Mu Qing holds a golden long spear, and after breakthrough to the First Rank bloodline, his strength has been greatly improved, and even the lightning speed has become much faster.

The long spear in his hand flicked, and a dazzling golden brilliance penetrated out, like a flood dragon-like, formidable power is amazing, and a big hole was blasted directly on the ground.

Ling Han’s forehead was sweaty, and Mu Qing’s attack was directed at him.

Fortunately, he evaded in time and cultivated the speed martial skill, so he was not injured.

Mulin shoots energy arrows from a distance, the angles are extremely tricky, and if you are careless, you will be penetrated by them.

But this energy arrow, which would have caused great trouble for Mu Qing and the others, has nowhere to hide under Jiang Yuanjie’s powerful perception ability.

Every time Mullin shoots an energy arrow, Jiang Yuanjie can immediately perceive it and let others avoid it.

Mulin’s eyes were gloomy, looking at Jiang Yuanjie.

He has already discovered that the fatty’s perception ability in front of him is amazing. He can predict his energy arrow every time, and even make some predictions.

Mulin once again shot an arrow of energy, and the water ripples on it. The impact is very terrifying, mainly aimed at Jiang Yuanjie.

Fatty Jiang’s complexion changed, he yelled: “His goal is me!”

A shadow appeared in front of him in a flash, it was Shenyi!

The Dualbladed Halberd in Shenyi’s hand swept across, and a strong suffocation spread out, smashing the energy arrow.

Mulin’s terrifying thing lies in the speed and accuracy of the energy arrow. Originally, everyone could not know who Mullin was aiming at. When he reacted, there was often no time to resist.

But with Jiang Yuanjie, it was different. He immediately detected the trajectory of the energy arrow so that others could react immediately.

Mu Qing is already fighting with Ling Han at this moment.

He was severely injured by Ling Han before, and although Ling Han was also severely injured later, the opponent was too careless at the time.

Now, Mu Qing has made a breakthrough, and he once again fights Ling Han.

He is holding a golden long spear, which is surrounded by lightning, which will explode from time to time. That is the technique of Thunderstorm Fist.

Thunderstorm Fist Ninth Layer has been thoroughly understood by him, among which is mainly the contribution of Purple Lightning Bamboo. Under the fusion state of Heaven and Earth, the perception of martial skill is horribly fast.

Ling Han was full of flames, and a flaming lion roared behind him, but the more he fought, the more surprised he was.

Mu Qing, who broke through to Martial Artist, was too powerful, and there was also a gold-level Secret Realm Treasure Item in his hand. The power was so powerful that Ling Han did not dare to resist.

“Asshole, have the ability to fight with me without using the Secret Realm Treasure Item!” Ling Han felt a little frustrated. He believed that Mu Qing was powerful, mainly because of the gold-level Treasure Item in his hand.

Ling Han is not without the Secret Realm Treasure Item. He has found a few silver rank Treasure Items. After all, the gold Treasure items are too scarce and basically depend on luck.

He wears an Iron Fist suit in his hand, blooming silver radiance, and bursting out flames at the same time.

“Okay!” Mu Qing raised the corner of his mouth. He retracted the golden long spear into the space ring, and at the same time took out a silver dagger.

The silver dagger has rays of light blooming, the lines are exquisite, and a cold glow emerges, continuously extending, as if it were substance.

The dagger was originally short, but the cold light appeared, like a laser sword, gleaming and dazzling.

Ling Han’s face turned dark. This is the dagger Mu Qing used to severely injured him before.

Mu Qing grinned and stepped forward as a slash. He used the dagger as a long sword. Although there is no Sword Art, one after another blazing thunder and lightning are intertwined on it, and it will burst at any time. , Formidable power is amazing.

Ling Han was frightened and discovered that Mu Qing broke through to Martial Artist and almost pressed him against him.

He roared, a big flame hand condense came, it was a martial skill, the temperature of all around rose suddenly, and moved towards Mu Qing blasted away.

Mu Qing’s face condensed, the origin power in his body was surging, with a little fingertip, a water snake rushed out, baring fangs and brandishing claws, and carried a terrifying impact.

With a boom, the energy of water and fire violently impacted, and a large white mist emerged.

Mu Qing and Ling Han each stepped back.

“Double blood spirit!” Ling Han exclaimed. When Mu Qing displayed the water snake finger, he felt the two powers on his body.

“This guy has my Mu Family bloodline. The blood spirit should belong to the Water Attribute. I want to come to Secret Realm and get the second blood spirit of Thunder Attribute!” Mullin said solemnly.

He had guessed for a long time, and now he was very sure after seeing Mu Qing displaying the martial skill of Water Attribute.

However, what he doesn’t know is whether Mu Qing’s second blood spirit was obtained in this Secret Realm, and it awakens even faster than the first blood spirit!

Mu Qing is coldly snorted, his fingertips point out again and again, and the water snakes pierced through them. Compared to the time when they were used before, the bodies of these water snakes were much larger and more solid.

At the same time, his palm moved towards the void, and a dim-blue lightning flashed.

The dim-blue lightning disappeared immediately, and escaped in the sky, which is hard to find.

Ling Han was cold behind him. Before he could react, the dim-blue lightning appeared, and Ka-cha slammed behind him.

He coughed up blood, followed by the impact of water snakes, leaving several wounds on his body, blood flowing.

Ling Han endured the severe pain. He condense the flame ball and wanted to attack Mu Qing.

But Mu Qing chose to walk, with electric light on the soles of his feet, and the dagger in his hand chopped out cold light from time to time, and the lightning burst, causing some injuries to the opponent.

Ling Han was very aggrieved. He took the line of fierceness. In terms of close-up bursts, none of his opponents on the scene was his opponent, but he happened to meet Mu Qing.

Mu Qing is very flexible with his feet on the lightning. The dim-blue lightning rushing out of his palm does not require him to aim, so he automatically escapes into the void, and when he reappears, he directly strikes Ling Han.

The dim-blue lightning is the same as the lightning falling in the dark clouds of this city, and has a certain spirituality.

“haha, wait for your ass to bloom too!” Mu Qing mocked.

Ling Han was furious, his face flushed, and his body was charred in many places, which were struck by the faint blue lightning, and there was a blood hole in his chest with blood flowing.

That was the injury caused by Mu Qing’s water snake finger. It was amazing.

Ling Han originally thought that Mu Qing’s water snake finger was just an ordinary martial skill. After all, Mu Qing has never lived in Mu Family, and he is unlikely to have a powerful martial skill.

But he was wrong. Mu Qing’s water snake finger was sent by Mu Yu’s client. It belongs to a branch of a powerful martial skill, and the formidable power is extraordinary.

Mu Qing is responding to Ling Han while paying attention to Mulin not far away.

He was surprised to find that Mullin was a bit terrifying, the origin power in his body was so strong, and the energy arrows were constantly shooting out. Together with the Avatar of the Four Waters, he temporarily beat Shen Yi, Yang Jie, and Yang Shanshan. It became a tie.

Be aware that Shenyi and the others have four Martial Artist battle strengths. Although Yang Shanshan and the Goblins are not as powerful as Shenyi and the others, they are also stronger than the Water Avatar.

But even so, there is no way to cause any injuries to Mullin for a while!

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