Xiao Bailu stood at the door in a daze, and suddenly she seemed to realize something and rushed in.

A voice mixed with a hint of shyness and anger rang out.

"You two! Don't kiss in my room!!"


Xiao Bailu's voice was quite loud, and Jingyuan looked at the two people coming with a teasing look on his face.

"You two, you have been staying at home for so long, and you are still in a good mood?"

Fu Xuan grabbed Yu Chen's hand tightly, his face was red, his head was lowered, and he didn't dare to look up at him.

Yu Chen was thick-skinned and glanced at him expressionlessly.

His eyes wandered over the two people around him, and his expression was inexplicable.

That look seemed to say, Jingyuan, do you have the right to say me?

The general couldn't help blushing, and regretted why he provoked this guy.

He coughed lightly and turned away.

"Let's go. I haven't relaxed for a long time. Hot springs... I don't know how many years ago. Obviously, our Luofu hot springs are quite famous..."

Yu Chen stretched lazily and took Fu Xuan to his side. He squinted his eyes and yawned, saying, "Forget about these days. Didn't I slack off every day at work before?

Relax? I relax every day, how can it be a long time?"

"Yu Chen, I seem to be relaxed, but in fact, it is very stressful to control the entire Luofu!" Jing Yuan looked at him dimly.

Then he glanced at Fu Xuan and said, "If you don't believe me, ask your wife. She has been a general for me for a while. I think she feels deeply, right?"

Fu Xuan nodded silently. He was indeed tired.

Although the war in Luofu had just subsided at that time, judging from the past, it can be seen that the position of general is indeed not a position that can be idle.

Jing Yuan used to be able to maintain that lazy attitude without delaying his work. She also admired him a little.

"Okay, okay, General, you've worked hard~ How about I rub your back myself later?

It seems like it's been a long time since we've improved our relationship like this?"

Yu Chen's swaying butt bumped into Jing Yuan, and he was happy, but the little Bai Lu who was held in his arms widened her eyes and stared at Yu Chen angrily.

Mr. Sword Saint didn't care, he rubbed Xiao Long Nu's head, and suddenly picked up his wife who was still thinking about it and came up to him.

"Go, Fu Xuanxuan, defeat her!"

Fu Xuan's face quickly flushed, and her face was extremely hot because of this shameful behavior.

A blue vein suddenly appeared on her white forehead and bounced violently.

Little Bai Lu was not afraid, and looked at Yu Chen with gloating, and her eyes were full of "you're finished".

Yu Chen naturally noticed that something was wrong with his wife, and silently hugged her tightly, trying to persuade her with love...

"Hiss! It's falling off, my ears are going to fall off, wife, spare me! Spare me! I was wrong!"

"I'll let you fool around!"

Jing Yuan couldn't help but burst into laughter, Bai Lu lay on her shoulder and laughed along with her.

Jing Liu's lips curled up slightly, and he looked at the little Taibu who was educating her husband with interest, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The hot spring is quite far away, and Jing Yuan had someone prepare the Star Raft when he came back, so now he doesn't have to wait and can go directly.


I chose a bigger Star Raft on purpose, but it still seemed a bit crowded with a group of people.

Fu Xuan was still angry with Yu Chen, and angrily took Bai Lu to sit in a row next to Jing Liu, ignoring him no matter how he pulled her.

Helpless, Yu Chen had to sit next to the stinky man.

Fu Xuan was right in front of him, and their legs could touch each other if they stretched a little.

When the Xingcha started, Xiao Bailu looked at her general eagerly. She wanted to continue to stay in his arms, but the Taibu quickly stopped her, and it seemed that this place was not very suitable, so she simply gave up.

Fortunately, there was a Taibu between Jingliu and her, otherwise they might roll their eyes and attack each other mentally.

Jingliu hugged his arms, squinted his eyes, tilted his head and leaned gently on the board. He seemed a little sleepy and ignored others.

Jingyuan smiled, looked at her, then looked at Xiao Bailu, coaxed her with his eyes, and was very happy to sit with his good brother.

Yuchen was too lazy to pay attention to his enthusiastic "communication". He clamped this inexplicably childish guy tightly in his armpits for a while and let him go.

Jingyuan looked at him quite resentfully, but Yuchen ignored him and his eyes were full of his wife.

He stretched out his legs, gently touched and rubbed, constantly creating opportunities to touch his wife, hoping to get her to take care of him.

It was just that Fu Xuan was already upset, and being tossed around by him like this, he was even more speechless and irritated.

He simply closed his eyes and rested without saying anything...

Yu Chen sighed deeply when he saw this.He sighed and stopped doing the behavior that was like a primary school student poking the back of the girl in front of him.

My wife is asleep, so you can't disturb her!

Bai Lu blinked, glanced at the two women who were asleep beside her, and then looked across.

Fu Xuan was asleep, and Yu Chen couldn't find a way to tease her, so he just went to sleep.

Jing Yuan sat upright, like a kindergarten kid who listened to the teacher obediently, and I don't know what kind of performance art he was performing.

Seeing Bai Lu looking over, he smiled gently, glanced at the few people who were asleep and waved at her.

Bai Lu's eyes lit up, and she happily slipped over.

Jing Yuan let her sit between his legs, and gently put his hand on her head and rubbed it.

Bai Lu looked at ease, feeling the gentle touch of the general, immersed in this comfortable atmosphere and slowly fell asleep.

When I woke up, Bai Lu was gone, but I was picked up by some idiot.

Fu Xuan looked at his silly sleeping appearance, felt the arms tightly hugging him, and most of the helplessness and anger in his heart also dissipated.

Forget it... Who let this childish guy be her husband...

"Wake up, pig~"

"Yeah... I like it~"

Tai Bu was bitten by the pig.

A group of people stood in front of an oversized hot spring shop called "Xiao Qinglong Hot Spring".

The sunset in the sky was as red as blood, as if it was smashed by someone's punch and fell on everyone's shoulders, dyeing the ends of their hair red.

Bai Lu squinted her eyes and yawned non-stop, and her sleepy look was a bit cute.

Also making full use of the "ability" of the general, the check-in of several people was very smooth.

He smiled and looked at everyone and said: "Occasionally using some small privileges is also allowed, right?"

Yu Chen didn't want to see the stinky man pretending to be stupid, and pulled his wife to find a couple to be affectionate.

But he was grabbed by Jing Yuan's shoulder.


"Didn't you say you would wipe my back?" Jing Yuan looked at him pitifully and said.

Yu Chen got goosebumps all over his body and slapped his hand away, but after struggling for a while, he turned his head and looked at Fu Xuan.


Fu Xuan pushed his butt and handed him to Jing Yuan, and walked to the girl and the child.

"It's rare to come out, so stay for two more days... It won't kill you to be apart for a while, when you come back... I'll massage your shoulders."

Yu Chen's eyes lit up, and he immediately hooked Jing Yuan's shoulders in a friendly manner, patted his chest, looked at Jing Liu and promised: "Don't worry, I will rub him clean, and throw him on your bed without leaving a hair!"

Jing Yuan's face twitched, and he couldn't help but say: "Hey!"

Jing Liu hugged his arms and smiled, Bai Lu looked at him fiercely with a bad look and said: "If you dare to throw the general on her bed, don't even think about sleeping with your wife at night!"

As she said this, she hugged Fu Xuan.

Yu Chen had to compromise and give up. If he couldn't sleep with his wife for a day, he would be dead!

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