Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 325 Final Chapter: True Freedom

The Star Sea War shakes the world, and the first one to bear the brunt is the most abundant and vast Star Sea area in the universe.

The established star sea structure completely collapsed, and the gathered rule network and law structure were double eroded by the star network and the star dome network, completely falling into a disadvantage.

Even so, in the star sea area with a diameter of tens of thousands of stars, the bright light still does not dim at all!

It's just that what exudes majestic brilliance is no longer celestial bodies, stars, or cosmic wonders, but extremely majestic and vast war units!

Countless battle stars, star fortresses, high-dimensional fortresses, core war hubs and even expedition hubs are intertwined one after another, mixed with a vast number of mechanical battle stars.

Countless battleships collide in the ocean like tidal waves, and the torrent of light spears covering the star sea and the universe sweeps through wantonly.

Under the terrifying intensity of the war, even if all the military strength of a level nine civilization joins the war, it will probably be annihilated in an instant without causing any trouble.

Even the Alliance army, whose overall actual combat power has increased by a hundred times, does not dare to be underestimated in such a terrifying war.

There are hundreds of level 10 civilizations, tens of thousands of level 9 civilizations, and countless armies of level 7 and 8 civilizations, just like the endless sea of ​​stars.

It is no exaggeration to say that the number of Battle Star Fortresses participating in the battle at this moment is probably more than the entire units of a Origin Insect Swarm!

Even if the strongest combat power of both sides is only at the lower middle divine level, the reality barriers of large swaths of the universe continue to collapse despite quantitative changes causing qualitative changes.

Immediately, it was repaired by the operating star network.

And this war, which is unparalleled enough to shock countless universes, is only in its intensifying stage.

Another part of the civilized army and the Alliance's mechanical army are still pouring in from all over the universe, from the wasteland and from various different universes.

Of course, the alliance cannot just defend. When the main battlefield broke out, countless mechanical legions, star fleets and tactical squads attacked various celestial bodies in the depths of the universe.

Take the initiative to intercept the armies of advanced and even top civilizations.

In just two or three star sea months, the fierce war ignited the entire universe. Except for some remote places and alliance territories, everything in sight was dragged into the quagmire of war.

Defeating civilizations, swallowing up all history including the luck of these civilizations, and weakening the power of the will of the universe are the main goals of the real battlefield.

Therefore, even if the cosmic civilization does not take the initiative to attack the alliance, as long as it does not definitely side with the alliance, it will be actively attacked and destroyed by the alliance!

Countless planets evaporated without leaving any fragments behind, leaving only scattered celestial black holes slowly rotating.

The big universe is also not idle. In areas controlled by its rules, the originally calm starry sky suddenly bursts into endless violent energy, mixed with countless high-dimensional powers!

The energy storm like a tidal wave sweeps across the celestial body inch by inch.

Countless civilizations completely disappeared into the universe without any reaction, either in their sleep or in their daily lives.

Going back in time, arriving in advance.

All civilizations below level seven are unstoppable!

Only the other half is in the large cosmic area where the Star Network occupies most of the authority. There are still many civilizations that are still surviving, but they obviously cannot last long under the purge of countless alliance forces.

The intensity of the grand battle in the sea of ​​​​stars has skyrocketed again!

Time and space patterns, reality distortion, and laws collapse!

As time passes year by year, the energy laws under higher dimensions gradually fail, and only 100% high-dimensional power can continue to exert its power.

As a result, the seventh-level civilization completely exited.

The violent fighting and war continued to advance in a state where time and space could not be distinguished from the progress of reality. Countless battleships were damaged, and the next moment they were turned into source data and recycled.

The quality of the Star Fleet has skyrocketed under such high-intensity fighting. Many T5 Star Fleets have been promoted to T4. The balance of the real battlefield is slowly tilting.

Qingyang looked at the countless number of stars with calm eyes. During this period, wreckage and debris continued to drift in the high-dimensional watershed and in the years.

Star of Truth took this opportunity to analyze more than a hundred rules templates and laws of the universe. The Eternal Fleet has transformed all star battleships into the Immortal series, and even has several more T3 blueprint promotion opportunities.

The size of the Eternal Fleet has also reached more than three million ships, and there are two more Zunxingxingwu and a large number of Purple Gold Epics. In addition, the permanent crew members in the Star Space have given birth to several generations of children.

Many star adjutants or other extraordinary beings were born under the five-element cycle template.

Even Qingyang has reached pseudo-divinity at this moment, and is only one step away from true divinity.

Thousands of years have passed since the war started.

The violent light spear suddenly crossed the space and directly shattered a series of fortresses. Qingyang looked around at the stream of attacks that had been going on for thousands of years, and suddenly gained some understanding.

As it happened, without emotion or profound understanding, Qingyang successfully promoted to the lower level of divinity over a thousand years.

Looking at the high-dimensional watershed between nothingness and reality, Qingyang raised his eyebrows.

Compared with the real battlefield, the high-dimensional battlefield seems to have more advantages? !

The endless dark gold network channels are crisscrossed, like a torrent of source data flowing endlessly in it, carrying the supreme will of the meta-human race, constantly impacting the will of the universe and the sequential power of the Empire of Time.

In addition, there is a familiar blue light that fills every corner of the high-dimensional watershed, exuding a mysterious haze that offsets the endless divine will.

At least 70% of the entire high-dimensional river basin and even the years have been occupied by the power of the Star Network's will!

Among the six highest dimensions, except for the two extremely special worlds of Stars and First Time and Space, most of the other four highest dimensions have collapsed.

However, what surprised Qingyang was that there seemed to be many familiar gods in the alliance camp.

The Broken God was among them, along with a familiar divine whale.

After estimating the gap, Qingyang gave up his plan to go to the high-dimensional river basin, and instead looked at the surviving tenth-level civilization divinities in the real battlefield.

The surging rules of time and space followed the star network and suddenly covered it!

Time flies, thousands of years have passed.

The real battlefield has completely subsided, and the high-dimensional river basin and the battlefield of time have also been determined.

There is no brilliant tactical layout or macro adjustment, just the most simple and crude frontal fighting.

During this period, all situations and advantages and disadvantages did not exceed the predictions of the alliance's senior leaders before the war began, and progress was made extremely smoothly.

Qingyang was not surprised by this. The past alliance was unclear, and at least the current alliance would never gamble with the future of metahumanity.

The Star Sea Human Alliance has enough foundation and confidence to think of a complete direction strategy.

Since it chooses to go to war, the alliance will definitely estimate all the means of the universe as high as possible.

Obviously, the universe did have a lot of surprising trump cards during this period, and gained a local temporary advantage, but this trump card did not exceed the alliance's expectations.

As a result, all subjective and active enemies were retreating steadily under the full strength of the alliance, and they were defeated in just ten thousand years.

Among them, the real battlefield only lasted for more than 8,000 years.

Except for some of the Time Empire, Overlord Civilization, and various civilized forces that sided with the Alliance, all other enemies have been eliminated.

It is extremely easy for the Star Network, which controls part of the authority of the universe, to eliminate these civilizations.

As for divinity, there are not many in number, and they cannot hold on for long as the universe and the major first-sequences fall one after another.

For at least 80% of the ten thousand years, the alliance has been trying its best to erode the authority of these first sequences and the will of the universe.

Nowadays, all the abnormal powers have been gathered by the will of the Star Network and the superpowers of the alliance, leaving only the final deconstruction of the original core of the barren universe and the replacement of source data that has not yet been completed.

The blue sky, star network and star network channel have initially covered the universe.

Most of the authority of the universe will fall into the hands of the Alliance within a thousand years at the latest. As for the source data-based universe, it will take even longer to completely replace the universe with the alliance source data universe.

Not surprisingly, a retrospective period is required.

That's right, the alliance has already started a new era of retrospection, and it is in order to fill the gap in the civilization of the universe.

The Alliance has integrated a large number of civilizations from different universes that are loyal to the Alliance, as well as a large number of pan- and sub-human civilizations into the large universe.

By the way, thanks to this battle, the Alliance completely shattered at least 70% of the dimensional world and integrated it into the larger universe.

However, within hundreds of years, most of the post-war problems had been solved through extremely efficient means by the Alliance.

Among them, the collapsed original cosmic rule network and law framework were also restored with the patchwork of source data and star network. It is not a problem to support at least one retrospective era.

Due to the integration of the essence of the core of the universe, Time did not lose much, and even the Empire of Time did not lose much.

Compared to participating in the war, they obviously have no intention of competing for benefits. No matter who wins, it will just change the controller of time.

The highest dimensions are also controlled by the Alliance, and they will also be the first major targets of source digitization.

It's just that most of the divinities have been purged, losing the will of the universe and the major first sequences. Facing the Alliance Star Network and many powerful people, they don't have much resistance.

In addition, the desolate phase matrix provided by Qingyang and several other technologies that obtained truth during the war also received strong support and resource tilt after the war.

In short, during the period after the end of the Great Cosmos War, the alliance ushered in a long-lost period of ultra-rapid development.

Gate of the Universe, Source Data, Star Network, major tactical systems and even Star Commander have all undergone multiple optimizations, large and small.


In front of the huge gate of the world, Qingyang let out a long breath.

Looking at the gate of the world that he has not seen for tens of thousands of years, he looked forward to it: "I have been busy with various post-war things recently, and I am finally done."

"Finally we can start a new adventure again!" Gu Xue jumped out and pretended to be serious.

The bright eyes are full of divine light, and the abundant humanity in his eyes is constantly flowing, showing his joy at this moment.

Qingyang smiled faintly and touched Gu Xue's head. The situation was just like the T8 period.

The Eternal, which is more than 500 miles away, is slightly shiny and seems to be looking forward to new adventures.

"Hmph, long time no see, Desolate, your emperor is back!" Lilith appeared with a proud tone.

"Don't tell me, we seem to be the bosses already. The T3 fleet is still the pride of the younger generation of the alliance." Qingyang said helplessly.

"Yes, Qingyue."

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge starship that looked like a magnificent temple and was a hundred miles long appeared next to the Eternal!

Then a clear voice came: "Although they are all T3, there are not many in T3 who can defeat my brother's fleet in a duel."

After joking a few words, Qingyang looked at Chang Xi, who was dressed in white, as if seeing him for the first time, his eyes slightly dazed.

"Chang Xi."

"I'm here, Commander."

"Let's go, we have no clear destination for this expedition."


[Star of Truth proposes that regarding this expedition, please help Star of Truth pay attention to Law Polymer]

In the middle of the endless sea of ​​source data, there is a ripple in the boundless illusion that reflects the world.

Starnet Will looked at Qingyang and Qingyue, who had disappeared one after another at the gate of the world, and the calm and ethereal mechanical sound echoed endlessly.

[The Desolation Phase Matrix has been loaded into the Alliance's meta-human origin, source data and other related sequences. Perhaps it won't be long before Alliance explorers will find something different]

At the end, there was a hint of smile in the voice of Star Network Will.

Suddenly, red light gathered above the sea of ​​endless source data.

Yonghui Star watched the retreating figures of Qingyang and countless explorers with a gentle will, and smiled peacefully.

"When the narrator is unable to continue writing all this, the creatures in the story will usher in true freedom."


【Complete book】

Alas, stop talking, I am a waste.

Final remarks, reflections and solicitation of opinions will be released later.

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