At the last moment, the blood bat regained his consciousness. Because of his resentment, he self-destructs his remaining body into energy to activate the black hole.

Black holes are transformed by the three-legged jade toad, very mysterious, and can absorb energy of any quality.

This black hole formed a beam of light, and the hole passed through in an instant, carrying the last resentment of the blood bat, to kill Mu Qing!

Mu Qing’s appearance was the reason for the failure of the plan. Originally, the white barrier would not be broken. He should completely absorb the energy of the statue in the white barrier, condense hundreds of blood. slave.

When he has an army of blood slaves, the entire Kunlun Secret Realm will be swept away by him, and eventually absorb all the energy in the blood slaves, break through to Martial Venerable, leave Secret Realm, and go to the outside world.

But this should have been a planned perfect script, but it has changed with the appearance of Mu Qing.

The last resentment of the blood bat, even if he is completely the soul flew away and scattered, Mu Qing will also die!

Mu Qing’s eyes flashed with horror, he was locked by a terrifying force, and his body was impossible to move.

“Be careful!”

Yang Jie, Shen Yi and the others exclaimed.

A chill surges from the back of Mu Qing. He pupil shrinks, and the power of the black hole is too terrifying.

At the critical moment, one after another blazing white lightning glow burst out of Mu Qing’s body.

On the top of his head, a section of purple bamboo looms over the mist, encircling the blazing white thunder and lightning, and there is also a dim-blue lightning looming.

A flash of lightning appeared, connecting Heaven and Earth.

In the dark clouds, large swaths of dim-blue lightning converged and turned into huge lightning beams, suddenly moved towards Mu Qing and landed here.

The lightning beam hit Mu Qing’s body, but he did not suffer any injuries, because the dim-blue lightning beam had the same power as his Thunder Palm.

In other words, the lightning power of his Thunder Palm was born after being struck by lightning many times before.

hong long!

This area was distorted, energy exploded, deep black light and faint blue lightning glow intertwined constantly, and large symbols and Xiaguang swept out.

The Purple Lightning Bamboo above Mu Qing’s head sprayed out mist, and an invisible force was exerted to attract the lightning in the dark clouds.

At the critical moment, Purple Lightning Bamboo played a mysterious power. The dim-blue lightning beam illuminates the entire city center, like a barrier, protecting Mu Qing.

Shen Yi and the others quickly backed away because the area where Mu Qing was located began to shatter, and the violent impact of the black hole and thunder and lightning caused the entire ground to collapse.

The violent energy fluctuations vented, like a wave surging all around, wherever they went, the ground shattered and the buildings collapsed.

Shen Yi and the others were astonished and found that the lightning beam from the dark clouds completely protected Mu Qing.

The power of the black hole is still there, it is like a black sun, spinning wildly in midair, swallowing the energy in the world.

The statue finally arrived at this time, and its body was gushing with white cloud light, and it slammed a punch.

The splendid light rained down, the black hole was shattered by the statue’s punch, a little black starlight everywhere all is.

Mu Qing is shrouded by the dim-blue lightning beam at this moment, he can feel the wispy lightning power changing his fleshy body, making his body harder.

The most important thing is that with the continuous injection of thunder power into his body, even the little black fish in Dantian became active.

The little black fish is very lively at the moment, constantly making noises in the dantian, as a blood spirit little black fish, but very spirituality.

It conveys information to Mu Qing and is very eager for the energy of Water Attribute.

The little black fish has completely reached the peak of the qi and blood period, and the ten dao pattern imprinted on the body flickers continuously, and is slowly healing.

Mu Qing was shocked, knowing that this was a sign of the little black fish’s breakthrough, and now the lightning beam enveloped him, and even the black hole attack could not break it. This is the best time for the breakthrough cultivation base!

He took out the water control beads from Mullin, which he snatched secretly, and he didn’t intend to return it to Mullin, even more how the little snake needs a huge Water Attribute energy to break through.

This control water droplet just meets this condition!

As soon as Mu Qing took out the water-controlling beads, the little black fish appeared immediately, staring at the water-controlling beads, his tail wagging, and liquid overflowed from his mouth.

This guy! Actually drooling!

Before Mu Qing could react, the little black fish opened its mouth wide, completely out of proportion to the body, swallowing the whole water droplet in one mouthful.

A dazzling rays of light bloomed, and the ten dao patterns on the body of the little black fish were united to form a runes, with ripples and brilliance.

A chain appeared on the little black fish. It was a bloodline chain, but it shattered in the blink of an eye.

Blood spirit is an intuitive manifestation of the origin of a person’s bloodline. As the blood spirit continues to open the bloodline yoke, the bloodline will become stronger and stronger, comprehending some mysterious power hidden in the bloodline.

A breath bloomed from Mu Qing’s body. After the little black fish opened the bloodline yoke, Mu Qing’s double blood spirit reached the First Rank bloodline, and the official breakthrough reached the Martial Artist level!


Suddenly, Mu Qing discovered a strange phenomenon, the little black fish was actually absorbing the power of the black hole!

After the black hole was shattered by the fist of the statue, it turned into starlight scattered in the sky. These star points were all black, and then they were pulled by an inexplicable force and poured into the body of the little black fish.

Mu Qing complexion changed, he quickly checked the situation of the little black fish, worried that the little black fish would appear in the same condition as the blood bat.

Fortunately, the little black fish did not appear by accident. After absorbing some of the remaining power of the black hole, it gained an ability.


Mu Qing originally thought that the swallowing of the little black fish is the same as the black hole, everything can be swallowed and turned into its own power.

The black hole is too sky-defying, and the little black fish that has absorbed the residual power of the black hole makes Mu Qing very much looking forward to it.

The little black fish can indeed swallow the energy around it. After opening its mouth, a small black hole faintly appeared, absorbing the energy between Heaven and Earth frantically.

However, Mu Qing waited for the day and did not see the little black fish feeding back this energy to him.

“What’s the matter?” Mu Qing studied carefully, and finally found that the energy swallowed by the little black fish turned into a crystal.

This crystal is almost transparent, only the size of a thumb.

Mu Qing looked curiously for a while, he could feel the energy contained in the crystal interior of the water, very surging!

“Could it be that after absorbing the residual power of the black hole, the little black fish, the energy of the First Rank bloodline turned into swallowing energy, forming an energy crystal?” His face was surprised.

If this is the case, it will definitely help him tremendously.

Mu Qing has just broken through to the realm of First Rank Martial Artist, but he knows that Martial Artists after First Rank bloodline all need to absorb the energy between Heaven and Earth to cultivation.

The energy between Heaven and Earth is more or less impurity, and it takes a lot of time to purify.

The devouring ability of the little black fish at the moment is that it can condense an energy crystal in just one minute, and feel the energy contained in it, which is very surging and pure.

Mu Qing’s face was pleasantly surprised, and he swallowed the energy crystal in one mouthful.

The little black fish looked eagerly.

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