“Although there are a lot of ominous beasts in the college entrance examination this time, basically anyone who reaches the tenth qi and blood level can easily handle it!” Kun Shan said.

He this remark surprised Mu Qing and the others.

Especially when he learned that there were thousands of people in their desert city, he was even more surprised.

“Is it possible that, only our Thunderstorm City is the most special?” Shen Yi was surprised.

Kun Shan scratched his sexy explosive head and said: “The ominous beast on our desert side has basically been cleaned up. The ominous beast leader is really difficult to deal with. He has the strength of Rank 2 bloodline!”

He claimed that after the explosion of energy and the golden ripples, the strength of the ominous beast dropped drastically, and that it was not a human opponent at all.

“So weak?” The old mouse was stunned.

They are the leaders of Four Great Vicious Beasts, all of them are Martial Master Level ominous beasts of the fourth-order bloodline. I originally thought that the ominous beasts in the other four cities were also the same.

But now, it seems to be different from what it imagined. According to Kunshan, the strongest ominous beast in their desert city has only the strength of Rank 2 bloodline.

“Ominous beast?” Kunshan looked at the old mouse, and when he heard his speak human’s words, he was shocked.

Only after breakthrough to Martial Master, ominous beast can speak human words.

“This is the ominous beast of our Thunderstorm City, the fourth-order bloodline.” Shen Yi introduced him.

Mu Qing used City Lord Token’s golden light to suppress the third mouse, and let him acknowledge allegiance himself. This method made Shen Yi admire Mu Qing very much.

Kunshan’s face was moved, and a group of Taoist priests from Kunlun Mountains were onlookers. The ominous beast of the fourth-order bloodline, which is not the Martial Master Level, is very terrifying.

The old mouse has a black face. It is now like a monkey, being watched by a group of people.

It wanted to attack, but when he saw Mu Qing’s slanting eyes, his heart trembled.

“I can’t think of my old mouse, and finally fell to this fate.” The old mouse cried in his heart.

Afterwards, it comforted itself, because the Spider-women had a worse fate, they were directly stored as exhibits in the museum, and in the end even the museum disappeared inexplicably.

Compared with the experience of Spider-Woman and the others, she at least has self-awareness and is still alive!

Mouse can only comfort himself.

Kun Shan took a closer look. Although the strength of the third mouse was suppressed to Rank 2 bloodline, he could still see the true power of the third mouse.

He was surprised and had a trace of admiration for Mu Qing.

“Sure enough, it is the Thunderstorm City Lord.” Kun Shan admired.

Mu Qing asked Kunshan if he was the Desert City Lord.

Because Mu Qing feels Kunshan’s strength is very strong, obviously it has been a long time since the breakthrough to the First Rank bloodline.

It can be said that Kunshan has a home court advantage here. As the Kunlun Mountains dísciple, he must have some knowledge of Kunlun Secret Realm.

Shen Yi and the others are also naturally nodded, thinking Kunshan is the City Lord of the desert.

However, Kun Shan shook his head. He told Mu Qing that he was not the Desert City Lord, and even the second blood spirit was not snatched. He was driven out.

Yang Shanshan was surprised. She looked at the entire group of Kunshan. This should be considered a very powerful force.

Kun Shan’s mouth is bitter. He tells everyone that the Desert City Lord is the Haijia Heaven’s Chosen. His strength is terrifying. After defeating him, he also got an energy body, which is already a double blood spirit.

“Actually, I originally planned to take the position of Thunderstorm City Lord.” Kunshan laughed sadly.

Mu Qing was curious about the Heaven’s Chosen of the Haijia Family, and actually defeated the Heaven’s Chosen of the Kunlun Mountains and kicked it out.

“You are good.” Shen Yi shook his head and told him that Thunderstorm City was extremely terrifying. Even Mulin and Ling Han were eliminated, and the ominous beast of the fourth-order bloodline died three heads.

“So horrible?” Kun Shan’s body was shaken, and he felt chills just listening to Shen Yi’s description.

Shen Yi patted the shoulder of Kun Shan, somehow he wanted to put him into their team.

After all, Mu Qing and the others are too small in number, so it is ashamed to say it.

Besides, Kunshan is very strong. After joining the team, his strength will definitely improve.

Kun Shan hesitated, but after the youngest mouse showed the power of Rank 2 bloodline, he agreed.

Rank 2 bloodline is stronger than Heaven’s Chosen!

Kun Shan joined the team very smoothly, and also brought more than 30 younger brothers, all Taoists.

Compared with the non-mainstream of Kunshan, other young daoists are neatly dressed, and they speak politely, without a swear word.

Everyone talked about it, and finally decided to continue to Lin City.

Entire group enters the forest, there are tall trees everywhere, and occasionally a few buildings can be seen.

Mu Qing guessed that maybe this city was not like this at the beginning, and then a large area of ​​woods grew, just like the thunderstorm weather in Thunderstorm City.

Yang Jie feels all around is very kind, with trees and plants everywhere.

His blood spirit is an ancient tree. It is Yang Jie’s inheritance blood spirit. He has special ability and can control all plants.

“Who?” Jiang Yuanjie found out that he used the golden long spear in his hand as a javelin and threw it directly.

Golden rays of light bloom, this is the gold Treasure Item given to him by Mu Qing, turned into a Flood Dragon, fiercely pierced through, and the trunk of a tree burst.

Jiang Yuanjie moved towards aiming in that direction, the star core rocket launcher in his hand is getting hotter and the flame beams are converging.

Kun Shan looked dazed, he didn’t feel anything.

But when he saw a silhouette appearing not far away, his eyes looked towards Jiang Yuanjie changed instantly.

“Don’t kill me!” The silhouette raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender, shouting.


Jiang Yuanjie put down the Star Core Bazooka, Mu Qing and Yang Shanshan gave a soft voice, and found that this person was wearing the uniform of West Lake University.

This man’s school uniform is already in tatters. If you don’t look carefully, you won’t find it.

Jiang Yuanjie stepped forward to inquire and confirmed the identity of the other party. He was indeed a student of West Lake University.

This is a handsome guy who claims to be a scout of the City Lord forces.

“The Forest City Lord?” Mu Qing eyebrow raised, but didn’t expect to meet someone related to the Forest City Lord so soon.

Kun Shan suddenly became very excited, he yelled, let everyone go to seize the position of the Forest City Lord.

“Yang Shanshan? Mu Qing?” The man recognized the identities of Mu Qing and Yang Shanshan, and his face was suddenly happy.

He said: “very good, the City Lord and Ling Fei big brother have been looking for your whereabouts!”

“Ling Fei!”

Mu Qing His eyes lit up, didn’t expect the decision to enter Lin City City was really right, and there was news of Ling Fei.

Later, he learned from the population in front of him that the Forest City Lord is Ji Jia!

“Ji Jia got the City Lord Token card, and Ling Fei big brother also has the opportunity. Both are Martial Artists of First Rank bloodline.” The Scout proudly introduced.

He told Mu Qing that now the entire forest City Lord is divided into two forces.

One force is Ji Jia. They have the City Lord Token card. In addition to the students of West Lake College, there are also students from other colleges and universities.

The other force is Wang Family, one of the Five Great Families in Beijing City. Heaven’s Chosen is named Wang Sheng and is a double blood spirit.

Under the power of Wang Sheng, Wang Haixuan and Liu Tianyu had conflicts with Mu Qing, and the other party even planned to use Wang Sheng’s power to get rid of Mu Qing.

“There are Wang Family people nearby, we must be careful.” The scout whispered, and then said that he would take Mu Qing and the others to Ji Jia.

Mu Qing nodded, he laughed again, and said: “Don’t worry, don’t say it is the forces of the Wang Family, even if Wang Sheng comes in person, it is not necessarily our opponent!”

He is calm and confident in his tone because he has this capital.

Before entering Kunlun Secret Realm, he might be afraid of Wang Sheng, but now, not only did he break through to the First Rank bloodline, he also received an ominous beast from Rank 2 bloodline as a younger brother, so naturally he would not be afraid of the king. Saint.

Shen Yi and the others are nodded. Kunshan has an explosive head and yells arrogantly, asking Wang Sheng to come over and use Taoism to suppress him.

All of them are Heaven’s Chosen. Although they are small in number, they are very powerful.

The student who was a scout was frightened, and didn’t say much anymore, taking Mu Qing and the others moved towards one direction.

Half an hour later, Mu Qing and the others came to a school.

This school is a bit run-down, but there are many people inside, and there are people guarding the entrance.

“Stop!” There were two students at the door, the strength of Ninth Stage of Blood and Qi. They saw Mu Qing and the others, their eyes were alert, and they shouted loudly.

The student who led Mu Qing and the others stepped forward. After talking a few words, the student guarding at the door was shocked, and one of them hurriedly went in to report.

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