Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 85 Promotion! T7 level star fleet! (Please place your first order on the 17th)

Qingyang took a deep breath and then opened the Star Network panel.

[The auction ended four days ago and lasted for two months. Please collect the proceeds from your auction (2% fee has been extracted)]

[Level 7 civilization mechanical battleship blueprint × 2330w star points, blue star weapon × 130w star points]

[A total of 24.6 million star points obtained]

Suppressing the excitement in his heart about getting rich suddenly, Qingyang looked at another military email.

Perhaps more than 20 million star points are too many for the T8 fleet, but don't forget that Qingyang plans to upgrade a hundred high-end ships to T7 ships at the same time!

I don’t know if a mere 20 million is enough to upgrade a hundred warships at the same time.

After all, it also includes the purchase of materials.

Not to mention that both commander promotion and battleship promotion require a large amount of star points.

[Military: Star Commander once again discovered pan-human civilization and a resource-rich dimensional world, which has made great contributions

Combat merit reward: 1.8 million (physical rewards are being calculated)]

Qingyang was inexplicably surprised, with a total reward of 1.8 million in battle merit!

However, most of this military achievement should be the reward for discovering the dimensional world.

The most valuable rewards given by the first two discoveries of pan-human civilization were physical rewards such as star weapons.

It should be about the same this time.

Open the battle merit redemption panel and quickly flip it to the materials page.

Qingyang quickly determined the amount of resources required to manufacture a T8 Huiyue battleship. He made a rough estimate in his mind and offered a 50% discount for a set of 20,000 battle credits.

Quickly redeeming all the resources for the fifty Huiyue battleships, Qingyang immediately used the drawings to manufacture the battleships at the same time.

It is expected to take two days to complete.

It originally took five days, but the Alliance's shipyard had a bonus to the manufacturing speed.

"Counting the original fifty-eight battleships, excluding the Chichen battleship that cannot be promoted to T7 for the time being, one hundred is just right."

Qingyang thought.

Commanders can also use star points to purchase upgrade materials for military star battleships from the military.

There is no shortage of upgrade materials for other cruisers and battleships in the Star Network.

The Taiyi is a special battleship, and its basic characteristics are originally T6. As long as the mental threshold reaches the T7 level, the Taiyi can be promoted to a T7 battleship by consuming a large number of star points.

At present, it seems that as long as there are enough star points, promotion is not difficult.

"Star Network! Raise the spiritual threshold!"

[Basic requirements for Star Commander promotion are met]

[Detecting the specific threshold - Perfection +7 (+5 for this level, you can go directly to the next level of mental threshold standard Perfection level)]

[It is estimated that 1.4 million star points will be consumed. Should we start promotion?]

Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief.

The cost is within the acceptable range.

As the foundation of the starry sky fleet system, star points have many functions, in addition to expending energy on starry sky battleships and upgrading battleships with materials.

Among them, increasing the mental threshold in the early stage is one of the most important functions.

Promotion in the middle and later stages seems to require some special treasures.

"Confirm promotion!"

Suddenly, the 1.4 million illusory star points turned into countless light particles, carrying wisps of high-dimensional characteristics and pouring into Qingyang's consciousness.

Qingyang's mind was in a daze, as if some space was opening up in his mind.

The pool water formed by the spiritual void spread rapidly, and finally formed a large lake, with two miniatures of stars twinkling above the large lake.


The crisp sound of water flowed, and Qingyang's consciousness gradually recovered.

[Spiritual threshold has been promoted to - T7 (Perfect + 2)]

Qingyang looked around. In addition to the great refinement of the five senses, the memory strength and data control of the brain had also been greatly improved.

Far more than a hundred times more than before.

Looking at the water cup on the table not far away, Qingyang's eyes narrowed, and the alloy water cup dozens of meters away suddenly floated into the sky.

"Is it transformed into mental power? The intensity is probably around level three."

Qingyang was thoughtful and took back his mental power.

The cup suspended in the air is like quicksand that has lost its support, turning into metal dust and drifting away.

Qingyang got acquainted with the soaring mental power, and then dialed Manager Bi's communication number.

[Hahaha, long time no see, Mr. Qing, how are you these days]

Not long after, Manager Bi's business greetings came out from the panel.

[I need promotion materials for fifty-one Huiyue ships]

There was silence for a few seconds, and then the tone hesitated.

[sure? ]

Manager Bi, who is in the company, is full of doubts. Normally, such a genius should reach Perfect +5 before he can be promoted.

Could it be that the urgency is because of the youth league?

There are still more than two years left, so this is too hasty, right?

Thinking about it, he opened the friend list and glanced at Qingyang's basic information - T7 Perfection + 2

The hand that was about to sign a document shook, and Manager Bi's face was filled with astonishment.

"Manager Bi?" Qingyang's voice woke up Manager Bi.

[No problem, the fifty-one upgrade materials are calculated at 50% off the original price, which requires 510,000 star points, which is 3 million for you. In addition, each Huiyue ship needs to invest 10,000 star points to upgrade, of which 50,000 will be reimbursed by our Huiyue]

What was said at the beginning was a 50% discount on all items, which naturally also included the star point integration consumption during promotion.

The Huiyue battleship was not originally used to make money for the Huiyue Group, but to expand contacts and make friends with talented commanders.

The person in front of me has been to T7 for more than a year and has a perfect +2, which is enough to be called a top genius!

Not to mention wiping out nearly half of it as a 'fragment', if the agreement had not been signed, even if the 5 in front of 510w was wiped out, the head office would not say anything more.

Qingyang suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Know it in your heart.

"Thank you very much for Huiyue Group's generosity." To be honest, Qingyang doesn't want to owe any favors, but Xingdian is really not enough now.

If Huiyue Group hadn't broken bones, just promoting this batch of Huiyue ships would have required 15.3 million star points!

It is completely insufficient for subsequent promotion needs.

After thinking about it, Qingyang gritted his teeth and simply purchased the upgrade materials for all the remaining battleships from Manager Bi.

I owe all the favors and don't care about it.

In the end, Qingyang only spent two million star points to collect the upgrade materials for other warships.

An unexpected surprise.

"The favor you owe is a little big now." Qingyang was helpless.

If Huiyue Ship is really a product used by Huiyue Group to make money, even one-tenth of the material optimization technology in hand will be enough to repay the favor.

It's a pity that people don't care at all whether the Huiyue type makes money, otherwise they wouldn't only provide a batch of special supplies to the major powers every year.

Use the optimization technology of Huiyue Group’s favor products to return favors.

Forget it.

After all, the value of optimization technology is not as high as imagined. Qingyang, who owns the master drawings, is very clear about the huge advantages of using the master drawings to study sub-drawings.

Anyway, he did not believe that the people in charge of Huiyue Group could not use the master drawings to develop sub-drawings with cheaper material requirements.

Even the young research team of the Eternal Fleet simplified a less important material through master drawings.

Not to mention the unknown level of the Huiyue Starry Sky Fleet behind the Huiyue Group.

A few days flew by.

Fifty brand-new Huiyue-type battleships are neatly arranged in the dock!

There are thirty-two long-drive type ships, fourteen hard-blade type ships, fifty-one glowing moon type ships, two rock-type ships, two black armor-type ships and Taiyi.

A total of one hundred and two star battleships!

"Star Network! Start promotion!"

[Confirm that the materials are sufficient, and star points are being consumed to integrate into the ship]

[Estimated consumption: 1645w star points (540w is used for Taiyi promotion and Yuansha main gun level assimilation)]

【Promotion starts】

A torrent of particles emerged like a colorful storm, sweeping a large amount of materials and rushing towards the one hundred and two battleships.

At the same time, the solid star battleships became illusory.

Looking at the various types of warships that gradually grew larger in the hazy particle cluster, Qingyang couldn't help but be filled with anticipation.

The Eternal Fleet is a high-end ship. After promotion, it will also be a high-end or military type among the T7 battleships.

I don't know how strong it will be.

Oh yes! There is also a star aircraft carrier!

Qingyang said directly: "Extract the star aircraft carrier!"

[Star network transmission starts]

In an instant, a huge shadow enveloped Qingyang!

There are a lot of people tipping, so I’ll post my comments for those who give more than 5,000 coins.

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