Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 36 Special Star Martial Arts? Big event in the alliance!

ps: The name of Taiyi Intelligent is not suitable, so it is changed to Changxi


A large Dyson sphere starport built on a star.

The Eternal Truth Fleet is being repaired.

By the way, all the resources in the warehouse are disposed of.

The massive resources almost burst the warehouse of a starport with a length and width of 100 miles, and dozens of transport ships are loading these resources.

If space technology is not already everywhere in the alliance, it would probably take at least hundreds of transport ships to load them.

Qingyang looked at the transport ships in a very good mood, and behind him was a battleship workshop of about five kilometers.

Just now, all these resources were exchanged for star battleship manufacturing resources, but I didn’t expect that there were a lot more than expected.

At least two Chichen battleships and five Jianren ships can be built!

Although it feels much less than the resources that were exchanged, there is no way. The resources for building star battleships need to have the characteristics of carrying high-dimensional data, and their preciousness is far beyond ordinary resources.

"Brothers, take a five-day holiday. This starport that completely surrounds the star has many good places." Qingyang said happily, then closed the communication and found a large warehouse to build a warship. Looking at the drawings that derived several warships at the same time, Qingyang was slightly surprised. He thought that only one warship could be built at a time, but he didn't expect that they could be built at the same time. This time Qingyang did not wait, but returned to Taiyi to open the star network. Not long ago, I received a notice that the report reward of Stan civilization has been determined. Qingyang has been busy for a long time and now has the opportunity to check it. [According to the pan-human policy, rewards will be given based on whether the human civilization has passed the alliance review and the average mental will strength] [The review is as follows-Stan Human: Group Mental Will (Excellent) Expected Potential: Advanced Great Power (Too few people, doubtful) Due to the small number of people, the development time will be greatly slowed down, and the assessment will be reduced] [Reward: Star Points 5w, War Merit 8w, Star Crystal × 2 (Purple) Main Gun Special Star Weapon × 1 (Purple), Level 4 Merit (Military Star Gate and Star Ring Channel Free)] Qingyang's eyes lit up, the rewards are really not small. Including the seven star battleships being manufactured, there are currently sixteen!

Eighty thousand battle merits can just make up for four long-drive cruisers. Star points will not be spent for the time being. After all, without special opportunities, star points are the only resource that can complete the level transformation of the star fleet.

Whether it is upgrading the star battleship to T7 or directly purchasing T7 blueprints, a large number of star points are required.

The source of battle merits is not stable, and the uncertainty of transformation using battle merits is too great.

The four long-drive ships soon appeared in the designated warehouse, and the data was successfully completed. Qingyang looked at the star weapon next to the warehouse.

"Huh? It looks like a weapon." Qingyang said in surprise.

This star weapon is not the crystal-like appearance of the previous one, but rather like a shrunken weapon.

Mysterious energy fluctuations flow on it.

[Special Star Weapon: Yuansha Main Gun (Sporadic)]

[Quality: Purple (Mass Production)]

[Description: Star weapon that can only be loaded on combat-type special ships, and has no group effect]

[Basic: 2w attack energy level, can grow (bound to special ships)]

[Extra One: Mysterious +1 (damage to the existence of meme pollution +100%)]

[Extra Two: Super Weapon +1 (beyond visual range attack, currently within 100 light years, energy consumption +500%, buffering takes ten minutes)]

[Basic Energy Storage: 60s (digitized)]

[Evaluation: It is said that its original Star Weapon (only one) comes from a legendary commander in the Quaternary period. Perhaps you will be lucky enough to see Him in the depths of the desolate area?]

Touching his chin, Qingyang really didn't expect there was such a Star Weapon.

Qingyang asked, "What type of special spaceship is Taiyi?"

Chang Xi's graceful figure emerged, her eyebrows slightly curved: "Combat type, commander."

The gentle eyes paused on the star weapon, and then smiled: "Just right."

Qingyang's eyes stopped on Chang Xi, his expression was stunned for a moment, and then he regained his composure.

"The cheongsam is nice."

At the same time, he integrated the Yuansha main gun into Taiyi, and the original Taiyi main gun suddenly changed.

The blazing white crystal turned into red gold, and the special metal structure around it also turned into a black dragon alloy sculpture.

Qingyang looked at the panel and couldn't stop laughing.

Twenty thousand kills!

This is the level of a T7 ordinary battleship!

Enough to smash some asteroids with a diameter of thousands of kilometers, not to mention that this star weapon also has beyond-visual-range strikes.

But unfortunately, there is no star map mark, and beyond-visual-range strikes cannot be used at all, unless the matrix detection range of the Eternal Fleet reaches a hundred light years.

At present, the maximum joint detection range of the Eternal Fleet is no more than twenty light days.

Qingyang didn't use the two star crystals. The purple star weapon in his hand was strong enough at present. It would not be too late to upgrade the star when needed.

After closing the data panel with satisfaction, Qingyang's eyes fell on Chang Xi who was about to disappear.

"How about going down for a walk?" Qingyang smiled and pointed to the endless star port area outside.

Chang Xi hesitated slightly, and finally nodded with a smile: "Okay, Commander."

The central star field of the alliance.

There is a vast and majestic creation standing majestically in the starry sky of the universe.

The brilliance emitted by this great creation illuminates the surrounding space of dozens of light years.

Tens of thousands of starry sky cities comparable in size to planets surround this creation.

Countless ships and starry sky fleets come and go around, and there are many starry sky battleships of hundreds or even nearly a thousand kilometers!

This is the headquarters of the Alliance Education Department.

The budding superstructure.

Or it can be called - budding star!

In a conference room in the center of Germinal Star, hundreds of figures exuding powerful auras were discussing.

"The time for the youth league is determined, October 1, 2095."

The old man in the third row at the front smiled.

The person at the main seat said in a nostalgic tone: "The Fifth Epoch has only passed for more than five million and seven thousand years. The shocking scene of the great retrogression of the universe during the first era seems to be still vivid in our minds."

"Many eighth-level civilizations survived that time. It seems that the quality of civilizations will be much stronger every time the era changes. The Star Sea Alliance in the fifth era has many more geniuses than in the fourth era."

"Hahahaha, okay, without further ado, how will the youth league be held this time?"

"Star Fleet Points Competition, Extraordinary Team Battle Royale, Extraordinary Individual Battle Royale, Auxiliary Extraordinary Points Competition, Scientific Research Genius Essay Competition. There are about 4,500 types of competitions, the first five are the most important."

The relevant person in charge has already planned it.

"Isn't it a bit cruel for Extraordinaries to directly engage in a battle royale? And if we put them all together, it would be a long time."

The person in charge said: "According to the stages, the first round will stop immediately with only 10% left, and the second round will stop with only 10% left. Until there are only one million Beyonder teams and individuals left, the points system for the arena competition will be started!

In addition, the team competition is placed after the individual competition, and the number of people is limited to eighteen! "

"As for the starry sky fleet, because the enemy cannot be both a starry sky fleet, this time it will still be a points system." The person on the main seat said calmly.

"What about the enemy? Or the void insect swarm and omnic life form? And the venue." Someone asked.

The middle-aged man in military uniform on the far left stood up immediately.

"The site is a dimensional world with a diameter of about 500 million light years, which has been cleared and transformed.

In addition to releasing a large number of void Zerg broods and omnic engineering base groups, there will also be some civilizations as enemies, targeting the fifth and sixth level civilizations under the alliance's hostile advanced civilization.

The Alliance Army will make a selection of these civilizations, and finally throw them into the dimensional world together with the entire territory of their civilization!

Afterwards, the time of this dimensional world will be accelerated for a few months to ensure that the void zerg and omnics have time to develop. "

The officer's tone sounded as if he was talking about another trivial matter.

"The age limit for all competitions is 50!"

The 50-year-old in the league is still considered a youth, and everyone can participate in the league almost twice, once when they are around 20 years old and once when they are around 40 years old.

The first time participating in the competition is mostly to test the waters.

"Rewards will still be arranged by the financial department."

"In addition, only those who meet the standard for star network ability assessment can participate in the competition, and the star fleet must at least reach the T7 senior fleet!"


"Okay, now that everything has been confirmed, we can start preparations. The meeting is over!"

"May the sprout of humanity prosper forever!"

The plot and pace seem a bit fast, but it doesn't bother you until you reach the frontier. Once you get to the frontier, the plot will become more numerous and the pace will naturally slow down.

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