Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 60 This is the normal dimensional world (please read)

Qingyang had no intention of staying in this base for a long time and immediately headed towards the huge star ring passage in the plan.

Looking around, there are hundreds of fleets entering and exiting the major star ring channels, including many powerful starry sky fleets.

Smoothly enter the mirror-like star ring channel.

The Eternal Fleet immediately approached the next base at an incredible speed.

In just a few minutes, the Eternal Fleet arrived at a second military base farther away.

Also without stopping, the Eternal Fleet continued to move forward, and it did not stop at a base until the Eternal Fleet made four transits.

It wasn't that Qingyang planned to take a rest, but that they had arrived at the famous space blockade area in the warning area.

There are three in total, and all space nodes and weak layers in each ring area are blocked. The barriers are even highly reinforced to prevent things from quickly crossing the warning area.

Without special markings, subspace and even dark space cannot be entered.

There are many miracles in the universe, and there are many special beings that are not high-dimensional life, but whose speed is more terrifying than high-dimensional life.

The border warning zone can be crossed in just a few minutes.

There are only a few very large star ring channels connecting this distance. It is obvious that there is no such star ring channel here.

The Eternal Fleet needs to rely on its own sailing speed to cover this distance.

"Fortunately, Star Fleet Marks can use dark space navigation to navigate this distance. It can be crossed in about six days."

Qingyang carefully checked the navigation requirements and breathed a sigh of relief.

After purchasing a batch of supplies, the Eternal Fleet is on the road again.

The Eternal Fleet traveled through the dark space at maximum speed, and Qingyang put down the shiny star fantasy crystal core in his hand.

Opening the star network panel, he stared at the current star point reserve totaling more than 200,000, with a slight hesitation.

He has already had the idea of ​​using star points to search the world. Although the Star of Truth is powerful, the anchor point search mode is obviously not what the T8 fleet can do well.

Randomly search for dimensional anchor points. Although there is only a quarter probability, the world that can be searched will not be too beyond the fleet's range.

Suitable for early transition.

The reward of 100% assimilation is no joke.

Qingyang gradually became firm: "Let's try it."

Gu Xing is on the boat, no matter how lucky he is, his luck is not too bad, right?

Thinking about it, Qingyang no longer hesitated, opened the relevant page and instantly invested 40,000 star points.

【Randomly searching】

[Search failed] [Search failed] [Search successful] [Search successful]


Qingyang, who was still distressed by the 40,000 star points, was shocked. Two anchor points?

The anchor points randomly searched by StarNet using Star Points can be saved, but they cannot be copied and can only be used for your own use.

After all, the worlds searched by Starpoint prove that the searchers have a probability of winning them alone, and there is really no need to copy them. Of course, if you want to sell it, Star Network will not restrict it.

Suddenly, a large number of particles condensed and turned into two crystal balls that fell into Qingyang's hands.

Immediately throw out two probes.

[World No. 1: One Hundred Light Years (Highly Dangerous)]

[Description: There is no civilization, only a wild galaxy and a group of star beasts (two thousand three hundred and forty) entrenched here]

[Attachment: The first few of the group of star beasts that can penetrate the barrier of the world in a hundred light-year dimension may be level 6, but generally they are level 3]

[World No. 2: Three Hundred Light Years (Medium Danger)]

[Description: It is a production world in a dimensional world of 170,000 light years. Recently, it was temporarily disconnected due to a storm in the dimensional basin. It has a fleet of fourth-level advanced civilization (1,800 ships) and several surface defenses]

[Attachment: Its core flagships are two standard motherships with 40,000 energy levels, most of which are prone to attack (defense 1w)]

His eyes scanned the two world information.

"The second one, let's start the fight directly and neatly!" Qingyang decided.

The two motherships have 30,000-level main guns, but the current Eternal Fleet of forty-four battleships has a combined shield level of up to 45,000.

It is not a big problem to resist seven or eight times of 30,000-level damage. Moreover, the mothership is not as flexible as the battleship, and the instantaneous jump brought by digitalization is far from being comparable to conventional dodge.

The overall threat is far less than a few level six star beasts.

Ordering the crew to prepare, the Eternal Fleet escaped from the dark space midway.

Then he instantly disappeared into the universe through the star network anchor point.

Kaslan Osa Empire, the Thirteenth Production World.

"Damn it, the dimensional turbulence surrounding the Thirteen Realms will take at least five days to pass. If the dimensional world wasn't extremely resistant to dimensional energy, it would be dangerous."

"Why did this dimensional turbulence erupt so suddenly? There is still a bit of void and high-dimensional energy."

"I don't know. Be careful during this period to prevent the invasion of civilizations from other worlds!"

In a base hundreds of kilometers away, three dwarf-like creatures with dry skin and four arms and three legs were talking to each other.

They are the fleet chief and lieutenants of this world.

The Osa tribe, which has a certain talent for thinking connection and high bloodline strength, has shallow thinking connection, so this civilization develops faster and is more united.

It can be regarded as the strongest force in the surrounding dimensional world.

[KL21 area patrol formation lost contact]

The commander of the Osa defense fleet twisted his body, and his dry and narrow eyes widened slightly.

"what happened?"

Vice Admiral Osa replied: "It is close to the World Barrier. It is normal for the signal to be unstable. A battleship formation has been sent to check."

The general nodded and paid no attention.

border area.

Dozens of warships about a kilometer high and standing in the shape of a crescent moon were now turned into garbage floating in the space.

Tens of thousands of broken corpses of the Osa tribe were scattered, and more were reduced to ashes along with the battleships, with no bones left.

The Eternal Fleet slowly retracted its orbital guns among the wreckage.

Everyone looked at the tragic scene in the starry sky with no emotion in their eyes.

The death of non-human creatures in front of our eyes really doesn't have much impact. Even because of the different expressions of emotions and language, their seemingly touching words may seem to humans like chaotic squeaking.

Emotional expression perhaps skin discoloration?

In short, they are not of the same race, and their emotions are not connected.

Coupled with the factors of civilizational interests, the Alliance Star Fleet may be a demon-like existence in the eyes of hostile civilizations and dimensional worlds.

But within humans, it is an absolute hero and a symbol of security!

"How is it?" Qingyang turned to look at Chang Xi.

Chang Xi chuckled and said: "We have successfully invaded the enemy's data network, and the hidden command hub and the location of each warship have been identified."

While speaking, the temporary replacement of the star map was completed.

Qingyang looked at the star map and his eyes lit up: "Are the two motherships separated?"

The situation was more perfect than imagined. Thousands of battleships were dispersed. The two largest waves were in the area where the two motherships were located.

There are more than 300 warships nearby, and the average energy level is expected to be around 1k, among which the elite ships should be at 2k~4k energy level.

"Leap to the enemy's command hub immediately!"

The Eternal Fleet disappeared in an instant.

For a moment, the space here fluctuated slightly again, and more than twenty even larger Shuyue battleships, nearly two thousand meters high, arrived at the scene.

The body of the leading Osa officer trembled.

"Not good! Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Report!"

Just when the Osa officer reported, the system where the command hub is located.

The Eternal Fleet quietly emerged.

Without any hesitation, the main guns of Yuan Sha and the main guns of the Eternal Fleet all gathered their energy.

The terrifying energy wave triggered an alarm throughout the command hub, and the 30,000-level shield quickly rose.

"Damn it! What's going on?"

Lord Osa stuck his angry voice in his throat, and his narrow eyes reflected hundreds of bright streams of light.


The command hub shuddered, the alloy structure of the hub was twisted, and arcs caused by damaged equipment and bases were everywhere.

The shield quickly dimmed visibly to the naked eye, and finally only a weak light curtain remained.

Just when Lord Osa thought he had survived.

The second wave of strikes from the Eternal Fleet is coming again!

This time, the shield and the entire huge command hub were completely transformed into a ball of fire that could compete with the stars.

Second update! It’s still early morning! !

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