Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 147: Resurgence

   Qin Lin turned around the dome, and suddenly asked, "Little Beast, your physical fitness has reached 100,000, right? Why haven't you gotten out of your shell? Can't you be born at the Emperor level?"

   The higher the life level, the stronger the strength at birth.

   Under normal circumstances, the emperor class can be born.

   But now, Qin Lin clearly sees that the little beast has opened the door of genes, but it has not yet been born.

   "Brother, I don't know, this shell is so hard, I can't get out." Little Beast Beast knocked on the egg shell inside, banging loudly.

   "Did the old man say anything?" Qin Lin asked hurriedly, Jijit is gone, and the old **** stick can't be placed inside, so naturally he can't get out. Qin Lin can't contact him.

"Grandpa said it's okay, you can use a powerful monster to help me break it, but grandpa said, that's not good, there are still some things here that I haven't finished eating, it's so hard to digest." .

   Egg white?

   Qin Lin was taken aback, what the little beast said must be this.

   The old **** stick told him about the growth process of the alien beast, and he knew something about it.

   "Then don't come out in a hurry, give me the law guard, I am too tired now." Qin Lin is indeed very weak now, completely unable to lift the energy, so he can only lie down and let his body recover automatically.

   With the little beast, Qin Lin felt very at ease, as if he had found a support, relaxed and fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

   In the past two months, he hasn't relaxed much, and his nerves are always in a state of tension.

   At most, Gigitte gave a warning, and he rested for a while.

   If it were a normal person, it would have collapsed long ago.

   But he is not a normal person, so it’s okay if he doesn’t sleep for several days or nights.

   But it was two months, except for fighting every day, it was cultivation.

   boring, boring, crisis-ridden, and tiring.

   The little beast turned around next to Qin Lin, then rolled to the long-necked dragon skeleton, a suction covering the pile of bones.

   Suddenly, the bright white beast bones were dim and dull, and the essence inside was absorbed by the little beasts. When the wind blew, they turned into dust and scattered on the ground.

   This is a strange animal, eats people without spitting out bones.

   Qin Lin's Xuan Ming hand can't reach this point, he can't **** the essence in the bones.

   At this time, the entire Pearl City fell into panic again.

   UAVs patrolled the East China Sea, and found that sea monsters were gathering in large numbers, all the way formidable, and sea monsters continued to join the army.

   Military satellites can also monitor the East China Sea, but in order to collect information on the East China Sea more accurately and quickly, drones are also frequently deployed to patrol.

   As soon as the sea monster army appeared, the drone's intelligence was sent back to the Pearl City War Fortress.

  Getting the news, Siruo and Chiwu in Fudai quickly rushed to the war fortress.

   "Send a notice to the citizens to evacuate! Ask the nearby cities to activate the military road." Although a new commander has arrived, Siruo speaks far more heavily than the commander.

   Two months later, Chi Wu has already been promoted to the top mecha fighter, with a physical strength of more than 1,800, and his mental power has also changed, with more than 1,000.

  Siruo is even more powerful, and his physical stamina has exceeded two thousand early.

   It's a pity that even if Qin Lin is nourished, her mental power is only two thousand five hundred, and she can't display Qin Lin's combat power even with top driving skills.

   Even without meteorite clusters and nuclear radiation, a female star bug can evolve the world, but it’s not as exaggerated as it is now.

   The breath of the starworm is like a virus, stronger than SARS, and can gradually cause fragile life to mutate.

   Compared with human beings, Qin Lin's genes are too powerful, not much weaker than the starry sky mother worm, but it can't distribute "viruses". Both Si Ruo and Chi Wu had absorbed his essence, and this improvement was nothing.

   Now, with two thousand and five hundred mental power, Siruo knew how difficult it is to lift a tens of meters long alloy sword with mental power. At the time, Qin Lin controlled the alloy sword and the emperor-level monster to fight at will. It was hard to imagine how powerful his true spiritual power was.

"Admiral thought, everything is ready. Heshan and I have not stayed in vain for these two months, otherwise we will not be a competent commander." The commander laughed. He is a middle-aged man from Jiang. Family.

"Thinking Admiral, we are not like you at home every day, but we are on the front line every day. The emergency military routes in the city have been arranged long ago, only waiting for emergencies." Jiang Heshan in the last war Not dead, only a little hurt. As soon as Siruo came to the fortress of the war and learned about the situation in the East China Sea, he gave orders, which made him very upset.

   This is the Jiang family who has the final say, and the commander is the Jiang family.

   After the last World War, Si Ruo's reputation and luck skyrocketed, because Qin Lin was her student.

   This makes Jiang Heshan very jealous, even for such a big beauty, he is also jealous.

  What's wrong with the beauties, haven't he slept with many beauties?

After    slept, it was not as empty, and I felt nauseous.

   However, this is Siruo's position. The commander and Jiang Heshan are both airborne troops. Usually the big guy is only thinking and looking forward, and the two of them don't dare to say more, who told her to have a good student.

   Even if the talented Qin Lin is not included, Chi Wu is not bad, and his physical strength is more than 1,500.

  A great scientist is a great scientist. What we have researched is first used by people close to us.

   Everyone thinks this way, but after thinking about it, I think it is only natural to think about doing this. This is the case in the human society.

"The instructor studies genetic potions in the laboratory day and night, and didn't waste any time. Jiang Heshan, everyone knows that you are jealous of the instructor, don't need to say silly ashamed." Chi Wu next to Si Ruo said coldly. Women are like iceberg beauties, unsmiling.

"You..." Jiang Heshan was slightly angry, and turned to sneer: "Thinking Admiral, after two months of research, what gene potion must have been researched? The national disaster is in the face, and if you don't dedicate it to the country, just let your students become prosperous. Isn’t this too authentic? Peaceful times are nothing but excusable, but you are also very aware of the crisis facing mankind, and you don’t need to say more."

"The instructor handed over the excellent gene training method to the country last month. What else do you want? Why don't you study it yourself and sit here every day. Don't you think it's a waste of life and time. Sorry the country and the people?" Chi Wu has been very depressed for the past two months, and has not recovered from the pain, and her speech has become very mean.

   Jiang Heshan shut up immediately. This Chi Wu's words are too detrimental. He has seen it in the past two months. If he continues to quarrel, he will only lose even more miserably.

   The commander frowned slightly: "The announcement has been drawn up, and now we are ready to sound the alarm, and all street screens and TV stations will temporarily interrupt and broadcast the announcement. Just wait for the top mecha fighters to arrive."

   Huaxia Kingdom also has strategic top-level mechas, which have been shipped to Pearl City. There are a total of fifteen units. Counting the original five of Siruo and Chiwu, there are a total of 20 top-level mechas.

   There are still strategic top mechas, but one thousand physical fighters are not enough. Of the fifteen top mecha fighters, 12 are ready to be directly lifted up with drugs and drive top mechas.

   Once the drug is injected, their physical fitness will drop to the original index or even lower within a few months, and there will be no possibility of improvement in the future.

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