The voice of

hong long long came out, and the huge statue moved.

It took the white glow of the glow all over its body, left its original position, and strode forward.

The statue extends the hand, very fast, grabbing the blood-colored wings of the blood bat, and tore it abruptly.


A large piece of blood was spilled, and one of the blood-colored wings of the blood bat was completely torn off and turned into a pool of blood.

The blood bat roared in its mouth, it was in pain, and only three wings were left behind.

A golden rays of light on the statue soars into the sky, turning into large golden ripples and spreading out.

A greater amount of energy vented out, this energy surging to be unimaginable, impacting all around, and the building collapsed.

Mu Qing several people were impacted by this energy, their bodies flew upside down, coughing up blood in their mouths.

The energy quality this time is very high, even if it spreads in an instant, it will have an impact on everyone.

The energy gushing out of the statue is changing the entire Kunlun Secret Realm. As long as the people who are still in the Secret Realm, the cultivation base will be greatly improved.

Even, there are many heavenly materials and earthly treasures in Secret Realm at this moment.

Mu Qing saw that some weeds beside the original building, crystal clear and near-transparent, lightly glowing, after the energy impact, they completely changed and formed precious medicinal materials with strong origin power.

The entire Heaven and Earth seems to have changed, with the glow of sunshine everywhere, and the bright light everywhere.

As the energy on the statue exploded, the blood between Heaven and Earth dissipated, the blood rain turned into rain again, and the lightning turned back to dim-blue.

But it is a little different from before.

Dark clouds are covering the whole city, the rainstorm is falling, and the ground is full of glow, if the starlight’s brilliant energy is vented.

The whole city has a mutation. The dim-blue lightning strikes some plants, but it can transform the plants and turn them into precious medicinal materials.

“Unbelievable!” Mu Qing looked towards all around, even the vines on the building turned into heavenly materials and earthly treasures, glowing like crystals.

Plants touched by rain contain rich Water Attribute energy, while plants struck by blue lightning contain rich Thunder Attribute Power.

Mu Qing’s heartbeat speeds up, these plants everywhere are all water and Thunder Attribute, which has a great temptation for him.

But now obviously there is no time to pick them, because blood bats and statues started fighting not far away, and the remaining power affected them.

Everyone backed away again and again, and Mullin also got out of trouble.

The bone claws under their feet shattered immediately after being affected by the energy of the statue.

Although Ling Han was indignant and wanted to deal with Mu Qing, Mulin grabbed him.

Mulin took him while moving towards the distance and retreating, while picking nearby plants. These plants are rained on and contain rich water Attribute Power.

There is even a dog’s tail grass, which flashes after being wet by rain, and the energy fluctuation of Water Attribute is obvious.

His blood spirit is Water Attribute. These plants are also very precious to him. Even in the Mu Family, there are not so many heavenly materials and earthly treasures for him to cultivation.

In the distance.

The statue stopped moving for some reason. Although the energy on its body was still gushing out, it did not make any more attacks on the blood bat.

The blood bat controls the blood. Condense a scarlet giant dragon, swooping down from in the sky, and strikes on the statue.

Although the statue of Mu Yu didn’t suffer any injuries, it can be clearly seen that its gushing energy was affected, collapsed and was absorbed by the blood bat.

Every time a blood bat makes an attack, the energy gushing from the statue collapses, and then it is absorbed by the black hole in the blood bat’s chest.

“What’s the matter?” Yang Jie was surprised.

They found that after the statue was shot once, there was no more movement.

The gushing energy in its body is continuously absorbed by the blood bat.

Not only that, the blood between Heaven and Earth eroded again, Mu Qing and the others also suffered injuries.

The blood of the blood bat turned into a tall giant, moving towards them, full of surging energy, and it will definitely not be weaker than the Martial Artist of First Rank bloodline.

“Blood slave!” Mu Qing’s face was startled.

This is the method used by the blood bat, and it is also the trump card for absorbing the energy of the statue.

If the curse flower in the heart of Mu Qing’s eyebrows is not messed up, I am afraid that blood bats can use the energy of the statue to nurture countless blood slaves and form an army. .

Now the blood bat loses its sanity, but the black hole swallows all around energy, and again condense the blood slave.

Moreover, these blood slaves are more terrifying than before, and their bodies are covered with black lines, which are black power and are the same as the cursed flower.

The blood slaves burst into cold air, moved towards Mu Qing and they attacked.

Blood bats have killing intents against them, attacking the statues on their bodies, condense the blood slaves secretly, and killing them towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing and the others responded quickly and immediately fought back.

Fortunately, blood slaves do not have martial skills. A total of ten blood slaves were defeated one after another.

There are some minor injuries on everyone, but there is nothing serious.

Mulin and Ling Han dealt with it more simply. After Ling Han recovered from some injuries, he stepped forward and entangled the blood slave. An energy arrow penetrated Mullin and crushed the blood slave.

Blood slaves can only be regarded as ordinary Martial Artist level. The power of First Rank bloodline is similar to the goblins from Yang Shanshan summon. The power reaches the level of First Rank bloodline, but it does not have martial skill or special ability.

Of course, everyone is able to kill these blood slaves so quickly, mainly relying on the cursing flower on Mu Qing’s eyebrows.

At this moment, the cursed flower on Mu Qing’s eyebrows floats out, and the poison qi lingers, flashing strange rays of light in midair.

It was spinning steadily, black power gushing out after the blood slave was crushed, and the blood slave was required to be condense again, but it was a pity that it was absorbed by the cursed flower before it had time to exert its strength.

The seventh petal of the cursed flower is slowly blooming, and Mu Qing can feel the poison qi on it becoming more dense and blood light emerging.

Even, Mu Qing can also feel that there is another power in the cursed flower, which is very mysterious, but can’t feel what it is.

The poison that Spider-woman gave him is getting more and more mysterious. Since absorbing the power of black, there have been many changes.

However, there is one thing he is puzzled.

Because each time the curse flower absorbs a power, it will generate this power, but after absorbing the black power, it will only make the poison qi rich.


The blood bat suddenly roared. After feeling that its blood slave was killed, it turned around and moved towards Mu Qing.

This move surprised Mu Qing and the others.

The blood bat obviously still retains a part of its consciousness. After it was torn off a big blood-colored wing by the statue before, the bottom of my heart was annoyed, and they found that Mu Qing had killed its blood slaves. break out.

One after another molten slurry is like a cage, trapping Mu Qing and the others.

The molten tail of the blood bat slammed down, and on it was the head of the King Toad, which sprayed out terrifying molten slurry, and instantly melted steel into water.

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