Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 148: For faith

   In the past two months, China’s country has been calm, and Pearl City has no wind and waves, but this does not mean that the military and government of Pearl City can sit back and relax.

   On the contrary, under the frantic attacks of sea monsters all over the world, they were prepared for danger, and the citizens of Pearl City were evacuated one after another.

   Now, the population of Pearl City has dropped sharply, and most of the people in the city have left.

   Some people in the slums have also been evacuated.

   Those who remain in the urban area are people who are reluctant to leave their homes. However, ninety-nine percent of them do not leave, but wait for the government to issue an emergency evacuation notice before evacuating.

   How can I forget the roots, I just want to take a look at my hometown.

   Do not do this in Guangzhu City, the war fortresses all over the world do this.

  The war fortress is no longer suitable for human habitation, and it is too dangerous. Maybe it will be destroyed at some point, and the lives will be destroyed.

   Today, the huge Pearl City has become a supply place for some citizens and hunters.

  All universities have also been evacuated and moved to nearby cities. The hope and future of mankind cannot be destroyed.

   The cold wind blows the earth, but the spring scenery is exposed in the corner, looking up at the world.

   Even if you lose, you have to fight. Soldiers still stick to the fortress of the war and will not flee without a fight.

   After the announcement, citizens packed up their luggage and went to the street, waiting for military vehicles to pick them up.

   Actually, there are not many former citizens in Pearl City now, only less than one-twentieth.

   80% of the people in the slum did not leave and lived in the urban area.

   After all, there are many vacant houses, and the people who remain are heroes who will fight monsters in the future.

   The original slum area has recently begun to circulate many monsters, and even some monsters have even rushed into the urban area.

   Two months have changed a lot. The slums are dilapidated, the outer areas of the city are overgrown with weeds, and even some buildings close to the city have collapsed.

  A monster attacked.

   Pearl City, not far from being completely abandoned.

   As early as more than a month ago, the end of the world began, and the sea monster’s warfare spread across the five continents of the world: Asia, Europe, Oceania, Africa, and the Americas.

   There are fewer and fewer human gathering places, especially the places close to the military road. They can't stay at all. They are either destroyed by sea monsters or constantly harassed. People can't get peace day and night and have to evacuate.

   In just two months, hundreds of cities were destroyed, and 500 million people died.

   One war fortress.

"Report, the citizens who are willing to leave have almost all been sent away, and all the semi-top mecha fighters who have volunteered to inject genetic potions are also here, and are on standby in the mecha division room." In the command room, a sergeant reported to Si Ruo and the commander. .

  Siruo nodded and walked out of the command room with Chi Wu.

   Among the volunteers, twelve need to inject genetic potions before the war to improve their physical fitness. She wants to see them.

   These top mecha fighters are all under the command of Siruo.

   It has been an hour since the discovery of the sea monsters gathering, but the number of imperial sea monsters in the No. 1 War Fort has not been detected, and the entire war fortress is not very nervous.

   Even if the fortress of the war is broken, the people here can retreat and won't fight to death.

   Huaxia Kingdom had no intention of protecting Pearl City before the sea monsters came to attack the city again, otherwise, it would not have evacuated most of the citizens long ago.

   The revenge of the sea monster must be crazy. The last time there were seventeen emperor-level behemoths, this time, it is estimated that it will double.

   The lessons of the Nile and Amazon rivers have made humans not dare to underestimate the enemy.

  The war fort is gone, they still have a continent.

   What if I give up, everything is for race reproduction.

   Maybe when the alien technology can be cracked, ordinary thermal weapons can also produce huge damage to sea monsters. In that case, humans can continue to stalemate with monsters, and even turn defeat into victory.

   While researching weapons and equipment day and night, mankind is also secretly and actively preparing for the moon landing plan, establishing a base on the moon and emigrating some people.

   Once humans can't hold it, this project has to start.

  As long as they land on the moon, mankind will no longer have to worry about genocide.

   From the perspective of humans, the growth of monsters will not end forever, and will stagnate at a certain stage.

   Human wisdom and extraterrestrial technology are equivalent to never ending. As long as sufficiently powerful weapons and equipment are researched out, it is not difficult for humans to retake the earth.

   Soon after the emergency evacuation of citizens in Pearl City, all countries around the world also got the news.

   "It's the turn of China again. The monsters are aggressive this time. If they don't report their last revenge, these beasts can't sleep at night."

   "China, kill those bastards!"

   "We humans are united, and we are not afraid of sea monsters. But those **** monsters bully us from entering the ocean. We fight as we want, and we retreat if we want to."

   Countless people have either pity or righteous indignation, but from the bottom of my heart, they all feel that the Huaxia Kingdom is in trouble this time, and it is hard to escape the fate of breaking the country.

   "Bold and powerful, crossing the Huangpu River..."

   Although Pearl City was forced to give up reluctantly, many hunters still came to resist the sea monster army.

Why is   生?

Isn't    just two words?

   Happy, or contentment.

   Family members died one by one, and their comrades sacrificed one by one... Adults, I have enjoyed everything that I should have enjoyed. Who can't give up?

  In this world, the order has long changed.

   There are many boys and girls, and the human nature is very simple. It is easy for men and women to know each other within a few days.

   It is no longer illegal for women to sell themselves, it has long been legalized.

   Heroes come out in troubled times, and soldiers walk all over the floor.

   "Is the war coming again? Unfortunately, we humans no longer have a figure like the God of War."

   "Don't worry too much, the official said, is there a top mecha warrior almost comparable to the God of War in our country? She is still a female, said to be the instructor of the God of War, the instructor of the God of War, listen clearly!"

   "Really? The teacher of God of War? Is she that good?"

   "Yes, her physical fitness is officially announced. There are more than two thousand. She is also a spiritual master. As long as the top mech energy is enough, she can easily kill Creature No. 3, and her full burst is not much weaker than God of War."

   People in other cities in China have also received news that the war is about to come and talked about it everywhere.

   In order to be inspiring, the official exaggerated some thoughtful combat power.

Thinking of the real combat power, UU Reading is actually not that powerful. A strong enemy like Biological No. 3, she can kill if the opponent doesn’t run away, but she wants to kill the Quartet like the nameless crew driven by Qin Lin. , It's still far away.

   After all, Qin Lin's mental power is too strong to increase his combat power so high.

   War Fort No. 1, inside the mecha division.

   "Are you ready? Sacrifice your potential, and even your lives, for the illusory belief in exchange for a glimmer of life for mankind." Si Ruo said to the twelve mecha fighters in front of him.

   "Ready!" Twelve people responded in unison, decisively.

   Some of the twelve mecha fighters are women.

   They are excellent talents selected from thousands of mecha fighters, with a physical fitness of at least 800. Such physical fitness can be increased to more than 1,000 physical fitness by injecting powerful genetic potions in a moment, and the success rate can be determined to be 100%.

   "Okay, medical soldier, start!" Si Ruo ordered.

   Two female nurses, one holding the medicine box and the other holding the big syringe, went forward immediately.

   "China National Congress remembers you, you are all the greatest warriors and heroes." After speaking, Si Ruo and Chi Wu left with Chi Wu.

   "Instructor..." Walking out of the mecha division room and returning to the command room, Chi Wu whispered behind Si Ruo.

  Siruo stopped, his face no longer cold and serious, and said softly: "Chi Wu, don't call me an instructor anymore, call my sister, I am guilty."

   said, Siruo involuntarily stroked her lower abdomen.

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