Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 86 T7 Senior! Sweeping the Rotoro War Zone (Seeking first order on the 17th)

Qingyang paused slightly as he looked at the huge ship in the sky.

Quickly open the data panel.

[T7 Star Aircraft Carrier] [Model: Sky Whale]

[Length: 12000m] [Average height and width: 2600m]

[Shield: Kuanghai type 2 shield - 5w, recovery speed - has been integrated]


T7-level medium-sized light spear - standard beyond visual range × 1 (4w energy level killing)

Photon close-in naval gun - standard type × 100 (5k~9k energy level)

Digital mecha production core × 1 (0/1k)

Digital fighter production core × 1 (0/2k)]

[Currently available production types——(adding additional models requires relevant drawings)

Bait machine (50 star points), jumper machine (200 star points), shield breaker (400 star points)]

[Model blessing: shield, weapon level increased by 150% (calculated)]

[Appendix 1: The three basic models, except the bait machine, all have 500 energy levels]

[Appendix 2: The production price of mechas is twice that of fighters, and there is no difference in overall energy levels]

Damn it?

A 50,000-level shield, a 40,000-level beyond-visual-range light spear system?

You must know that the energy level is an exponential calculation, not a superposition. Even if the energy level is 10,000 and 20,000, there is several times the actual killing gap!

Otherwise, the main gun of the T8 Chichen ship would not have an attack energy level of 9,900.

But are these mechas and fighter planes useful in large-scale star wars?

Qingyang was confused, and then discovered that these fighters and mechas also had data panels.

[Bait machine: shield level 200, no attack, fast, equipped with divergent high-energy level simulation equipment]

[Bangbang machine: shield level 300, attack level 200, equipped with space flashing equipment, only mecha type]

[Shield breaker: Shield energy level 500, civilized warships of level 6 and below, regardless of shield energy level, forced kill 5 points]

Really powerful.

This kind of shield-breaking machine can even forcefully damage the shields of battleships of civilizations of level six and below.

Two thousand shield-breaking fighters can basically defeat an enemy ship with a shield level of 10,000 in one round.

The number is enough to even significantly weaken the shields of enemy battle-star units!

In addition, the jump machine and the bait machine are also of great use. The former does not have the restrictions of star weapons and has its own space jump ability.

The latter can attract a large amount of enemy ship firepower. Due to the digitization of data, it is extremely difficult for even omnics to judge the authenticity of that kind of energy level simulation.

Qingyang touched his chin and looked at the price of the Sky Whale military aircraft carrier in the exchange table.

Exactly one million in battle merits, discounted by half a million.


Qingyang did not hesitate to place an order.

The role of aircraft carriers is very huge, but at least four or five ships are needed to exert a sustained effect.

There is no way, the BVR weapon buffer needs at least one minute, and the number must be large if you want to form sustained firepower.

Moreover, four or five aircraft carriers are enough to form a fleet of tens of thousands of fighter planes and mecha units, which will also have a considerable auxiliary effect in the face of a large-scale enemy fleet.

There are waves in space, and the Sky Whale aircraft carrier arrives.

The scene of two 10,000-meter warships moored in front of us was undoubtedly very shocking. Looking at the circuits on the hulls, Qingyang's heart surged!


[The fleet has been promoted to T7 level, do you want to query the data?]

[The seventh agreement of eternity has been signed by itself, and the eighth agreement has been updated]

[Protocol 8: Immortal Hull (Intermediate)]

[Basic characteristics: (any battleship under your command)

The warship leaves the battlefield and repairs the hull by itself at 10%/h.

Maximum shield value × 3, shield recovery speed × 3]


[Protocol 7: Integrated Naval Guns (Elementary)]

[Basic features:

Fleet gun power +15%, range +15%

Fleet armament can be integrated with special energy or special gun modules to increase gun characteristics and power (group)

Example: Absorb the core of the star, all fleet guns +? ? ? Plasma burning kill]

[Extra feature: The characteristic energy of weapon fusion will be synchronized on the commander (the strength depends on the mental threshold)]

Needless to say, I’ve seen the Seventh Agreement.

The immortal hull is obviously more abnormal when it is upgraded to the intermediate level. The hull can be completely restored within ten hours after leaving the battlefield.

Maximum shield value multiplied by three times.

Qingyang's eyes lit up and he opened the joint shield panel.

[Joint shield (total fleet value): 9.99w, immune to attacks below 1% of total shield value]

Qingyang exclaimed: "It seems that it is not easy to reach the threshold of one hundred thousand energy level."

The star-destroying standard of a star battleship is one hundred thousand energy level, which is enough to blast a planet with a diameter of one hundred thousand kilometers into rubbish.

Expanding the battleship data panel, Qingyang only saw the Huiyue type and the long-drive type and stopped paying attention to them.

[T7 Star Battleship] [Model: Huiyue]

[Length: 5200m] [Average height and width: 1100m]

[Shield: Xinghui Type 2 Shield - 4w]


Particle main gun - standard type × 2, range type × 1, double rapid fire type × 1 (2.5w energy level)

Particle secondary cannon - quadruple rapid-fire type × 4, double standard type × 8 (1w energy level)

Particle naval gun - standard type × 40, double rapid fire type × 20 (3k~6k)

Close range defense weapon system——×1, Xinghui Type 2 jump suppressor×1]

[T7 Star Cruiser] [Model: Long Drive]

[Length: 3600m] [Average height and width: 620m]

[Shield: Stick to type 2 shield - 3w]


Particle main gun - standard type × 2, triple rapid fire type × 1 (1.5w energy level)

Particle secondary cannon - triple rapid fire type × 8, double standard type × 12 (9.9k energy level)

Particle naval gun - twin rapid fire type × 20 (4k)

Phase scanning system × 1, double star power system × 1]

Qingyang closed the panel with satisfaction. Fifty-one Huiyue ships alone were enough to crush a hundred eternal fleets from the T8 era.

Long-range cruisers are equally powerful.

At present, these two types of warships account for 80% of the number of warships in the fleet. It is not in vain that it took him so long to be promoted to the T7 fleet.

Qingyang now has the intention to simplify the fleet. Cruisers, battleships and other ship types will only use one model.

The best choice is a top-notch warship with extremely superior firepower, defense, speed, and detection.

Originally, the Chichen battleship was a very good choice, but unfortunately there was no T7-level blueprint.

"When we have the T7 blueprints, we can directly sell the fifty-one Huiyue ships. Maybe we can get back the resources of sixty or seventy T7 Chichen ships."

Qingyang shook his head and stopped thinking about it, looking at the Taiyi that was slowly approaching in front of him with bright eyes.

In addition to the overall style, Taiyi's body shape has changed drastically, and his statistics have also skyrocketed.

Eight thousand meters of hull.

The energy level of three main guns has reached 4w, more than ten secondary guns have reached 2w, and hundreds of naval guns have all reached the energy level of 8k or above.

The most terrifying change is the Yuansha main gun, a star weapon bound to Taiyi.

[Special Star Weapon: Yuansha Main Cannon (Two Stars)]

[Basic: 6w attack energy level, can grow (bind to special ship)]

[Extra 1: Mystery +3 (damage +300% in the face of memetic contamination)]

[Extra Two: Super Weapon +3 (200 light-year beyond visual range strike, power +300%, energy consumption +1000%, buffering takes ten minutes)]

[Basic energy storage: 45s (digitized)]

Qingyang couldn't control his facial expression at all and grinned.

It has an energy level of up to 60,000, enough to shatter a planet with a diameter of 10,000 to 20,000 kilometers.

It has reached the star-destroying standards of many civilizations!

The current combat effectiveness of the Eternal Fleet has completely reached another level.

"It seems like there is a bonus for the senior fleet title?" Qingyang suddenly thought.

Immediately, he canceled the digitalization of the eight Chichen ships without any hesitation and prepared to store them in the military's warehouse for a long time.

[Confirmation completed, the Eternal Truth Fleet has reached the T7 senior fleet, and the fleet’s comprehensive data +5%]

Many crew members returned one after another.

When I saw one hundred and three huge T7 high-end star battleships appearing in front of me.

They were all in shock.

They looked at each other and subconsciously determined the time.

"No problem. It's only been a few days. I thought I was done with it. It's been several years."

"One hundred and three T7 star battleships, all high-end ships? And two high-end aircraft carriers?! Did the commander go to rob a bank?"


After finally accepting it, everyone entered their respective work stations one after another.

In the increasingly luxurious Taiyi control room, Gu Xing and others gathered in the entertainment lounge of thousands of square meters next to it.

Gu Xue's eyes widened and she looked at Qingyang in disbelief.

"Brother Qingyang, does this cost more than 30 million star points? Wow~ Brother Fu~"

"It's unbelievable. I had long thought that the commander was ready to be promoted to the T7 fleet, but I didn't expect to be directly promoted to the senior fleet." Gu Xing was equally surprised by this.

Qingyang chuckled and did not explain.

"Get ready to go to the battlefield and get familiar with the new Eternal Fleet."



ps: Energy levels are not calculated by superposition.

Below the 10W energy level, start counting from 1W, and each additional 1W is a several times difference.

Below the 100W energy level, starting from 10W, each additional 10W is several times the difference.


(9.9w shield is enough to withstand 5w kills hundreds of times)

Actually, you don’t need to remember it, just have an impression.

Data stamps are so damn energy-intensive that they break your brain. Fortunately, data stamps are only available every time the fleet is promoted as a whole.

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