Patrol data module. Not to mention the comprehensive attributes, the data reception range and intensity alone can easily overwhelm the Eternal Fleet, and it can receive tens of billions of light years in real time!

After continuous optimization and improvement, the fleet data module has been compressed countless times, and the effect of the main entry has already surpassed most related epic star weapons.

Qingyang readily agreed to Ji Shang's request.

"No problem. With Brother Ji Shang as a thug, it will be a lot easier no matter what happens."

By the way, it can also help resist the ubiquitous star storms in the original star dome space!

Thinking of this, Qingyang looked at the four exploration fleets: "Chang Xi, just give them some eighth-level technical information. The information given by the Tianming exploration fleet can be more important."


Chang Xi quickly selected technical information in the database that could be used as compensation.

Seeing that the matter was almost settled, Qingyang nodded slightly to Ji Shang.

The Zixiao patrol fleet, which was using some kind of skill to imprison the giant fish, suddenly launched an attack!

Millions of mechanical battleships from heavenly weapons and a large number of main starship battleships gathered together to attack, and Qingyang also ordered the use of star weapons from two battle stars to strike!

The extremely dazzling brilliance instantly engulfed the giant fish twister.

Since it is the divinity of the universe, killing the giant units it casually pollutes is believed to not cause attacks.

The divinity of the universe will not easily become an enemy of the high-level star fleets in the alliance.

The violent high-dimensional storm raged for dozens of minutes before slowly dissipating. The giant fish that was still struggling to move forward had long since disappeared.

Only a pile of broken red wreckage was left, floating in the starry sky.

Seeing that the matter was almost settled, Qingyang ignored the exploration fleet and immediately put away the battleships of their respective fleets with the Shenxiao.

Then he used the flagship template and jumped directly into the original star dome space!

Only four exploration fleets were left with big eyes and small eyes.

Wu Ya looked at the area where the Eternal Fleet and the Zixiao World Patrol Fleet disappeared, but she still didn't react.

After a while, Wu Yacai opened the local area communication: "Sorry everyone, I have to return to the empire."

The other three fleets also do not plan to stay here any longer. They must truthfully report the matter to civilization this time.

Without the giant fish chasing after them, it would not be difficult for the four fleets to leave the periphery of the ruins.

Original starry space.

Looking at the slowly descending joint shield, Ji Shang smiled and said: "How far are we from the meta-human civilization that is asking for help?"

Only the T4 fleet in the original star space can sail unimpeded. Even the Zixiao World Patrol, which has reached the pinnacle of T5 in all senses, cannot sail here for a long time!

Qingyang opened the star map given by the Star of Truth: "Well, we still need to sail for thirty-five minutes. The joint shield should be able to hold up."

Hearing this, Ji Shang turned around and started giving instructions to the core Zixiao crew members.

For legion operations, a series of functions such as the preparatory landing team, the main penetration team, and the data jamming team were quickly divided and completed.

Seven or eight types of functional troops will only wait for the mission to begin, and they will start taking action together to ensure that the damage to the target meta-human civilization is minimized.

Qingyang just asked Gu Xing, Tian Ling and others to prepare for individual attacks, and asked Lilith's mechanical army to prepare for action without further instructions.

The special fleet does not need extra instructions, just attack whichever part of the enemy is the most dangerous!

Lilith is solely responsible for the Legion's operations.

In the inner space of the two huge flagships, millions of people began to get busy.

A certain starry sky with dim stars.

The boundless pitch-black fog obscures a large swath of the starry sky, and the fog spans tens of millions of light-years!

If you look carefully, you can see that these fogs are still expanding rapidly, devouring the surrounding starry sky at a rate of hundreds of light-years per day!

The speed at which terror spreads demonstrates its non-substantial nature.

exert an influence on reality at some high-dimensional level.

All celestial bodies and materials swallowed by the dark fog will become completely black in an instant, even stars and even neutron stars!

The jet-black flames and the materialized black force field remained as they always were, operating smoothly, as if everything else had remained unchanged except for the appearance.

However, what is concerning is that after being turned into darkness, the beings in them all turned into humanoid beings with extremely long and narrow limbs and no facial features!

No matter what these lifeforms looked like before, whether the form was energy or carbon-based, they were all transformed into this weird pitch-black humanoid creature.

He was aimlessly carrying out the job he had done before he was transformed, like a rigid machine.

The fog is rolling and spreading, and this star cluster tens of millions of kilometers is being completely swallowed up.

Only an area of ​​millions of light-years on one side is still in a normal state. From a macro perspective, it looks like a dark apple with a small bite in the corner.

A fresh area was revealed.

This area is divided into two parts in total. The largest part is about two million light years away, and contains a complete seventh-level primary civilization.

The other part, about a million light years away, is home to thousands of the last fires from different civilizations.

The original civilization has long been completely assimilated by the darkness.

"Chief Naya, the hundreds of surviving civilized fleets in the chaotic area are fighting again. Do we need to intervene?"

A huge structure with a living planet at its core.

A middle-aged man in a huge office was reporting to a cold woman.

Naya said calmly: "In this situation, the last pure land will last for more than ten years at most, and we no longer have the energy to care about them.

Let them fight, and it will just vacate the Pure Land area. In addition, let the border legions pay attention. If these civilizations attempt to unite on a large scale, they will take the initiative to attack.

All for the survival of the Federation. "

"I understand. Also, Sir, the will of civilization has been fluctuating recently. Is this true?" the man suddenly said.

His eyes were full of anxiety as he looked at Naya's graceful figure.

Naya nodded slightly: "It is indeed true, but we can't put all our hopes here. We need to study a retreat as soon as possible!"

Speaking of this, Naya's tone was not so confident.

No celestial body area has been detected in the surrounding billions of light-years. Without the star cluster area, neither the hyperspace channel nor the sky realm can be used!

Even if they could create a hyperspace channel, they would have to rely on the Heaven Realm to build it quickly.

Otherwise the efficiency will be appallingly low.

As for using the macroscopic realm to create hyperspace channels that are faster and can connect different regions, that is not something that a seventh-level civilization can do.

Thinking of this, Naya became even more helpless.

Without super-light navigation channels, even if a seventh-level civilization had space-jumping technology, it would take hundreds of years to cross billions of light-years!

How many citizens of the entire Federation will survive by then?

One in ten thousand? Or one in a million? !

"Report! A large number of dark warships appeared in the dark fog! They are attacking the chaotic area!"

Suddenly, urgent communication came into the office.

Naya and the middle-aged man’s expressions changed drastically at the same time!

The emergence of pitch-black things has only been assimilated and spread, and the assimilated pitch-black ones do not have any subjective consciousness.

Therefore, these assimilated dark ones and warships have never caused any trouble.

Never in decades! !

This was the first time in history that the Dark Ones actively attacked them.

Naya said sternly: "Mobilize the major legions! Coordinate the defense giants to build a defense line!"

I hope that the various races in the chaotic area can hold on for a while longer.

Naya's thoughts were completely confused, and the sudden incident disrupted all her plans!

"Could it be that the Starlight Federation is really going to perish?"

Cough, cough, kidney deficiency on May Day, cough, cough, cough

Two chapters today

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