Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 324: Battle of the Universe

The war between the Star Sea Human Alliance and the Big Universe broke out.

Incomparably sudden, extremely swift!

Unexpected but reasonable.

Countless civilized armies, cosmic star beasts and even star souls, and countless naturally powerful high-dimensional beings are rushing towards the star sea area!


Even the source insect swarm can only be considered small in size in the face of such a terrifying formation.

It was a terror that could obscure the brightness of the stars.

In the years when the war first broke out and in the high-dimensional watersheds of the great universe, countless at least T3 starship fleets and divinities set off an unparalleled conflict in these watersheds.

It is a mystery that cannot be described in words or recalled in memory.

The boundless power, the torrent covering the dimensions, is neither gorgeous nor intense.

It was a head-on collision between the will and alliance of the universe and the divinity and rules of both camps, and the gathering of all these forces!

Either the authority of the will of the universe will be eliminated, or the ideological trend of the star network and the conceptual will of the ethnic group will be corrupted.

There is no way out.

The rest of the fighting at the level of divinity and even rules are all here!

In addition, there is the real star sea battlefield with the highest combat power involving some middle and lower level gods and the T4 gold medal fleet.

Compared to the divine war that broke out in an instant when the Agent of the Universe declared war on the Alliance, the battlefield of the Star Sea was not that fast.

It was not until the tenth Star Sea Day when the War of Gods broke out that the countless main alliance forces wandering in different universes all returned. At this time, most of the entire Star Sea area was occupied by the alliance army from the big universe.

Countless war zones with the Xinghai area as the core have been initially finalized.

"I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. The war broke out before I even left the Holy Yin River universe and went to other universes."

The gate of the universe bloomed on the front line, and then a brilliant fleet with a size of one million ships arrived!

As if the power of substantive rules spreads, if it were not shown that this is a T4 fleet, I am afraid that the surrounding commanders would think it is a T3 star fleet!

Yes, it is the Eternal Truth Fleet that appears here!

It has been more than fifty years since I was promoted to T4, and I have just returned from the Holy Yin River Universe.

Qingyang was sitting in the chief seat of the Eternity, a hundred kilometers away, with a deeper look full of excitement and evil spirits.

Tens of thousands of large and small fights with giant insect swarms and even overlord insect swarms have already made him adapt to high-intensity warfare and fighting.

There are more than a million extremely powerful star battleships. At the same time, after being blessed by more purple gold and even epics, and even a few have been upgraded to Zun Xingwu, they are comparable to the senior T3 star battleships!

Even if the scale is not large in T4, there is no one in this star sea battlefield that can threaten him in terms of combat power!

Yes, during this period, he experienced countless battles with the insect swarm and the insect royal family that were pseudo-divine or even divine. The star weapon that was promoted to the decreer of destiny was triggered more than ten times.

Half of them will be handed over to the Alliance, and the remaining half will be enough to make a qualitative leap in the Eternal Fleet.

Not to mention the entries and the ever-accumulating effects of the Eternal Agreement.

In just a few decades, his default strength in the Alliance T4 fleet has been enough to rank among the top five in the entire Alliance T4 fleet!

Looking around, Qingyang's heart surged as he looked at the seven or eight T4 fleets and thousands of T5 fleets within the visual range, as well as the Alliance legions that spread to the end of his perception.

Tens of billions of fortresses that look like bright stars, endless war units that look like the sand sea of ​​the universe, and millions of starry sky fleets! !

And this is just the strength of this ordinary war zone.

For the first time, the alliance's immense war power unfolded before Qingyang's eyes. The last time the T5 fleet participated in the battle!

[Starnet is loading, Starnet sharing war network permission has been obtained]

[The shared growth range is expanded to 100 million light-years around, opening the maximum growth limit]

[Confirmation completed·You have received 7,600 Star Fleet star weapons and talent increases]

[Confirmed·Your amplified star weapon range has spread to a radius of 100 million light years]

[Confirmation completed·You receive regular legion·special equipment increase]

[Confirmation completed·You are blessed by civilized luck]

[Confirmation completed·You are blessed by the unique state of the metahuman concept]

[Determining that the Star Fleet’s external acceptance increase has reached the upper limit]

[Total increase: Total data actual combat power increase - 10000%]

[Please note: This clause will consume a large amount of strategic reserve source data, please kill more enemies to reduce losses]

Hundred. Hundred times increase? !

Or most of the increases are effective for conventional armies!

Big loss? Can it be reduced by killing enemies?

Qingyang's eyes sparkled, feeling unprecedented power, and the evil spirit of fighting with the Zerg had completely exploded.

Although it is far from true divinity, Qingyang, whose true realm has touched the threshold of divinity, has sensed the essence of divinity through blessing.

The hostile camps in the Star Sea area have fully gathered in the other half of the area, and at the same time, there are endless armies from other celestial body areas surging in.

Everything from level five civilization to level ten civilization!

The scale is so terrifying that even divine wisdom cannot discern it.

As for the stronger overlord-level civilizations, they were all attracted to the high-dimensional river basin battlefield and the battlefield of time!

Looking at the frenzy that far exceeded the Alliance army by ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times or even a million times, no Alliance soldier felt panic or nervous.

His eyes were full of calmness and indifference.

There is also a kind of strategic contempt.

"Hello? Tianyun Group's fruit and vegetable prices are greatly reduced? Lasting for three hundred years? Well, I understand. I'll go take a look after get off work."

A certain free T4 gold medal commander suddenly picked up the communication, his eyes lit up, and he immediately replied.

"Commander-in-Chief, it's time to start the war. Let's fight quickly!"

The commander laughed, his tone gradually becoming more serious.

On the communication channel, the commander-in-chief laughed, and the majestic voice echoed throughout the war preparation area.

"The Star Sea Human Alliance has gone through all kinds of difficulties to reach this point! It will not be afraid of any enemies or challenges!"

"Take the initiative! Our mission is to destroy all the enemies in front of us here!"

"The shining miracle of humanity,

It will last forever and shine with the alliance! "

There was no waiting in formation, and the alliance army, whose number was less than one-millionth of the enemy, took the initiative to kill the endless enemies at the border of the star sea!

With a hundred-fold increase, the starry sky fleet is almost able to fight across tiers. The original T4 silver fleet now looks like a T3 fleet!

Those ordinary high-dimensional realms are even comparable to high-star high-dimensional realms.

If the Star Sea area is compared to an ocean, then the alliance's attack is like a giant wave of 10,000 meters, causing the entire Star Sea to tremble violently!

Qingyang rushed to the front and laughed wildly: "Star of Truth, isn't it said that you are the best at influencing rules and structures?

The framework of the big universe is entangled with the source data and the rules are confusing. Then let me see your power. Burn 100,000 truth points and you can use it freely! "

[Since this is the first time a collaborator has made such a sincere request, okay]

In an instant, invisible fluctuations swept through the star sea, and a stronger aura suddenly appeared around the alliance army that had already increased a hundred times.

It's not that the increase ratio has increased, but it's like being in a complete home battle without any influence from the big universe!

On the other hand, looking at the big universe camp, the source data is suppressed layer by layer with countless high-dimensional characteristics and rules, which are obviously weakened!

Many people in the alliance army looked at the Eternal Fleet in surprise.

The extremely domineering invisible wave just now made only four words appear in their minds.

Look in all directions!

Faced with this overbearing power, the framework of the universe, which had persisted under the erosion of the Star Network and the Star Dome Network and barely maintained the structure of the Star Sea, collapsed visibly to the naked eye!

next moment.

The stars disintegrate and the sea of ​​stars disappears!

Only the killing celestial fortress belonging to the war unit shines brightly in the endless starry sky!

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