The devouring ability of the little black fish, although it cannot absorb energy to improve itself, or feed it back to Mu Qing, it can condense one after another transparent crystal.

I have seen this transparent crystal formidable power Mu Qing. Mu Lin once displayed a jade shield, which is a defensive treasure, but it shattered under the transparent crystal formidable power.

Mu Qing divided the medicinal herb and the glowing plant into a part of the little black fish, making it condense transparent crystal, which is almost like a star-core grenade, with extremely strong formidable power.

Furthermore, star core grenade basically requires a sixth rank or 7th grade alchemist to refine it. Not only does it require many high-quality star cores, it also takes an extremely long time.

Small black fish’s clear crystal with devouring ability condense, formidable power is no less than a grenade, and the explosion range is extremely large.

Mu Qing sat cross-legged on the bed, and a black hole faintly appeared at Dantian.

The third mouse sees it, pupil shrink.

In the battle of the blood bat, it has also been watched from a distance, knowing that the core of the blood bat becomes a monster is a black hole.

And the black hole was made by King Toad’s three-legged jade toad.

The King Toad and the third mouse are close friends. For the baby of the King Toad, the third mouse also knows something, which can create black holes and absorb everything.

“Why is the black hole on this human demon?” The third mouse was puzzled.

On the surface, it is called the human uncle Mu Qing, but from the bottom of my heart it always calls it a demon, because the opponent tortured it with the golden light of the City Lord Token card all day long.

Mu Qing feels that Mu Qing is very mysterious. It looked towards the cursed flower on the center of his eyebrows, the body trembled, far away from Mu Qing, always feels that the cursed flower on the center of Mu Qing’s eyebrows is very strange.

It has a kind of intuition, as long as the curse flower is still on Mu Qing, disaster will come again.

In the City of Five Great Cities, something unexpected happened in Thunderstorm City. The leader of the ominous beast was almost dead, and black power and white fog appeared. This is absolutely unusual.

Musician guessed that it was the disaster caused by the cursed flower on Mu Qing’s eyebrow.

“What if this human demon makes up his mind to find Cursed Land? He will definitely take me with him!” The third mouse beats a drum in his heart, because he really doesn’t want to touch things like cursing.

In the morning of 2nd day, Mu Qing woke up from a deep sleep.

There are still two days before the federal powerhouse opens Secret Realm.

He has been in the fusion state of Heaven and Earth last night until his spirit strength is exhausted, and he doesn’t know when he was in a coma.

Mu Qing’s first thing is to check the situation of the little black fish. He smiled and found that the little black fish had swallowed a large number of medicinal herbs and luminous plants, and three transparent crystals were condense.

This is definitely a killing move, which can be used as a hole card just like Wanshui Formation.

“Mu Qing!”

At this time, Jiang Yuanjie suddenly ran in front of Mu Qing, his expression anxious, gasping for breath.

“You have a breakthrough?” Mu Qing looked up and down, and found that Jiang Yuanjie’s aura was much stronger than before. Obviously, it was a breakthrough to the Martial Artist level of First Rank bloodline.

Jiang Yuanjie also has a space ring in his hand, which belongs to the third mouse and was given to him by Mu Qing.

“I…I have a big discovery!” Jiang Yuanjie was sweaty on his forehead, and he took Mu Qing away without saying a word.

Mu Qing called the old mouse to join him. At the same time, he was a little confused. I didn’t understand what Jiang Yuanjie was doing in such a hurry. Isn’t the breakthrough a good thing?

Jiang Yuanjie took Mu Qing and Shu Lao San into the woods. The whole city was covered by woods, and there were a few trees, extremely huge, directly piercing a building and rising from the ground.

He took Mu Qing to the depths of a dark forest, where there was a withered tree trunk, and there was a hole in the trunk. Compared with the surrounding green trees, it was very special.

Beside the tree hole, Ling Fei is already standing there.

He saw Jiang Yuanjie coming with Mu Qing, made a gesture, and entered the tree hole first.

Jiang Yuanjie pulled Mu Qing into the tree hole, and the youngest mouse followed closely from behind.

“Here is the opportunity that Ji Jia and I discovered!” Ling Fei led a few people into the tree hole, which was another space with extremely smooth walls, and it was actually made of metal.

There are three glass pillars, some instruments, and various paper data.

Jiang Yuanjie told Mu Qing that originally the three glass pillars were filled with liquids. After entering the cultivation inside, they absorbed those liquids and transformed them into extremely rich energy, and stimulated the fleshy body, allowing him to break through .

Mu Qing looked at the size of the glass pillar, and looked at the fat on Jiang Yuanjie’s body. He was curious about how crowded this guy got in.

Jiang Yuanjie smiled awkwardly. Indeed, in order to enter the glass pillar, he suffered a lot of crimes, and finally he entered with the help of Ling Fei.

“At that time, we were chased by Wang Haixuan and the others, and found here after we escaped.” Ling Fei said.

He claimed that there was a City Lord Token card here, and after absorbing the liquid in the glass column, he and Ji Jia both broke through to the First Rank bloodline.

Ji Jia once suspected that this is some kind of laboratory, and the liquid in the glass column is very similar to medicine.

Mu Qing nodded, at the same time wondering why he was called over.

“Look at the experiment platform over there!” Jiang Yuanjie pointed not far away.

This is suspected to be a laboratory, there are many suspects, there are also some broken potion bottles on the ground.

Mu Qing looked, and suddenly found a flower on the test bench, which was broken and covered by a white cloth.

This flower is very big, several meters long.

Mu Qing opened the white cloth, his face moved, this flower is a curse flower.

Jiang Yuanjie’s face was solemn. He accidentally discovered this, so he called Mu Qing anxiously. He suspected that it had something to do with Cursed Flower.

Mu Qing observed carefully, this cursed flower seemed to have completely withered and was cut. It should have been made by the people in this laboratory for research purposes.

He picked up a piece of paper on the ground, it was very old, but he could see some data about cursing flowers.

“They have been to Cursed Land!” Mu Qing flipped through the information and finally got a message.

Many people in this laboratory are very powerful. They enter Kunlun Secret Realm from the outside world to conduct research.

They went to Cursed Land and, with their terrifying power, captured a cursed flower for research.

Finally, they came to the conclusion that the energy contained in this cursed flower was called the power of curse, and it was the black power.

Unfortunately, for some reason, everyone in the laboratory has disappeared.

“I remember!” The old mouse screamed.

It told everyone that it saw the sky torn apart ten years ago, and a group of powerhouses in white uniforms came in from the outside world.

This group of powerhouses hunts and kills ominous beasts and various exotic insects and plants for research.

“At that time, the most powerful leaders in our ominous beast planned to join forces to retaliate, but they disappeared.” The third mouse remembered still fresh.

It is basically true that the powerhouse that came at that time was the person in the laboratory.

“Could it be that everyone in the laboratory has left?” Jiang Yuanjie looked suspicious.

Ling Fei shook his head, and he said: “It’s unlikely. There are various data on the experimental platform, and the liquid in the three glass columns should be refining some kind of medicine.”


He felt that if the laboratory powerhouse left Kunlun Secret Realm, it shouldn’t be the medicine and various precious materials in the three glass pillars.

“Will they be eroded by the power of the curse and died?” Mu Qing said abruptly.

All the people present were not only cold, but the third mouse was covered in furs and his tail was tall.

It is very scared of things related to cursing flowers. The sight of the three ominous beast leaders such as Toad King being placed in the museum as an exhibit is still vivid.

Ling Fei and Jiang Yuanjie have serious faces. They think it is possible.

As the old mouse said, the powerhouse of the laboratory is terrifying. Entering Kunlun Secret Realm will hunt down ominous beasts and mutant insects and research all kinds of things.

If they find the cursed flower, they will definitely be curious about the white mist and black power of the cursed flower to conduct research.

“The laboratory powerhouse should be a group of alchemists.” Ling Fei determined the identity of the laboratory powerhouse.

Because of refining pharmaceutical agents, researching various ominous beasts, etc., it is not what ordinary bloodline powerhouses can do. Only alchemists who are good at spirit strength can capture things that others cannot see.

The predecessor of the alchemist is a scientist, and his mind contains precious knowledge of incomparable.

“Alchemist?” Mu Qing was sluggish, and he didn’t think of his father very much in his mind.

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