In the distance, the spider woman and ratman leader have been paying attention to Mu Qing’s side.

The two of them originally had a bad relationship and were hostile, but at the moment they didn’t even fight.

The situation has changed a little bit. The Toad King died, and the blood bat changed into a monster, which had obviously surpassed their level.

The four ominous beast leaders in this city are all Martial Master Level ominous beasts that have opened the bloodline lock four times, but the strength of the blood bat at this moment has obviously reached the level of the fifth-order bloodline.

After absorbing the power of King Toad, its power is about to approach the sixth rank bloodline.

Spider-woman hesitated, she wondered if she wanted to help Mu Qing resist the attack of the blood bat.

At the moment, the blood bat is determined to kill Mu Qing and them.

With Mu Qing’s power, naturally he will not be the opponent of the bloodline of the fifth-order bloodline.

Now she is the only one who can save Mu Qing.

The cultivation base of Spiderwoman is the fourth-order bloodline, which is far from the blood bat, but she is still confident that she can save Mu Qing alone, but she will pay some price.

She glanced at the ratman leader beside her, this guy looked golden-bright and dazzling, and looked very treacherous and cunning.

What she is worried about now is that the ratman head will sneak attack her after she shoots.

But Spider-Woman is not reconciled. She wants to go to the outside world and leave Kunlun Secret Realm.

Although she is the leader of the spider race here, but the place is too small, she has greater ambitions to go to the Great World outside.

If you want to go to the outside world, humans are the key. Only human bloodline can have the City Lord Token card.

After seeing that the statue and Mu Qing have several points of similarity, the spider woman feels that Mu Qing is unusual.

The blood bat roared, the molten tail fiercely moved towards everyone smashed down, the head of the Toad King opened, and a large area of ​​molten molten almost flooded this place.

The head of King Toad fell down like a huge Fireball, dazzling and bright like the sun, containing terrifying energy, this one is almost a full strength attack of a blood bat!

A trace of despair flashed in Shen Yi’s eyes, and this energy fluctuation was very terrifying. If it was completely smashed down, all of them would be bombarded and killed.

Mu Qing’s eyebrows, poison qi lingers, cursing flowers emerge, and under Mu Qing’s surprised eyes, they actually moved towards the distance and flies away.

“You!” Mu Qing was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

This cursing flower is simply shameless, in him, when encountering energy, it will be absorbed.

Now Mu Qing is in danger. He sees the cursed flower appearing. He originally thought that the cursed flower was going to show off his might and resist the blow of the blood bat.

But he absolutely did not expect that at the critical moment, Cursing Flower felt the coming crisis, turned around and flew away, making Mu Qing flushed with anger.

In the distance, Spider-Woman can’t bear it anymore, a terrifying poison qi on her body soars into the sky, she wants to take action and save Mu Qing.

Her body flashed and disappeared in place.

hong long!

A huge sound came out, a large amount of molten slurry was sprayed out, and the blood bat’s molten tail smashed down, but Mu Qing and the others did not Suffer any injuries.

Mulin and Ling Han were not injured either.

Everyone raised their heads, looked towards the top of their heads, and there was a huge shadow that helped them withstand the blow.

Yang Shanshan covered her red lips, her apricot eyes widened, and she felt incredible.

It was not Spider-Woman who rescued them. At the moment, Spider-Woman was in the distance, and she paused, her expression on her face sluggish.

It was the statue of Mu Yu who shot at the critical moment!

Mu Qing looked up towards Midair, his father’s appearance was faintly visible.

The head of King Toad hit the statue, but it did not cause any damage. The statue of Mu Yu, dressed in a golden robe, bloomed with brilliance and blocked all power.

“This…” Mu Qing was astonished. Before he could react, the space ring in his hand began to glow.

The golden light glitters, forming a beam of light, which is injected into the chest of the statue.

Mu Qing suddenly felt a connection in his mind. The connection with his father statue is very mysterious, but he can clearly feel that he can control the statue,

Looking down at the space ring in his hand, it was delivered to him by Mu Yuzeng. Originally thought it was just a golden communication device, but after contacting Ke Fei, he realized that it was a space ring symbolizing noble status.

However, now, he found that this space ring is not so simple, and at this moment, he can connect with his father’s statue.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, he tried to make a command in his mind to make the statue attack.

Sure enough, the rays of light broke out on the statue, and the moved towards the blood bat threw a punch.

There was a loud noise, and the entire space seemed to be shattered. This fist didn’t have any fancy, it was just a gathering of terrifying energy, forming an explosion.

This fist, turned into a huge white beam, directly pierced the blood bat’s abdomen, and the dozen or so blood claws were also completely wiped out.

The blood bat roared in pain, its molten tail waved down, and moved towards the statue smashed.

But the defensive power of the statue is amazing, there is no escape at all, let it hit the body, the molten blast bursts on the body, but there is no trace of it.

The statue is very fierce, grabbing the blood bat’s molten tail, fiercely tugged, a large amount of molten slurry sprayed out, and it was completely disconnected!

The molten tail was thrown far away by the statue, and the building was directly covered by the molten metal and collapsed.

Everyone was stunned. The power of the statue was too terrifying, far surpassing the blood bat!

“I’m afraid, there is the power of the sixth rank or even the 7th grade bloodline!” Shenyi was horrified by the power of the statue.

The blood bat roared, it exploded with great power, and the black hole in its chest was spinning frantically.

But the statue was culled, and the blazing energy exploded, tearing the other bloody wing of the blood bat.

The blood bat’s expression looked painful, its body receded, and even a trace of fear appeared on its face.

The statue is reluctant, fast, and the golden robe on his body wraps it, and appears in front of the blood bat in a flash.

hong long!

punched out, white light shot out from the statue’s body, soaring into the sky, most of the blood bat was gone.

This blow was terrifying, and it directly blasted the blood bat seriously, almost dying.

Mu Qing’s eyes flickered, and he quickly gave orders to the statue to completely kill the blood bat.

The statue strode out and punched again.

This area was thundered and thunderous, torrential rain fell crazily, a bright glow flooded the blood bats, this fist formidable power terrifying, the whole ground was trembling, all around buildings collapsed.

“Ahhh! I am not willing to ah!” The blood bat was left with only the upper body at the end, he seemed to regain his sanity and roar.

Immediately, his eyes bloomed fiercely, his entire head burst, and large swaths of blood light poured into the black hole strangely.

The blood bat completely died, but under the influence of blood light, the black hole turned into a beam of light and moved towards Mu Qing penetrated through it.

Even the statue has no time to stop immediately!

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