At a critical moment, Spider-Woman forgot an important thing, that is, with the explosion of energy, all the strength of ominous beasts will be suppressed.

She was originally a Martial Master Level ominous beast with a fourth-order bloodline, but now she is suppressed, leaving only the power of Rank 2 bloodline.

The first three levels of bloodline belong to the category of Martial Artist. Only when the fourth level is reached and a new bloodline ability is born, can it be considered a Martial Master.

And the Martial Master level of the fourth-order bloodline can already use its own spirit strength.

Those rumored alchemists are basically Martial Master Level or higher.

Because of refining medicines, mecha or flying ships, the most important power of alchemists is spirit strength!

The power of Rank 2 bloodline is much stronger than Mu Qing, but in general, it is still at the Martial Artist level.

If Mu Qing and the others unite, the Spider-woman who is suppressed will most likely be seriously injured or even life-threatening.

Be aware that Shenyi, Yang Jie and the others are all Heaven’s Chosen of Great Influence. Not only are they stronger than the same level Martial Artist, they also have a lot of cards.

After discovering that her strength was suppressed, Spider-Woman left.

The statue turned into a golden sun. It rose to the college entrance examination and burst completely. A large expanse of golden ocean flooded the city.

It’s not just this city, the golden wangyang moved towards farther to vent the past, spreading to the entire Kunlun Secret Realm.

Between Heaven and Earth seemed to be filled with dazzling golden radiance. Mu Qing and the others felt dazzling and closed their eyes.

Finally, when Mu Qing opened his eyes again, the statue had turned into rubble, and all the energy was vented out.

He was bitterly laughed. He originally thought it was prepared for him by his father, relying on the statue to be invincible in Kunlun Secret Realm.

But now it seems that he is thinking too much.

All the energy of the statue broke out completely, sublimating the entire Kunlun Secret Realm, and the original weeds turned into precious medicinal herb.

The city is covered by thunderstorms, with lightning and heavy rain everywhere.

After the energy burst, all the plants in the city changed into heavenly materials and earthly treasures, which contained Thunder Attribute and Water Attribute.

“en? Look!” Jiang Yuanjie seemed to have discovered something.

I saw an azure ball of light emerged from the broken stones that the statue had turned into, entraining the force of the violent wind.

“It’s an energy body!”

Yang Jie was surprised, didn’t expect an energy body to appear after the statue shattered.

After the last time Shenyi obtained the energy body, everyone knows that this can make the energy body with dual blood spirits have a certain spirituality and will actively choose the host.

The reason why Shen Yi was chosen by the medicine bottle gourd blood spirit is because he is proficient in medicine and has cultivation some healing secrets.

“This time the blood spirit may be wind!” Yang Jie be eager to have a try, with some expectations.

Jiang Yuanjie and Yang Shanshan and the others are also waiting. The choice of energy body has nothing to do with the cultivation base. As long as the fit is high, the energy body will choose independently.

Mulin and Ling Han saw the energy body for the first time, but they were more or less able to guess something.

The cyan ray group swayed and floated on top of Mu Qing’s head.

It actually wants to choose Mu Qing!

Shen Yi was shocked, Yang Jie and the others looked strange.

Mu Qing is also a little curious, he already has two blood spirits, is it possible that he can have a third one?

But at this time, the Purple Lightning Bamboo in Mu Qing’s mind suddenly trembled, and one after another blazing white strength of Thunder gushed out, turning into a sea of ​​thunder.

The cyan ray group wants to enter Mu Qing’s mind and become its blood spirit.

But at the moment Mu Qing’s mind is a sea of ​​thunder, one after another blazing white thunder and lightning are intertwined, obviously resisting the cyan ray group.

In my mind, a section of purple bamboo in the center of thunderbolt swayed gently, and the mist was scattered, which seemed to be disdain for the cyan ray group.

The cyan ray group was shocked, and was disliked by Purple Lightning Bamboo, unable to enter Mu Qing’s mind.

In the end, it had no choice but to leave, drifting over everyone’s heads, and then staying in front of Mullin.

The cyan ray group emits a soft brilliance, gradually turning into a simple lamp.

This lamp looks very old. It is an oil lamp with a light azure flame burning on it.

Mulin’s expression was pleasantly surprised. He could feel that his strength was improving, his mind was expanded by some kind of power, and the origin power grew and formed the second place in the body where the origin power was stored.

The cyan ray group chose Mullin and became his second blood spirit.

Shen Yi and the others watchful eyes, Mullin himself is very strong, one-handed arrow technique is amazing, and now he has a second blood spirit, and his strength is greatly improved.

Yang Jie’s eyes flickered, he gave Mu Qing them a look.

Mulin and them have grievances after all, and the two are hostile. Now Mullin is slowly digesting the power of the second blood spirit, which is an excellent opportunity for them.

As long as they take action at this time, Mullin will be seriously injured even if he does not die.

Yang Shanshan summon went out of goblins, covered in green skin, terrifying fangs, holding a thick mace in his hand.

Shen Yi is also holding a Dualbladed Halberd.

After breaking through to Martial Artist, his blood spirit can be used as a weapon, and the more people killed, the stronger the evil spirit will be. The formidable power on display must be above the silver rank Treasure Item. !

Mu Qing stepped forward, he is already the First Rank Martial Artist at the moment, with the ability of comprehended bloodline, he has dual blood spirits, and his strength is much stronger than the average Martial Artist.


Yang Jie took the first shot. He bit his finger directly, blood gushed out abnormally, bloody vines rushed out, the formidable power was huge, and the moved towards Mullin smashed.


Ling Han stood in front of Mulin, a blazing lion roared behind him, the flames blazing, and a condense flame ball blasted away from his palm.

The vines were burned. These scarlet vines, which could not be crushed by even Mullin’s energy arrows, were blown out of a hole under the fierce strikes of the flame ball.

Ling Han’s understanding of the flame ball after breakthrough Martial Artist’s formidable power made Mulin feel heart palpitations, and it even severely injured Mu Qing with a single blow.

“Do you think that a few people can kill us by joining forces?” Mullin expression turned cold.

The cyan ray group above his head has been completely integrated into his mind, and the second blood spirit is in full control!

Mulin lightly shouted, and Mad Shark Blood Spirit emerged and turned into an Avatar of Four Waters.

Four Daoshui Avatars all possess the power of Martial Artist, even if they are only temporary, they are equally terrifying.

At the same time, Mullin draws a bow and pulls an arrow. After the golden ripples of energy burst, Secret Realm Treasure Item no longer presents wood, without energy attention, it shines and blooms rays of light .

The thick Power of Water converged into an energy arrow, which pierced violently, and at a tricky angle, it turned out to bypass layers of blood-colored vines.

“His target is Yang Shanshan!” shout out loudly, it was Jiang Yuanjie!

He is behind the crowd, with a weird silver radiance flickering in his eyes, and the situation of all around can be immediately perceived.


Mu Qing’s soles of feet bloomed with lightning, and he immediately reacted and appeared in front of Yang Shanshan, holding a golden long spear with densely packed blazing white lightning intertwined on it.

Golden long spear strangled, strength of Thunder exploded, tearing the energy arrow apart.

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