Shen Yi has some knowledge about Kunlun Secret Realm.

He told Mu Qing that Kunlun Secret Realm will take a lot of time to open. If they want to go out, the outside federal powerhouse will also take three days to open.

The message sent by the black chip is said to be over in three days. In fact, the federal powerhouse has already started at this moment and is opening the Kunlun Secret Realm.

“Mulin should be eliminated and they told the Federation about the situation.” Yang Jie guessed.

He felt that it must be the federal powerhouse who discovered a series of highly dangerous incidents in Kunlun Secret Realm and decided to end it immediately.

“That’s good, cursing the flower and Cursed Land, it’s too weird, and there is black power.” Shen Yi’s face was solemn.

He thinks it is better to go out early, it is too dangerous here.

Even if it weren’t for Mu Qing’s father to have a means for Mu Qing to control the statue, they would have been eliminated even if they did not die in the hands of blood bats.

Mu Qing uses the City Lord Token card, but finds that he no longer has privileges and cannot use spirit strength to explore the entire city.

After the five cities are unified, the City Lord Token card has changed, and all abilities are suspected to have disappeared.

Mu Qing was suspicious, he brought the City Lord Token card to the third mouse, the golden light was dazzling, very dazzling.


Lao San made a scream, covering his eyes, and he could see that his eyes were smoking and was hurt by the golden light.

Mu Qing gently nodded, most of the ability of City Lord Token card has disappeared, but golden light’s restraint on ominous beast is still there.

“It’s a pity.” Mu Qing sighed.

He could control the entire Thunderstorm City, but he can’t do it now.

“We go to another city, maybe we can get the second blood spirit again.” Mu Qing proposed.

Others are nodded, and Yang Jie is also looking forward to it.

He wants to obtain an energy body and a second blood spirit, but the dual blood spirit is rare after all, and spirituality, so he will choose by himself.

“Don’t worry! Even if you can’t get the second blood spirit this time, at least you have been tempered.” Shenyi patted Yang Jie’s shoulder.

Yang Jie nodded.

For these Great Influences, it’s not difficult to ask the Peak alchemist to refine a blood spirit potion, although there is a price to pay.

The reason why each Great Family wants Heaven’s Chosen to seek a second blood spirit in this Kunlun Secret Realm is because the second blood spirit inside is very special and presents an energy body.

Once the energy body is absorbed, the blood spirit obtained will instantly rise to the same level as your own cultivation base.

The second blood spirit obtained with the blood spirit potion requires cultivation from the beginning, which will waste a lot of time.

Instead, Yang Shanshan has no idea about the second blood spirit.

She thinks a blood spirit is completely enough, because her blood spirit space door can summon countless foreign world creatures in the future.

They chose the city full of trees to go.

There are plants and trees everywhere, and Yang Jie can control them. If there is a battle, he will have an advantage.

It took nearly an hour, Mu Qing and the others came to the edge of Thunderstorm City.

Before them, there is a jungle, all kinds of tall trees tower into the clouds, and the whole city is completely a forest.

They stopped and did not move forward because they had already seen someone coming in the distance.

The group of people came quickly from a city full of sandstorms, all wearing simple daoist robe.

“Don’t you humans all wear fashionable clothes? How do these people dress so earthy?” The old mouse asked curiously.

Mu Qing corner of mouth twitching.

“That’s the people from the Kunlun Mountains!” Shen Yi said the identity of the group of people who came here.

“Kunlun Mountains?” Mu Qing hearing this was surprised, isn’t this the location of their college entrance examination?

Yang Jie is nodded. He also knows a little about Kunlun Mountains. He told Mu Qing that all dísciples in Kunlun Mountains need to wear daoist robe.

“I heard that Heaven’s Chosen in Kunlun Mountains likes to dress up very trendy, but was spanked by the elders of Kunlun Mountains in front of all dísciples.” Shen Yi whispered to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing was speechless for a while, didn’t expect Heaven’s Chosen in Kunlun Mountains to have such things happen.

Dignified Heaven’s Chosen, but getting spanked in front of all the dísciples in the house is absolutely a shame.

The third mouse also heard it and snickered over there.

Shen Yi asked everyone to be careful. He couldn’t determine whether the opponent was an enemy or a friend. If he was malicious, he needed to pay attention to the Kunlun Mountains’ Taoism, which was amazing.

Mu Qing nodded, at this time, the group of people finally came to Mu Qing and them.

“Yo! Friends over there, hello!” A man with an exploded head and sunglasses walked over.

He took more than a dozen people, with tattoos all over his body, and a daoist robe in tatters and holes.

Shenyi corner of mouth twitching, he felt that the person in front of him was familiar.

“What’s the matter? Shenyi, Yang Jie. You two don’t know me anymore?” The exploded grin grinned.

The Afro is Heaven’s Chosen from Kunlun Mountains. He introduces himself and his name is Kunshan.

Kunshan and Shenyi and the others met once, so they recognized them all at once.

Shen Yi and Yang Jie laughed. When they first saw Kunshan, the other party was not like this. They were polite, dressed neatly in daoist robe, and spoke very gentle, at a moderate pace.

The difference between before and after him is too big, which makes them immediately unrecognized.

Kun Shan haha ​​smiled, and he told several people that when they first met, their elders were there and he didn’t dare to make any trouble.

Now entering Kunlun Secret Realm, the elders of Kunlun Mountains don’t know what he is doing. They immediately got a handsome explode, and Daoist Robe also cut holes, which is called following the trend.

“You belong to this Thunderstorm City? Who is your City Lord?” Kun Shan asked, looking back and forth between Shenyi and Yang Jie.

The eyes of Shen Yi and Yang Jie looked towards Mu Qing in unison.

Mu Qing’s strength is recognized by them. The most important thing is that when facing blood bats, Mu Qing controlled the statue to save them.

Kun Shan was surprised, looked towards Mu Qing, and then discovered that Mu Qing is also a Martial Artist of First Rank bloodline, with a strong breath.

The young daoist behind him also looked towards Mu Qing, this group of people is a cultivation base of ten stages of vitality and blood.

“Forgive me, brother, which family of Heaven’s Chosen are you from?” Kun Shan recalled for a long time, but couldn’t find any Great Influence’s Heaven’s Chosen that looked the same as Mu Qing.

“This is Ke Fei’s dísciple.” Shen Yi introduced to Kun Shan.

Kun Shan was taken aback and said: “That madman Ke Fei more than ten years ago? He is not dead yet?”

His attitude suddenly became serious, and he treated Mu Qing and Mu Qing and Shenyi and them are the same, they are treated as people of the same level.

At the beginning, Ke Fei caused so many incidents and killed countless people because of his dual personality, and even now he has an arrest warrant against him.

Kun Shan talked with Mu Qing and the others. When he heard that Mu Qing and the others were left in Thunderstorm City, his face was shocked.

“No way?” His expression was very strange, looking at Mu Qing and them.

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