"Little idiot, why don't you say anything?"

Seeing her pitiful and tearful appearance, Jing Yuan held her up with a heartache.

Bai Lu sniffed, rubbed her face against his shoulder, wiped away her tears and looked at him with a stern face.

"I... don't want to make things difficult for you, make you unhappy..."

Jing Yuan wiped her eyes that were full of tears again, and said softly: "I will be really angry if you stay alone like this and don't say anything..."

"But... she..."

Bai Lu opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.

After holding it in for a while, she shrank and sulked in Jing Yuan's arms, humming: "General, just don't... find me annoying, I will be obedient!"

Jing Yuan sighed and rubbed her chubby little face helplessly.

"How could I find you annoying..."

He turned his head and glanced at his master who was lying on the bench with his eyes closed, feeling helpless.

It's not easy, it's not easy...

"You should know that if you miss me, you can come and tell me whenever you want to see me.

Other things are not for you, a kid, to consider."

"I'm not a kid anymore..." Bai Lu snorted with some dissatisfaction, then raised her head, looked at him pitifully, pouted her little mouth, and said softly: "General, I miss you..."

Jing Yuan's heart trembled, and tenderness overflowed from his eyes.

He nodded gently, responded, and rubbed her little head.

"I miss you too..."

'Liar, I've been hugging Jing Liu for a long time...' She muttered silently in her heart, but her body was quite attached to him.

"Okay, General, you should spend more time with her... I'm going to play with Fu Xuan."

After nestling in his arms for a while, little Bai Lu said something quite sensible that made Jing Yuan a little stunned.

He couldn't help but poke the little dragon girl's head. He really couldn't understand what she was thinking.

This tone, this attitude...

She sacrificed herself to help others...

He felt a little funny and a little distressed.

"Okay, then follow the command of Lord Bai Lu..." He smiled, touched her head, and said, "Go and call those two, let's go out for a walk later...

How about a hot spring?"

Bai Lu blinked and nodded quickly.


The little tail shook excitedly, showing that her mood had returned to normal.

Jing Yuan put her down, held her face again, pinched the flesh on her face despite her objection, and said seriously: "Don't do this next time, just come over when you see me back.

Do you understand?"

"I understand..." She whimpered and hummed, and Jing Yuan finally let go of her hand with satisfaction, receiving a resentful look from Bai Lu.

She slipped away, and Jing Yuan turned back to the side of the master.

Jing Liu's sensitive hearing naturally heard the conversation between the two clearly. Seeing the little disciple come back, his attitude was neither warm nor cold, just sitting there quietly.

Jing Yuan laughed and leaned over.

"Of course, Master... Jing Liu, when... that... you miss me, you can come to me at any time, I will definitely not dislike it!"

Jing Liu pushed his face away, his expression was calm, and his attitude was inexplicable.

"Master is the master, this bumping and colliding shouting makes me sick to death." She seemed a little helpless.

"Wait until decades or hundreds of years later, if you still call me Master every day, I'll see if you'll be embarrassed."

Jing Yuan gently held her hand and gently stroked it, his voice soft.

"I will slowly change, but... since Master has allowed it, let me call you more..."

Jing Liu snorted softly, continued to lie on his back, and didn't care about the fallen leaves falling on his face, letting him be arrogant.

Jing Yuan sat aside and looked at her quietly, with indescribable complex emotions in his eyes.

Many...many years ago, Master seemed to often sit here in the sun and be in a daze.

I was practicing sword on the side, and she often scolded me to stop making noise and go play somewhere else.

At that time, I just wanted to ask Master to see how hard I worked, and wanted to win a little recognition from such a great Master.

So I was stubborn and wanted to stay here to practice...

After a long time, she simply didn't bother to care anymore, and listened to the sound of him swinging his sword through the air and fell asleep.

During that period, I seemed to be often dazed when I was young looking at my master's sleeping face, but every time I realized it, I would wake up immediately and then double my training...

When I was very young, the scene at that time seemed particularly gentle and beautiful, but when I think about it carefully, I feel that it is not much different from now.

At that time... did I imagine that one day I could hold my master's hand so calmly and lie on a chair to sleep with her?

Today, the small tree has grown into a big tree, and the afterglow of the sun has to shine through its branches and fall on them.On her body, she was soft, gentle and warm, just like in the past.

Jing Yuan was stunned...

If Yu Chen knew what he was thinking, he would definitely sneer at him for being useless.

Two even more useless guys, hiding in someone else's bedroom to study some weird things.

Fu Xuan was so embarrassed that she covered her face with her two little fingers, staring at the contents of the book with wide eyes.

Yu Chen's hands were placed on her belly and rubbed naturally, but his expression was extremely serious.

He must study such academic books well to bring Fu Xuan a beautiful and healthy experience!

When Bai Lu pushed the door in, little Fu Xuan was startled and ran into Yu Chen's arms pretending to be an ostrich.

It was not until he heard little Bai Lu's voice that he slowly raised his face and secretly looked at her by holding Yu Chen's shoulder.

"The general asked me to tell you that we will go out to play together later, take a hot spring bath, and eat delicious food!"

She said she would eat delicious food herself.

Fu Xuan blinked her moist eyes shyly.

"Hot spring?"

She knew there was such a thing in Luofu, but she had been working hard since she came to Luofu, and she had never experienced it even after climbing all the way to the position of Taibu.

Not to mention when she was in Yuque...

As a proud daughter of heaven, she was given high hopes. She had been studying with the Taibu of Yuque since she was a child, and then those things happened...

How could she have time to enjoy life!

It can be said that these days with Yuchen would have been absolutely impossible for her in the past!

"Yeah, I went there once a long time ago, and it was so comfortable!" Bai Lu nodded her head, squinting her eyes as if she began to recall the scene at that time, and her expression showed a burst of enjoyment.

Yuchen's attention was finally pulled away from the book by their conversation, and he tilted his head as if he was reminiscing.

"Well... before the Yinyue Rebellion, I often went out to drink and play with those guys...

But after that, it seems that I have never been there.

A few idiots kept saying that they would hang out with me after they came back, and they were reckless and wanted to compete with me, but..." He sneered, as if mocking their incompetence.

"None of them came back."

The atmosphere was a little silent, Bai Lu opened her mouth, but didn't dare to say anything.

Fu Xuan looked up at him, his eyes were as calm as always, and only when he looked at her would there be a lot of tenderness in his eyes.

She turned over, rode on Yu Chen, held his face, made him look directly at her, raised the corners of her lips slightly, looked at him with a smile, and said softly: "Let's go together?"

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