Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 308 The Scene of Prayer

Qingyang naturally recognized this sacred giant whale. It was the giant whale that Qingyang saw swimming in the dark space when he awakened his talent and just embarked on his journey.

Unexpectedly, He could still roam in the desolate realm.

Although the location and Qingyang's current strength are different, one thing remains the same.

That is, when facing the Divine Whale, Qingyang still cannot feel its specific realm strength. He is still so mysterious and vast that it is beyond his reach.

Perhaps in the eyes of this divine whale, the high-dimensional realm is no different from a third-level life.

The divine whale waving an endless sea of ​​light seemed to have heard Qingyang's greetings, and the dark gold divine pupils reflecting the stars focused their attention on Qingyang.

Before Qingyang could react, he felt that his whole body was surrounded by an extremely comfortable and warm aura. The indescribable sense of comfort went from soul to memes to the essence of life.

It completely filled every corner of Qingyang's body and soul.

Seeing this, Qingyang's eyes were blank.

[Your spiritual threshold obtains sequence baptism·T5 (perfection +10)]

[Your meme has new characteristics: Resistance to the power of destruction +50%]

‘A chance encounter or destiny. What do you mean by the desolate destiny? I’m really looking forward to it’

The divine whale gradually moved away, disappearing into the boundless nothingness again along the path of the Gate of the Universe.

It was only then that Qingyang came back to his senses and looked at the departing figure of the divine whale in astonishment, with the hazy whisper of the divine whale still echoing in his mind.

Qingyang's thoughts were swirling, and then he smiled helplessly: "Ah, I hate the Riddler."

Glancing at the characteristic of destruction resistance +50%, Qingyang was thoughtful, but he didn't care.

Based on the characteristics of its own meme, it is highly likely that it can be superimposed on the Eternal Fleet through the mental threshold, which is considered a very good characteristic.

Although this kind of resistance is actually of little use when suppressed by strength, it can only be used against the miscellaneous fish and minions of the destroyed side.

As time passed, Qingyang, who was meditating, felt a large number of high-dimensional fluctuations suddenly appearing around him, and his will quickly spread.

He immediately realized that he was already in a huge celestial structure. Looking around, Qingyang stood up and adapted to the pure star network environment.

"It's better to go home."

"Good boy, you haven't been gone for long, have you? It's only been a few months." A familiar voice came from the side.

Qingyang's eyes lit up: "Brother Ji Shang?!"

Yes, it was Ji Shang who appeared next to Qingyang. His dress and temperament were still the same, but what was different from more than ten years ago was that Ji Shang's aura was extremely restrained at the moment.

Even Qingyang's high-dimensional vision couldn't detect it at all, he could only vaguely feel a pressure similar to that of divinity!

Qingyang looked surprised: "Brother Ji Shang has ascended to divinity?"

"It's still a little short of time, but it's almost there." Ji Shang smiled and said in a nonchalant tone.

Qingyang understood that Ji Shang was a reincarnated ‘old-timer’. He had already guessed it and was not surprised.

"Brother Ji Shang is waiting for me here specifically?"

Qingyang and Ji Shang chatted familiarly while transmitting quickly through the star network.

"It's almost the same. When Qingyang comes back this time, are you going to the Kingdom of Heaven or the Extraordinary Palace?"

"Both go."

"Oh? That's good. Recently, the alliance is preparing to make a big move against Desolation, and many of the top T5 and T4 geniuses who are struggling have been granted access to the Extraordinary Hall.

At the same time, several core sacred areas of the alliance, such as the Realm of Heaven and the Sacred Source Pool, have also been opened one after another. As far as I know, you are the only one who can enter both places at the same time. "

Hearing this, Qingyang looked surprised: "So that's it, Brother Ji Shang too?"

Ji Shang shrugged and did not hide anything: "The alliance's actions this time are beyond imagination, and more powerful combat forces are needed to return.

In short, I can no longer move forward slowly. I need to go to the Temple of Valor to regain my former power and return to my peak state as quickly as possible. "

Qingyang suddenly realized.

[Having escaped from the desolate frontier area, Level 2 alert has been lifted, Should I use StarNet delivery to directly reach the target StarNet world? 】

"Then let's separate here." Ji Shang nodded and smiled.

Qingyang nodded: "Be careful in everything."


The surrounding space suddenly shook, and then Qingyang appeared in a mysterious starry sky with a light gold background.

Looking at the warm and lively soft starry sky environment around him, Qingyang knew that he had arrived at a certain star network world.

[Welcome to the ·Jiuzhou·Yangzhou Third World Group·The 809th World]


The star network world with a diameter of more than 100 billion light years

Qingyang watched curiously, and was surprised to find that the power of time and space seemed to run more smoothly here.

Moreover, the life essence of the citizens of Kyushu on the surrounding planets and Starry Sky Continent is extremely obvious source data, which makes me even more surprised.

Not to mention anything else, if a hostile pseudo-high-dimensional enters the StarNet world, with the advantages of multiple suppressions and the blessing of local life, any citizen may be able to tear the pseudo-high-dimensional apart.

"A universe that only belongs to metahumans."

[Whether to be delivered to the Kingdom of Heaven for the second time]

Qingyang admired the rarely visited StarNet world for a moment, and then said: "Delivery."

The core sacred area is a core star network world that simulates the domain structure of the universe's rules. You need to be at the star network world level to reach it.

As for security check, it is not necessary. Starnet is the most powerful security check.

After entering the StarNet world, will the Star of Truth no longer answer Qingyang?

Qingyang had already anticipated this. If he had awakened the Golden Finger early, Qingyang might have felt that the Golden Finger was the biggest in the world.

It’s easy to reach the top of mankind.


Qingyang, who deeply understands the grandeur of the Star Sea Human Alliance, no longer has any similar thoughts.

Even if the Star of Truth behaves extremely horribly, even in other desolate universes, it is enough to analyze the nature and rules of the universe.

Qingyang does not think it can be hidden from the alliance's top leaders or the Star Network, and the thing called the Protocol Talent may be the product of the communication between the Star of Truth and the Star Network.

Well, the Star Network is a third-party supervisor.

Qingyang's thoughts are scattered everywhere, and the surrounding scenery has changed completely unconsciously.

Boundless sacred light is scattered, and infinite light flows endlessly.

Qingyang raised his eyes with a peaceful expression.

Watching the scenes of the alliance's sentient beings praying on the light, some of them are ordinary human citizens living happily, and inadvertently hope that happiness will continue.

Or the whispers of ordinary lovers growing old together, wishing to meet again in the next life.


Endless, these wishes are not special prayers or rituals.

But the beautiful visions of a human being under the protection of the alliance in a happy life, and the most innocent wishes that flashed in his mind inadvertently.

Qingyang looked around at the endless prayer light, without much emotion, nor did he suddenly burst into the excitement of having to protect this happiness.

Because He is the commander of the starry sky!

The idea of ​​guarding civilization and continuing the happiness of the tribe flows in the will of every commander, so there is no need for extra emotion.

It is just the most universal truth.

Retracting his gaze, Qingyang calmly closed his eyes and took out the [Glory Issuer] that he had removed when leaving the Holy River.

With his thoughts surging, Qingyang silently stared at the light ball representing the star warrior in his hand, and the wish was triggered.

The fluctuations from the tribe's will instantly covered Qingyang.

[Confirmed, the scene of prayer has been opened]

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