Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 309 The alliance is still the same alliance

Endless brilliance spread, and the scenery around Qingyang was suddenly covered in a burst of colorful colors!

Seeing this, Qingyang sighed helplessly.

Why do the Kingdom of Heaven and the Extraordinary Palace need to be replaced by history?

No, the historical substitution in the Extraordinary Palace will temporarily close the memory of the contemporary alliance. There is no need for such a useless scene in the Kingdom of Heaven.

What is that test?

Qingyang felt solemn in his heart, and raised his eyes to look straight ahead.

[Questionnaire·Please explain the use of the power of prayer and mark why]


Looking at the questionnaire on the huge starry sky screen, Qingyang was stunned and looked around.

There is no sign of historical substitution, which is a bit embarrassing.

Without much hesitation, Qingyang directly chose to use the power of prayer to be promoted to Xingwu, the Promulgator of Glory.

Different from the improvement of individual power, only a small part of the promotion of star weapons requires the commander's mental threshold load, and most of the rest is carried by the commander's talent and the origin of star weapons themselves.

Therefore, you first need to consider the commander’s talent and the strength of his star weapons.

As it happens, Qingyang is the least worried about this.

As for the detailed reasons

Qingyang was just about to polish up the reasons and fill in the content, when he suddenly thought of something and paused slightly.

It almost brought the habits of the previous life on Earth into it. The style of the Alliance does not require such useless nonsense.

Thinking of this, Qingyang filled in a very simple sentence.

[Improve the quality of star weapons, enhance fleet strength, and enhance the quantity reserve of high-quality star weapons circulating in the alliance]

[Confirmation completed·Application approved·Mobilizing the power of prayer and the basic structure of source data]

[Please note·Promotion is about to begin]

Qingyang only felt his brain stagnate, and the spiritual sea in the mental threshold space surged rapidly, even the ten vast blue suns in the space above could not help but shrink slightly.

It was like an invisible suppressive force wrapped around the ten blue suns.

The amplitude is very small, but there is still 1% wear and tear. It is not a simple consumption, which is equivalent to Qingyang never exceeding the 1% threshold.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I'm still at the senior perfection +10 stage."

Qingyang felt a little relieved. Fortunately, the gift from the Divine Whale was extremely powerful and directly raised Qingyang's mental threshold to +10.

It has even been greatly enhanced on this basis.

I have to say that this 1% is not important for now. If it is at the perfection +8 stage, I am afraid that the threshold will be directly reduced by one level this time.

Qingyang did not wait too long and was unable to detect the slightest aftermath or movement. The Glory Promulgator was successfully promoted.

‘Isn’t it a little too simple? It's like reading a message. Maybe it's too weak to notice the operation of the power of prayer. ’

Qingyang complained calmly and opened the Glory Promulgator panel at the same time.

[The one who promulgates the destiny]

[Quality: Zunxing (Special)]

[Description: Desolate destiny, awarded with honors]

[First effect: At the beginning of the judgment, kill the enemy strongman who meets the standards, and you will have a probability of receiving the Order of Destiny.

Unconditionally improve the quality of a star weapon by one level (the highest star)

If you have already honored the star, you can directly upgrade to five stars by using it again, and an entry that matches the star weapon will be added]

[Second effect: At the beginning of the judgment, defeat the hostile forces that meet the standards, and you will have a probability of receiving the Medal of Glory.

Unconditionally increase the quality of your talent by one layer (the highest star). If you have reached the star, you will increase the talent level by one level.]

[Appendix 1: The definition of a strong person changes according to the strength of the commander and nearby friendly forces]

[Appendix 2: The definition of the strength of hostile forces is determined based on the strength of the commander and friendly forces participating in the same war]

[Appendix 3: If there are no friendly troops, the judgment will be based on the strength of the commander]


The rest of Qingyang's enhancements are not unexpected, and are all within the predicted range.

Even if he has never seen other Zunxingwu, he can guarantee that the Destiny Promulgator is among the best among all Zunxingwu in the alliance!

However, the description of the attached conditions surprised Qingyang.

"It means that if there are Alliance legions around, and if the Alliance wins, as long as he participates in the war, he can also get the medal without having to do it himself?"

Qingyang thought about it carefully, it was impossible to get a medal by just solving any force.

If the surrounding alliance forces have the strength of a tenth-level peak civilization, then the enemy must be at least stronger than the alliance forces in terms of overall strength in order to trigger the medal conditions.

Only aggregate data is calculated, nothing else.

Do you need to use tactics or your own strengths to defeat enemies who are stronger than you?

Qingyang frowned slightly, understanding.

It is completely prepared for the starry sky fleet, although the starry sky fleet is basically an all-round strategic unit.

However, each starry sky fleet has different special characteristics, and even this "goodness" will be infinitely amplified due to the comprehensive functions of the starry sky fleet!

In short, the difficulty of obtaining it has not increased much for me, which is excellent news.

After closing the panel, Qingyang disappeared directly from the insubstantial realm of heaven with a thought.

When it reappeared, it was already an unknown star network world.

It's just a little different from before.

Qingyang fell into silence as he looked at the group of starry islands in front of him that were countless times larger than Tianfu.

Compared with islands, it is better to say that it is a boundless world composed of countless starry sky continents. There are tens of thousands of artificial multi-tower starry sky continents, and any one of them has a light level!

A mysterious high-dimensional data framework maintains the structural strength of these continents.


Each of the starry sky continents is extremely close to each other, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are close to each other. The distance between two starry sky continents that are more than a hundred light-days away is not even 100 million kilometers.

It is also filled with huge structures with various social functions.

As for transportation.

The Star Network World does not require transportation, and source data can be delivered anywhere in the specified area, regardless of distance.

Looking at the vast starry sky and continents that spread up, down, left and right for at least ten thousand light years, Qingyang was sluggish.

[Welcome to Kyushu Republic·Capital World·Jingyu]

Qingyang was startled and suddenly understood.

It turns out to be the true center of strength and power of the Kyushu Republic. No wonder it is so magnificent.

The capital region, which is home to 2% of the population of the Kyushu Republic, no wonder needs an exaggerated starry sky continent group that stretches for tens of thousands of light years with almost no gaps.

"How's it going? It's nice here."

Suddenly, a smiling voice came from beside Qingyang, who was standing in the brilliant starry sky.

I saw an old man dressed in pure white robes, with a slightly blurred face but could easily distinguish the feeling of 'holiness' and 'kindness', standing calmly.

Although his face was blurry, Qingyang could tell that it was an extremely friendly old man. No, man? woman? Middle-aged men and women?

Qingyang was suddenly startled in his heart, his endless face was holy and kind.

In addition, I just came out of the kingdom of heaven.

"Lord Jehovah, it is an honor to meet you."

This is not the pure sustenance and fantasy of the Earth era, but a true concept god that brings together endless metahuman beings.

He was born from the endless and shining prayers and dreams of metahumans. Like other conceptual gods, he is a noble god who will sacrifice everything for mankind.

Facing Qingyang's respect, Jehovah smiled faintly, and his ethereal and neutral voice echoed with softness.

"No need to be polite. As far as the alliance is concerned, there is no difference between you and me. There is no need for such respect."

"How about it? Whether it's the capital of Kyushu, the Luodu of Hanxing, or other core places of the alliance, there are endless talents of mankind gathered together.

Maybe Commander Qingyang doesn’t feel much, but”

Jehovah waved his hand, and countless pillars of light suddenly shot up from all over the capital. Of course, only Qingyang and a few people could see it.

The boundless pillars of luck and thoughts, there are millions of them within sight.

Qingyang saw a young prodigy who had been born, was young, or was growing up in every destiny.

"Commander Qingyang, whether they are from Beijing or other human geniuses, their futures may shine brighter because of you.

Of course, having said that, there is no need to feel pressured or burdened by it.

Commander Qingyang only needs to move forward according to his own goals and ideals. I just want to tell you that the alliance is proud of you. "

During the conversation, Qingyang had seen the ideals and hard-working will of countless geniuses.

At the same time, he also noticed that one of the endless fortunes of the geniuses was related to him.

The voice of Jehovah gradually faded away, and the figure gradually disappeared, leaving only the last sentence echoing in Qingyang's mind.

"Don't feel pressured by this gift, Commander Qingyang, and continue to move forward on your own path.

Whether exploring or seeking knowledge, whether saving or destroying.

Always remember, the Alliance is with you."

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