The ratman leader’s abdomen was injured again, and the wound cut by Shenyi Dualbladed Halberd became blacker and more serious.

Even though Jiang Yuanjie closed his eyes, his perception was very powerful. After familiarizing himself with the Star Core Bazooka, his accuracy rate was quite high.

He closed his eyes, the origin power in his body was continuously injected into the star core rocket launcher, a flaming beam blasted out, and he hit the ratman leader twice.

The leader of the rat man was wailing, and he was very embarrassed with severe pain.

It urged Mullin to quickly grab the City Lord Token card. His strength has been suppressed by the golden light.

If there is no golden light, its strength will be restored. Although it cannot reach the strength of the original fourth-order bloodline, it also has the strength of Rank 2 bloodline, which can easily deal with Shenyi and the others.

The Ratman leader is very aggrieved now, with countless large bags on his head, all knocked out by the goblins, red and purple, bleeding.

On the other side, Yang Jie stopped Ling Han.

Ling Han wanted to stop Mu Qing, but it didn’t work, because countless vines emerged in front of him, forming a wall.

With a flame in his fist, he smashed it with a punch, burning a lot of vines, but then there were many vines gushing out almost endlessly.

Yang Jie’s ability has several points of restraint to Ling Han. I saw him in the distance, controlling plants to attack Ling Han. This is a unique method of Yang Family.

Ling Han seemed aggrieved, because he was good at close combat, but fighting with Yang Jie couldn’t even touch the opponent’s body. A piece of plant.

Mu Qing looked at from a distance, but also relieved, turned around and continued to deal with Mulin.

He kept shooting faint blue lightning in his hand, escaped into the void, and slashed directly on Mullin’s body.

Even Mullin feels tricky. Mu Qing’s blue lightning is too difficult to handle. I don’t know from which angle it is struck, especially when the formidable power is still so big.

His hand was injured again.

Mulin cried out, he knew that if he didn’t pay close attention to Mu Qing, he didn’t want to grab the City Lord Token card.


While he was stunned, another faint blue lightning slashed down, his palms scorched black, and blood flowed out.

Mulina’s face under the black robe was so gloomy, he felt that the blue lightning displayed by Mu Qing was just like a gangster, staring at his wound.

Moreover, the blue lightning can strike his wounds from various tricky angles, which is terrifying more than his arrow technique.

Mulin fought back. An azure oil lamp appeared in front of him. He took a breath, and a wind blade tore the air and vented out.

The golden long spear in Mu Qing’s hands penetrates, and the golden brilliance is dazzling.

He is intertwined with blazing white thunder and lightning, and the pedal light rushes out. Every time the golden long spear in his hand is waved, there will be blazing white thunder and lightning burst, and the formidable power is good.

The ground was shattered by the impact of thunder and lightning and strong wind.

Mu Qing is close, the golden long spear in his hand shoots out a spear shadow in an instant, the golden brilliance constantly penetrates, and the sound of Flood Dragon entangles.

Mulin’s body glowed and it was amazing. Even if his palms were burnt, it had no effect on his arrow technique. Arrows of energy carrying ripples of water pierced through them.

At the same time, he urged the second blood spirit, the wind was raging, and the wind blade slashed Mu Qing’s left arm.

Mu Qing’s eyes were startled, and he stepped on the electric light to evade, but without the help of Jiang Yuanjie’s powerful perception, he could not completely evade, and he was still injured.

Of course, Mu Lin is not well, Mu Qing’s Thunder Palm is very terrifying, and the blue lightning penetrates into the void. It can be said that there is nothing wrong with it.

Both sides were injured, but on the surface, Mullin was even worse.

He felt resentful in his heart, feeling that Mu Qing’s blue lightning was like a gangster, smashing his ass continuously.

“courting death!” A burst of silver light burst out of Mullin’s eyes.

Mu Qing’s face was moved, and he felt that his breath was locked.

A white beam of light penetrated through, the speed is too terrifying, Mu Qing’s shoulder pierced a blood hole.

He vomited blood in his mouth and backed away again and again.

Mulin has other means. The white beam is also the energy arrow condensed by Power of Water, but the speed is much faster than before.

He was covering his wound, and then he noticed that a chill came out, and his shoulder was covered with frost.

Mulin’s eyes became completely silver, the golden glow on the bow and arrow bloomed, and there were three energy arrows, which were obviously from the Power of Water condense, but they exuded a scorching breath.

Mu Qing felt a crisis and hurriedly avoided.

The three energy arrows penetrated through them, bursting out incomparably dazzling rays of light, just like three rounds of the sun.

Mu Qing felt the terrifying energy contained in these three energy arrows, and he was palpitated.

The golden long spear in his hand exploded formidable power, the white thunder and lightning burst, and a dazzling golden brilliance penetrated one of those days.

The other two sundays came in front of Mu Qing and burst out with a bang. The rays of light were too dazzling.


This area is full of rays of light, cracks are everywhere on the ground, and the energy of Water Attribute bursts into high temperature.

There was a sneer at the corner of Mullin’s mouth. This is the arrow technique martial skill of Mu Family, the nine arrows!

Although he only cultivation to the level of the third arrow, the formidable power that bursts out is still very important, and it is difficult for people of the same level to survive.

He turned around, thinking that Mu Qing was bound to die.

Mulin came to the golden stone tablet, looked at the three words Thunderstorm City in front of him, his face was delighted, and his palm touched it.


Just when his palm was about to touch the golden stone tablet, a drop of water carried a terrifying penetration force, and the energy exploded, directly piercing his palm A big hole.

Mulin let out a scream, his palms were bloody, he turned his head abruptly and found that although Mu Qing’s clothes were disheveled and a little embarrassed, he did not suffer any injuries.

This shows that just two energy arrows did not affect him in any way.

“How is this possible?” Mullin couldn’t believe it.

Even if Mu Qing is a double blood spirit, it is impossible to resist his two solar energy arrows without getting hurt.

Mu Qing gave a faint smile, just now he displayed the ability of the little black fish at the critical moment.


Speaking logically, as the blood spirit of Water Attribute, the little black fish will give birth to the special ability of Water Attribute after the breakthrough to the First Rank bloodline.

But during the breakthrough, the little black fish absorbed the residual power of the black hole at the same time.

The black hole is the secret treasure of King Toad, which was derived from the three-legged jade toad.

Although the devouring ability of the little black fish is not as powerful as the real black hole, it can still swallow two energy arrows.

The Power of Water in Mu Qing’s body was tumbling, and a drop of water appeared on his palm.

After breaking through to Martial Artist, his origin power has become a lot thicker, and only drops of water converge, all containing the rune of ten thousand water formation.

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