Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 35 Alliance Orthodoxy and Star Network (Background Supplement)

Dark space is as colorful as ever.

In the Taiyi control room, Qingyang studied the star map route.

Although the departure point belongs to the outer edge of the alliance territory, the journey to the border is still extremely long, and it is necessary to pass through a large number of ordinary countries and elite countries, so the star gates and star rings are too scattered.

The distance between many star gates is hundreds or even thousands of light years, especially the closer to the border, the rarer the star ring channels.

In the end, only some key strategic areas will have military star ring channels!

There is no way, the largest number of countries in the alliance is ordinary countries, followed by elite countries.

Only by entering the sequence of great powers can you truly enter the alliance's vision, and at the same time you will receive huge funding and help from the alliance.

Star gates and star ring channels are just the most basic support projects.

As for ordinary countries and elite countries, they only receive basic benefits from the alliance, such as various optimizations for baby births, basic extraordinary knowledge, basic medical education, etc.

The benefits and environmental treatment they enjoy far exceed those of the fifth and sixth level civilizations in the outside world, but in fact the level of civilization is only fourth and fifth levels.

The advanced elite countries are only equivalent to the sixth level civilization, which is not weak outside the alliance.

Even a Level 5 civilization can dominate a region, with dozens of Level 4 civilizations as its subordinates, and can be regarded as a local emperor.

However, in the alliance, the most common big countries have the power to wipe out Level 7 civilizations.

Level 7 civilization is an advanced civilization that masters dimensional technology.

In addition to military exploits and the strength of the star fleet, the promotion of a country in the alliance also depends on another thing - group will and spirit!

Most of the ordinary countries and elite countries in the alliance are pan-humans, with blood and skin of various colors.

They are basically the offspring of other pan-human civilizations encountered by the alliance during countless years of expansion.

The four super countries and those powerful countries that originally formed the alliance basically originated from the same mother star and have their own group soul veins!

The fortune and foundation of the huge civilization of the Star Sea Human Alliance are mostly in this group.

The remaining small part is scattered in various big countries, and many powerful big countries are established by humans scattered from some powerful countries.

In addition, most of the big countries are optimized by the civilization rules of the alliance from generation to generation, and their souls are sublimated to a group close to native humans.

As for this native human, of course, it is the standard set by the four super countries and many powerful countries.

The alliance's luck is so strong that even if only a small part covers a country, all kinds of geniuses will emerge continuously, and technological breakthroughs will not be too difficult.

The development speed has increased hundreds of times!

Even the average talent will be optimized by generations of groups. This is the gap between big countries and small countries.

Of course, ordinary countries and elite countries will also be subtly optimized.

The closer the group's will and spirit are to the original human standard, the faster the optimization speed will be, and the faster the development speed will be.

Eventually become new great powers.

Only by becoming a great power can we feed back to the Star Sea Human Alliance and enhance the overall foundation of the alliance.

Most of the alliance army is selected and formed from various great powers, and their main responsibility is to expand the alliance's territory and fight with other civilizations.

The four superpowers and powers have to face the real dangers and terrors in the universe-the cosmic wasteland and some mysterious things.

Under the influence of the alliance civilization rules, great powers and above cannot betray the alliance, and the citizens are even immune to any mental pollution and group instigation.

Most ordinary countries and elite countries will not betray, of course, there are still a small number that cannot be determined.

These are things that everyone in the alliance knows.

Therefore, every time an elite country is promoted to a great power, the entire ordinary country and elite country circle will be lively for a while.

Thinking of this, Qingyang couldn't help muttering: "Native humans, could they be Earth humans?"


Gu Xue vaguely caught this word and came over to blink.

"This seems to be the oldest name of the Alliance's mother planet. Only the top leaders of powerful countries and super countries call it this. It can't be found on the Internet. If my father hadn't told me, I wouldn't know it.

How did Brother Qingyang know it?"


Qingyang was silent for a moment, but he had already had similar guesses in his heart and was not shocked for too long.

"Ah, I'm originally from the Kyushu Republic."

"What?! Brother Qingyang, did you get a Kyushu visa? What did you do? Stan civilization? That's not enough."

Gu Xue widened her eyes and said in disbelief.

Qingyang said calmly: "No, I mean, I have the Kyushu soul vein."

"No wonder you are so talented, it turns out you are a native citizen of Kyushu." Gu Xue digested this information with difficulty and said suddenly.

Native citizens of powerful countries and super countries do not need identity proof, just verify the soul vein.

Qingyang suddenly asked curiously: "What kind of soul vein is the Tianxing Empire?"

"Tianxing soul vein, we are not the lineage of the Earth human beings, the time of appearance is the second era of the alliance, which is also the early period of the alliance.

I heard that it was a country established by some ancestors of Jiuzhou and a powerful human civilization. It was not until the third era of the alliance that the soul vein was born and became a powerful country."

Gu Xue said, staring at Qingyang with bright eyes.

People from super powers rarely appear in the outside world, and new star commanders are almost all in the trial area of ​​their own territory.

When they become powerful, they go to the border or the border of the wasteland to fight.

Even she has only seen Jiuzhou diplomats a few times.

Averting her eyes a little unnaturally, Qingyang really can't stand Gu Xue's eyes.

Why does it feel like looking at a rare animal?

But speaking of it, the Star Sea Human Alliance seems to be a super-enhanced version of the United Nations?

In addition to the super-nation, the Alliance has command over all powers, including powerful nations. The nations of the Earth Age, and the human nations of the Great Universe Age are more like regions and lower-level administrative units.

And the alliance is not just a show-off. The military systems of all major countries in the alliance are based on the alliance military system.

The establishment of the army of a great power must be organized as specified by the alliance, and after formation, it has a second identity besides being subordinate to a great power.

Alliance Army!

In terms of command authority, the alliance is above the major powers. The alliance is responsible for dividing general strategic tasks. The major powers can only command within this strategic scope.

This strategic scope is the theater module of the frontier. War zones of different levels correspond to enemy forces of different strengths.

In addition, the Alliance Army also has its own elite legion, each of which has terrifying strength comparable to the military strength of the established powers.

There are even ace legions that rival the military strength of ordinary powerful countries.

Except for the Alliance Army, which is a mid-level force in human civilization, high-end military forces are basically concentrated in powerful groups.

Usually, they open up better territory in the desolate areas of the universe and resist some unknown enemies.

The Void Zerg is just one of them.

Of course, the area of ​​the explored universe is also extremely large, giving birth to endless civilizations, and human civilization in the Star Sea only occupies a very small area.

The main responsibility of the Alliance Army is to deal with problems in the explored areas and face the challenges of countless civilizations!

As for how to manage such a huge system, we have to talk about Star Network.

This thing is not a simple virtual data network. In some aspects, it can be regarded as a rule-level capability.

The most basic one is that the star network where the civilization destiny of the Star Sea Human Alliance is located will exist!

The alliance's laws, command, security, welfare, and communication are all executed on the Star Network.

Therefore, no country can violate the laws of the alliance. If you violate the laws of the alliance the next moment, the starry sky fleet will be at your doorstep.

It can be said that the Star Network is an artificial application of civilized rules and luck.

Qingyang actually didn't understand many things, but the general situation was enough to make him feel the power of the alliance.

Woohoo, I have something to do today. I finished coding two chapters in the early morning. Guess what time it was when I typed this?

Five o'clock! ! !

I love you so much, so hurry up and read and flutter for me hehehehehehehehehehehehe

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