Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 61 Tian Ling takes action (please read)

Ignoring the command center that was constantly experiencing explosions, Qingyang saw that his goal was achieved and immediately gave the order.

"Fleet, immediately jump to the marked Osa Mothership No. 1, and be sure to destroy one of the two motherships before they merge!"


Forty-four battleships turned flexibly, jumped into the dark space basin in an instant, and headed straight for the target!

Only the command center with constant explosions and the sluggish Osa tribe in the nearby spaceship were left.

They have no idea what's going on.

A broken star belt one hundred and thirty-five light years away from here.

Hundreds of Osa warships that were floating quietly suddenly moved. Among them, the lowest had an energy level of more than 1,000, and a few warships reached 8,000 energy levels.

The most conspicuous thing is a huge triangular mothership with a diameter of about fifty kilometers in the center of the fleet!

It is the mothership formation of the Osa tribe.

As soon as the command hub was disconnected, Osa fleets from all over the place began to move towards the command hub.

Which naturally includes two battleship formations with the mothership as the flagship!

Mothership, Osa officer's narrow eyes trembled slightly, showing his uneasy heart.

Is there really someone attacking the Thirteenth Production World? !

The Osa officer didn't care about anything else and said anxiously: "Fleet! Prepare to jump!"

Suddenly, invisible fluctuations quickly covered the surrounding area for several light hours!

The Osa fleet that was undergoing a jump trembled with a sudden tremor, and the subspace engines were extinguished at the same time. The Osa officers felt bad.

The most worrying situation has happened!

[alarm! Subspace transition has been suppressed by unknown space waveform]

[Note that subspace navigation and space jumping are not possible within the space suppression range]

"Activate the ship's weapons, maximize the energy of the shield, and disperse the warships!" Officer Osa was obviously not a showman and reacted immediately.

Suddenly a red light beam suddenly appeared, and the solid and thick light beam crossed a large distance in space in just a few breaths.

Hit the triangular mothership head-on!

The outer shield of the huge mothership emerged, and the honeycomb shield suddenly trembled. Cracks appeared in the shield visible to the naked eye, and then it shattered.

Only then did the attackers escape from the warp.

Taiyi looked expressionless as he watched Yuan Sha shatter the mothership's shield with one shot.

For a 40,000-level battleship, the normal allocation should be a 25,000-level shield and a 15,000-level main gun.

At least make sure your shield can withstand seven or eight rounds of artillery fire from your most powerful main gun, right?

In interstellar war, you must be alive to be eligible for output.

The 30,000-level main gun sounds powerful, but it is actually a glass cannon.

But the next moment, Qingyang couldn't laugh anymore.

I saw the triangular mothership with its shield broken, the surrounding space flickering slightly, and a brand new shield unexpectedly reappeared.

"Star of Truth?"

[The defense energy level is 1w, but the energy core of the mothership is enough to continuously generate a shield, with an interval of about 0.05s]

[It is estimated that fifty-five crushings will consume the carrier’s defense energy]

A 10,000-level shield has been generated for fifty-five consecutive times. This defensive effect is no different from a 40,000-level shield, right?

Qingyang was shocked and said seriously: "Fleet! Clean up the remaining warships except the mothership with all your strength. Yuansha's main guns will attack the mothership non-stop!"

At the same time, a powerful mental threshold is connected to each star battleship, ready to dodge the attack of the enemy mothership.

Fifty-five bombardments, even though the charging time of Yuansha's main gun is very short, there is always a buffer interval.

Sure enough, no civilization should be underestimated. They always have something unique to one degree or another.

Also, don’t trust too much in energy level judgments.

After all, the energy level is only the external performance of a warship at all times, and does not include reserve energy, shield recovery efficiency, gun attack speed, etc.

The Osa fleet that was hit in the first wave also launched an artillery bombardment.

Thousands of beams of light intertwined continuously in the starry sky, and the slightly dim starry sky seemed to be illuminated by dense beams of light.

Silent 'fireworks' were staged in the starry sky.

explode, tear apart, die

Although it is impossible to take down the Osa mothership in a short time, there is no big problem for the Eternal Fleet to clean up some Osa battleships.

The powerful beam easily shreds the shields of the Osa battleships, and the aftermath can also easily shatter the hulls.

Explosions kept rising.

During this period, the extremely powerful main gun on the top of the Osa mothership attacked many times, but faced the battleship under mental micro-control.

You only need to move a little distance to dodge the mothership's attack. Sometimes the main gun's brilliance is even only a hundred meters away from the starship.

Faced with such an exquisite physical dodge, Officer Osa was filled with shock.

What level of shipboard intelligent control and power system is this?

The Osa officer quickly put away his distracting thoughts, and the powerful main guns and naval guns continued to roar towards the Eternal Fleet.

At the same time, more than a dozen 5,000-level warships surrounding the mothership were also receiving the war blessing from the mothership.

The shield strength and recovery speed are significantly enhanced, and the combat pressure of the Eternal Fleet rises sharply!

At least several nearly universal-level attacks hit the Eternal Fleet.

Qingyang frowned: "Bypass the mothership and the enemy's elite warships, prioritize cleaning up the miscellaneous soldiers, Guxing is preparing to break in."

The comprehensive defense of the Osa mothership is a bit tough and needs to be solved by another method.

For example, Jump Bang!

"I can go too."

A clear voice came, and everyone looked at Tian Ling.

By the way, Tian Ling seems to be very powerful, but this is on the premise of losing some of her original abilities!

Qingyang hesitated for a moment and finally said: "Be careful."

"I need to act alone, otherwise I will be accidentally injured." Tian Ling's bare feet were ten centimeters off the ground, floating in the air, her expression calm.

Gu Xing and others looked at Tian Ling in surprise.

So confident?

Controlling the battleship again to dodge the main gun of the enemy mothership, Qingyang hesitated a little and stared at Tian Ling's pretty face with a hint of childishness.


Tian Ling remained expressionless: "Yes, Commander, I'm very sure."

"Then go ahead, Guxing, you guys will take the mecha troops to the elite battleships near the mothership." Qingyang did not dissuade him.

Soon, the assault unit effect was activated.

The Extraordinary troops and mecha troops disappeared directly into Taiyi, and Tian Ling also disappeared at the same time.

"I hope Tianling can bring surprises." Qingyang said silently in his heart.

Osa mothership.

Tian Ling's figure emerged, her petite and exquisite body floating in the air.

Looking around, the snow-white jade feet touched the void, and the black hair touching the ankles suddenly moved automatically without wind.

Suddenly, several intertwined shapes of huge gears appeared behind Tian Ling and started to rotate slowly.

Both eyes are also condensed with the phantom of cyan gears.

boom! ! !

Dark blue lightning suddenly appeared inside the mothership, and the hull structure within a few hundred meters of the surrounding area, no matter what material it was made of, quickly turned into pieces of bronze.

Turned into decay.

Tian Ling's eyes remained cold as she looked around at the damage caused and nodded slightly.

I only regained some strength, but it was enough.

Putting his hands together, the decaying bronze materials around him gathered together, and finally condensed into four huge surrounding machines, shrouding Tian Ling behind him.

ancient, mysterious, hazy

Green hair is flying, and green energy is connected to the bronze body behind him.

At this moment, Tian Ling looked exactly like Ex Machina in Qingyang's impression.

"Tian Ling, how is the situation?" Qingyang's question sounded in the communicator.

Tian Ling replied: "Seven hundred and fifty third-level mechas, forty-three fourth-level mechas, and six fifth-level mechas."

Qingyang Dundun, who is controlling the fleet to encircle and suppress the Osa fleet, has forty-three units at the fourth level and six units at the fifth level?

Can Tian Ling handle it?

"Approximately how long can it last?"


Qingyang's heart sank slightly: "Ten minutes? Got it, I'll let the Shadow Blade support you."

"No, Commander, they can still hold on for nine seconds."

First update at 10:30 (the time of the first update is completely confirmed)

The second update is between 14:00~15:30 (latest 16:00)

Unexpected delays of one or two hours are rare.

Additional adjustments will be made after it is put on the shelves (it will take a few days after it is put on the shelves for at least three updates, and if the first order is high, then four updates will be made for a period of time)

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