Mu Qing’s father, Mu Yu, used to be Heaven’s Chosen of Mu Family. Although he is not very good at battle strength, he has an innate talent in the field of alchemists.

When Mu Yu disappeared from Mu Family, he was already a Peak alchemist.

No one knows where he went, all the news is gone.

Mu Qing has always felt that his father is very mysterious, and has been living in the school since he went to school.

What really shocked Mu Qing is that ten years ago, Mu Yu disappeared for a while, saying that he was going to do business abroad.

Mu Yu often gives him a lot of money to buy cultivation resources. Mu Qing thinks Mu Yu is very busy at work, and doesn’t care much.

But at this moment, Mu Qing combined with the statue in Thunderstorm City that was exactly the same as his father, and all the clues were connected together.

He came to a conclusion, that is the group of laboratory powerhouses mentioned by the old mouse, one of them is his father!

“Everyone in the laboratory escaped? Or is my dad alone?” Mu Qing frowns.

According to the messy appearance of the laboratory, something should have happened.

“I think the powerhouse in the laboratory is cursed!” Jiang Yuanjie resolutely and decisively said.

He has come into contact with the cursed flower and knows its horror. One breath of the white mist makes people cough up blood, especially the black power. Once it invades the body, the whole person seems to be frozen, unable to move.

“A cursed flower is terrifying like this, the laboratory powerhouse seized the cursed flower from Cursed Land, and it must have been cursed!”

Jiang Yuanjie believes that the laboratory powerhouse was invaded by black power , They all died in the end.

Mu Qing nodded, I think Jiang Yuanjie made sense, but his father Mu Yu, who was also a member of the laboratory, did not die in the end.

“It seems that after the college entrance examination is over, it is necessary to ask!” Mu Qing light flashed.

Everyone turned the entire laboratory upside down and found a lot of records, most of which were densely packed experimental data.

“Wait!” Oldest Mouse clutched a piece of paper, and its golden eyes showed a surprised look.

Mu Qing found out that the old mouse was strange, and went to inquire.

I saw Mo Lao San found out all the experimental data one by one, and the surprised look on his face became more intense.

Mu Qing observed carefully, but was also surprised, and found a special place.

The experimental data in the hands of the old three of mice are all about the research of mutant insects.

Mutated insect, Mu Qing and the others have seen many in the museum, but they were all swallowed by the white mist.

“The data conclusion of every mutant insect is written three hundred years ago!” The third mouse’s voice trembled.

This is a sensitive number. Both Mu Qing and Jiang Yuanjie were shocked, but Ling Fei was unclear, so they were stunned in the same place.

Mu Qing and Jiang Yuanjie took a closer look and found that the conclusion on each data sheet of mutant insects stated that these insect lifespans are very long and have survived for three hundred years.

In other words, these mutant insects suddenly appeared three hundred years ago and did not undergo any reproduction.

“The major event written on the museum stone tablet is likely to be related to the insect!” Mu Qing took a deep breath, and the clues he got were confusing and headache.

At the moment, although I have obtained a lot of information, it is still very vague. There is still no clue about the location of Cursed Land.

Mu Qing feels that the events three hundred years ago have a certain connection with the cursed flower, otherwise the stone tablet would not appear in the museum.

Since the stone tablet and the experimental data are written three hundred years ago, it is certain that the text on the stone tablet and the time when the experimental powerhouses wrote the experimental data are the same!

Someone engraved those words on the stone tablet at that time, and then I don’t know why it broke.

Mu Qing wondered if the laboratory powerhouse knew something, so he engraved these words on the stone tablet.

“Ling Fei big brother! It’s not good!” At this time, a handsome guy ran over. It was the scout that Mu Qing had encountered before.

At this moment, his face was flustered, and he stumbled up to Ling Fei.

“What’s wrong?”

After Ling Fei asked a lot, the complexion greatly changed.

At this moment, Wang Sheng led people to launch an offensive against them. It seems that he is inevitable. He wants to seize the City Lord Token card.

Mu Qing also knows that it should not be too late. Everyone left and headed to Ji Jia.

At the same time, he also wondered, because Kunshan, Shenyi, and the others are all present. The battle strength of several First Rank bloodline should be enough to deal with Wang Shengcai, why this scout loses one’s head out of fear.

Mu Qing and the others leave.

And at this time, in the laboratory, the cursed flower that has withered and shattered is full at this moment, as if it is supported by some kind of power.

One after another black lines spread on the cursed flower, and finally the metal walls and ground of the entire laboratory were covered with black lines, which looked terrifying.

The cursed flower has completely recovered. It has six petals and is very huge. It is exactly the same as the cursed flower in the museum, except that there is no vertical pupil in the stamen, and the size is not as big as the cursed flower in the museum.

This cursed flower exudes black power, which is the power of cursing described by the laboratory powerhouse.

A wisp of white mist was sprayed out by it, and in just a few minutes, the entire laboratory was flooded, and then moved towards the outside spreading.


Mu Qing and the others returned to the office building and found that the buildings all around had collapsed a lot, even the office building had broken open several large holes.

There is a towering tree near the office building. Ji Jia and the others are fighting on that tree. The enemy is Wang Sheng and the others.

Under the tree, there is a large group of people fighting, but it can be clearly felt that the people under Ji Jia are weaker than the other party, and they are almost crushed and beaten.

This is also very normal, because the students who have taken refuge in Ji Jia are all students from major colleges and universities. In the bottom of my heart, I don’t intend to work hard for Ji Jia. Once they find that the situation is not right, they will crush the black chip or turn around.

Wang Sheng’s people are mostly from the Wang Family. They are powerful and a few are special. As soon as the blood spirit appears, there will be a billowing heat.

That blood spirit is a round of the sun!

Wang Family’s inheritance blood spirit is the sun, and the chance of awakening is very low, but once awakened, the formidable power is good and terrifying.

“Let me help, you go up!” Jiang Yuanjie said.

He just broke through to Martial Artist, and he has not yet been familiar with the power in his body. Those who deal with the First Rank bloodline may be defeated. Instead, it is better to help the battle below.

Mu Qing and Ling Fei nodded, body flashed, moved towards the big tree and washed away.

This tree is huge, and any branch of the trunk can stand on dozens of people.

In the battle below, after Jiang Yuanjie joined, his morale was high. He was holding a golden long spear in one hand and a star-core rocket launcher in the other, and roared towards the enemy.

Those Wang Family’s dísciple hadn’t reacted yet, they were pierced through their bodies by a golden brilliance, with a big hole in their chest.

This is a gold Treasure Item, which burst out terrifying formidable power in the hands of Jiang Yuanjie.

The most terrifying thing is that the star-core rocket launcher in Jiang Yuanjie’s hand exploded, and a beam of flame penetrated through it, killing many people.

The flames of the blockbuster burst out, and many people from the Wang Family forces screamed.

On a branch of the big tree, Wang Sheng gloomy face, he found that the fighting situation below has changed.

Jiang Yuanjie, as a First Rank Martial Artist, at least few people below can cause him damage, and the formidable power of the Star Core Rocket Launcher is amazing, causing great damage to the Wang Family forces.

Wang Sheng had a trace of regret in his heart. He had known that he also brought some modern weapons.

These Great Influence Heaven’s Chosen, they all pay more attention to their own strength, which is also the idea that the elders in the family have been instilling in them.

Yang Jie also likes all kinds of technological weapons. He often brings one or two in the space ring, and he can play with them when he has time.

“I’ll kill that fatty!” said the person next to Wang Sheng.

This person is wearing a Taoist robe, but his muscles are bulging, and there is a gossip printed on the back of the robe.

“Wu Duannan, leave it to you!” Wang Sheng nodded, and immediately he shouted out loudly and rushed out, venting hot rays of light from his palm.

Across from him, is a beautiful figure, wearing a T-shirt and denim shorts, white thighs are slender and moving, it is Ji Jia.

Wang Sheng and Ji Jia are fighting together, the energy is constantly impacting, and the scene is gorgeous.

Ji Jia has some injuries on his body and is obviously lost to Wang Sheng.

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