
There was a burst of mournful scream, and it was actually the leader of the rat man.

Everyone was puzzled, it had always shown a very strong strength before, but I don’t know why, but now it suddenly screamed.

I saw the ratman’s head trembling all over, black mist emerged from his body, and the fur started to melt under the golden rays of light.

“Quick! Get the City Lord Token card!” The scavenger leader roared at the two Mullins.

It is an ominous beast, and the City Lord Token card has terrifying restraint on it.

The City Lord Token card can only be owned by humans. Although the ominous beast can borrow its power to leave Kunlun Secret Realm, it must be the City Lord Token card that has recognized the Master.

The Ratman leader asked Mullin to take the City Lord Token card. Once the City Lord Token card recognizes the Master, the golden light’s restraint on it will decrease.

Mulin quickly stepped forward, a cloud of black mist enveloped him, and appeared in front of the golden stone tablet in the blink of an eye.

His eyes are hot and he knows that the golden stone tablet in front of him is the rumored City Lord Token card.

Mulin extends the hand and wants to get the approval of the City Lord Token card.

However, all the time, a dim-blue lightning struck.

Ka-cha screamed, even Mullin didn’t have time to react, his palm was severely injured, and his arm was even more numb.

Mulin was in pain, his stature retreated, his palms were scorched, green smoke, and blood spilled.

Mu Qing’s dim-blue lightning formidable power is very powerful and directly injured Mullin.

Naturally, he will not let Mullin get the City Lord Token card easily. Once Mullin is recognized by the City Lord Token card, I am afraid that when the time comes they and the others will be killed!

“Ling Han, stop him!” Mullin shouted.

His hand was still shaking, and the power of the blue lightning remained on it, and there were bursts of pain.

Ling Han reacted, body flashed, and came to Mu Qing, with a flame ball condense in his hand.

On the other side, the leader of the Ratman stopped Shen Yi, Yang Jie, Yang Shanshan and the others.

Compared with the calmness before, it seems very difficult now.

Because it was irradiated by the golden light of the City Lord Token brand, its strength was severely restrained, part of its fur was burned away, and there were serious wounds.

With the golden sickle in hand, it can barely hold Shenyi and the others.

“Fatty Jiang!” Yang Jie took out something from his space ring and threw it to Jiang Yuanjie.

Jiang Yuanjie took a look, his hands sank, and his face was even more startled.

It was a rocket launcher with a sense of science and technology. It was half a person the size and was completely dark with various star nuclei engraved on it. It seemed that the quality was not low.

This bazooka is a modern weapon, called a star-core bazooka, which is different from the previous weapons. It was refined by an alchemist using ominous beast’s star cores. It does not require ammunition and relies on star cores. Energy for strikes.

Weapons like this are very expensive and require a lot of money. Jiang Yuanjie has seen a video introduction on the Internet.

“Good fellow! It really deserves to be Heaven’s Chosen!” Jiang Yuanjie held breath cold air and deeply understood the foundation of Great Influence.

He is still bleeding, it is the injury caused by the Avatar of Mullinshui.

At this moment, Mullin’s water Avatar dissipated because of insufficient energy.

“Help me deal with this mouse, I will help Mu Qing hold Ling Han!” Yang Jie drank softly, and he and Jiang Yuanjie exchanged positions.

Now the power of the ratman leader is restrained by the golden light, and he can’t play much. With the star core bazooka in his hand, he is enough to replace Yang Jie.

Jiang Yuanjie nodded, although he was seriously injured, he knew that this was a critical time, so he hurriedly carried the star core bazooka and injected the origin power into it.

He has never learned how to shoot firearms, and he doesn’t know much about bazookas like this one. He can recall the videos he has seen on the Internet and explore.

Strongs of terrifying beams converge on the rocket launcher, and gradually condense into a light cluster, the whole body is red.

Sweat overflowed Jiang Yuanjie’s face, and he felt that the rocket launcher in his hand was getting hot. The star cores engraved on it were all of Fire Attribute ominous beast, and the grade seemed to be extremely high.


A beam of flame pierced through it suddenly. The power was amazing. The plants on the ground burned, the flame spread, and a terrifying force burst out.

The leader of the mouse has been concerned for a long time, and hastily avoided.

This artillery did not hit the leader of the Ratman. The opponent had already paid attention to it, and it was the first time that Jiang Yuanjie used these weapons and was not very proficient.

However, the formidable power of this gun is still amazing. The flame beam strikes exploded on the ground, and a large crater appeared with a diameter of three to four meters, and it was charred.

Even the leader of the Ratman was frightened. Its current state is not very good. If it is hit by this shelling, it will probably be seriously injured.

Jiang Yuanjie’s face was immediately excited when he saw the expression on the mouse leader’s face.

The origin power in his body is injected into the star core rocket launcher again, and the thick flame energy is converging to form a flaming light cluster.

With a boom, the terrifying flame beam penetrated.

Jiang Yuanjie’s movements did not stop, he continued to infuse the origin power, and it was another flame beam, very bright and dazzling, and stroked shatter void.

The mouse head leads the scalp numb, and it quickly evades. Fortunately, Jiang Yuanjie’s accuracy is not good, and the hit rate is very low.

But this is the opportunity for Shenyi and Yang Shanshan.


A black shadow flashed quickly, it was the goblin’s mace, which smashed accurately on the head of the ratman.

The leader of the mouse man screamed, feeling a bulge on his head and his head hurt.

The goblin made a strange sound, but it didn’t show mercy. The mace in his hand fell again, and there was a muffled noise, this time with a bloody flower.

The head of the Ratman was forcibly knocked torn apart by the goblins.

The goblin is still not satisfied. It seizes the opportunity, up and down the stick, and then down for three consecutive sticks.

At this moment, there are several large bags on the head of the ratman leader, and blood is flowing.

It was dizzy and dizzy, followed by a sharp pain in the abdomen. Shenyi held the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand, swept over with evil spirits.

The abdomen of the ratman leader was torn into a big gap, and blood surged.

It was annoyed. It was also a fourth-order Martial Master Level or another ominous beast, but now it was beaten up by a few First Rank Martial Artist humans extremely embarrassed.

Especially the green-skinned monster. There is no origin power fluctuation on his body, no special ability or martial skill, but the power is so great that it hurts the most to fight.

There was a piercing scream in the ratman’s head and neck, it was very angry, its pupils turned black, and a strange wave was vented, looking towards Shenyi and the others.

This is its special ability, and everyone it touches will be eroded by spirit strength.

However, Shen Yi and the others react faster, because Mu Qing has reminded him not to look into his eyes.

Shen Yi and the others closed their eyes, and Jiang Yuanjie screamed strangely. He closed his eyes and his injuries were still bleeding.

both of his hands carrying the star core rocket launcher, Flame Power converged, and a terrifying flame beam penetrated.

“Ah!” The scavenger leader screamed, and this shot was hit!

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