Wu Duannan, wearing a gossip daoist robe, came down from the big tree, and his breath exploded. He is also a powerhouse of First Rank bloodline!

His eyes flickered, and he rushed down quickly and went straight to Jiang Yuanjie to kill him.

He is full of confidence, even if he knows that Jiang Yuanjie is the same as his cultivation base, he is sure to kill him.

Jiang Yuanjie had naturally sensed Wu Duannan’s breath, but he ignored it, because Mu Qing and Ling Fei had already moved towards the tree and rushed away.

“Go back to Laozi!” Ling Fei roared, his body exploded with golden light, very dazzling and dazzling.

On his body, a golden lion appeared with a terrifying roar, and the ultimate breath of golden power swept out.

Mu Qing’s eyes were startled, he found that Ling Fei’s blood spirit was somewhat similar to Ling Han’s flaming lion.

“Could it be?” He guessed from the bottom of his heart, but he thought that Ling Fei is Metal Attribute and Ling Family is Fire Attribute, so he shook the head and smiled dumbly.

Ling Fei punched out, Golden’s dazzling rays of light rushed out, directly moved towards Wu Duannan and penetrated.

Wu Duannan’s face was surprised, and he hurriedly resisted, dancing with his hands, the whirlwinds gathered to form a gossip appearance.

When both of his hands turned, golden rays of light strikes came, but guided by him, the direction changed, and moved towards Ling Fei blasted away.

Ling Fei was startled, and blasted another punch. The golden light flickered and shattered the golden glow that had been guided back.

“Who are you?” Ling Fei scolded. He hadn’t met Wang Sheng before.

The martial skill that this person has just displayed is very mysterious, and it can actually transfer his attack back.

Wu Duannan’s face was arrogant, he said: “Wudang dísciple, Wu Duannan!”

Obviously, this is a Wudang Heaven’s Chosen who was invited by Wang Sheng.

Ling Fei looked up and found that Shenyi and the others’ opponents were all strange faces, and he didn’t know where Wang Sheng had invited them.

He was a little scared, but fortunately Mu Qing and the others came, otherwise they would definitely fail miserably on the top battle strength.

Wu Duan Nan looks at Ling Fei and thinks that although the opponent is powerful and the Metal Attribute attack is very domineering, but under his Eight Trigram Palm, he is not an opponent at all, and all his power will be bounced back.


His face suddenly changed because he felt a strong wind roaring behind him.

A cloud of black mist suddenly appeared behind it. It was Mu Qing, wearing a black robe with cold eyes.

A golden sickle was held by Mu Qing, he waved it, and the golden rays of light swept out and turned into a half-moon-shaped light.


Wu Duannan reacted very quickly, and saw energy bursting under his feet, and the whole person stepped on the void temporarily, hiding on another tree trunk.

He gritted his teeth and touched the back of his neck, where there was a wound, bleeding.

The golden sickle that Mu Qing got from the third mouse is also a gold Treasure Item. It is so sharp that it didn’t hit the opponent, but only the strong wind touched it and injured it.

Ling Fei burst out laughing when he saw this.

“What’s the matter? Wouldn’t you rebound? Try a rebound?”

He frigid irony and scorching satire, making Wu Duannan angry, and the energy in his hands gathers and a gust of wind The impact came.

Ling Fei is full of golden light and punched broken wind.

At this time, a cloud of black fog reappeared beside Wu Duannan, and the golden sickle was swung down, bringing up a piece of blood light.

Wu Duannan exclaimed, and hurried back, his arm was injured, and there was still blazing white lightning on it.

“Haha, your father is here too!”

A strange call came out, Wu Duannan was surprised, didn’t expect there was a third person.

He lightly shouted, without being too panicked, waving his hands and spinning, a gossip mask appeared, covering his whole person.

This is an extremely powerful means of defense. Attacks at the same level can be defended, and even rebound!

However, Wu Duannan hasn’t reacted yet, the trunk under his feet exploded, sawdust flew across, and a treacherous ratman jumped out.

The third mouse is proficient in digging holes. Even these towering trees have dug a passage directly from under Wu Duannan’s feet.

Where did Wu Duannan think that the enemy was under his feet, he defended the front, back, left, and right, and the top of his head, but there was no defense below.

In fact, he can’t defend under his feet.


The third mouse was full of grievances. He shot without mercy and punched it away. Wu Duannan’s eyes appeared directly with dark circles and golden flowers.

“Hey! It’s pretty hard!” The old three screamed, punching again.

Wu Duannan coughed up blood and lost a few teeth. This fist hit his mouth.

The third mouse laughed and punched again.

And at this time, a golden shadow appeared, with a bang, and a metal-like clanging sound, blocking this fist of the third mouse for Wu Duannan.

The third mouse rubbed his paws, cry out in surprise: “So hard!”

He was a monk, very young, shiny golden light, smiling. .

“Shaolin, Xuan Ling has seen a few people.” The monk Xuan Ling smiled and looked gentle.

However, he actually swallowed a mouthful of blood in his throat.

His eyes were horrified, and he looked at the third mouse, because the opponent’s strength was too terrifying.

As soon as Xuanling displayed the Shaolin golden body to help Wu Duannan forcibly resist the blow, he found that the strength was too terrifying and he was injured.

He squinted his eyes, looking towards Mu Qing and Ling Fei, especially looking at the third mouse.

He couldn’t imagine how Mu Qing and the others drove the ominous beast, and it seemed very powerful.

The old mouse buttoned his nostrils, feeling boring.

“Shaolin and Wudang.” Mu Qing took a deep breath, didn’t expect Heaven’s Chosen, which Wang Sheng summoned, was so big.

Ling Fei also has a solemn expression, he feels that the strength of the other two is even higher than himself. If it weren’t for Mu Qing and the old mouse to make the other party lose, I am afraid it would be extremely troublesome to deal with it alone.

Shaolin and Wudang are both Great Influence, powerhouse as clouds, and Heaven’s Chosen within is naturally extremely powerful.

“Mu Qing!”

Two figures fell, it turned out to be Wang Haixuan and Liu Tianyu.

Mu Qing was surprised to find that these two people did not know what benefits they had gained, and they all had a breakthrough to the First Rank bloodline level.

Wang Haixuan has a grim face. He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

Originally, he planned to rely on Wang Sheng’s forces to kill Mu Qing, but when he broke through to Martial Artist, his mind changed and he wanted to kill Mu Qing himself.

Wang Haixuan and Liu Tianyu surrounded them. They had a grudge with Mu Qing and wanted to kill him.

Mu Qing sneered and said: “Even if you have two breakthroughs, it is still a waste in my eyes that’s all.”

Wang Haixuan and Liu Tianyu were furious and rushed over directly .

Wang Haixuan is blazing. He is a branch of Wang Family in Beijing. The blood spirit is also a Fire Attribute, but a shotgun.

He condense a Fire Dragon, baring fangs and brandishing claws, and roared towards Mu Qing.

However, Mu Qing pointed at his fingertips, and a water snake condensed and bit it.

Compared with the Fire Dragon, this water snake is several times smaller in size, and Wang Haixuan’s eyes are even more contemptuous.

However, Mu Qing’s water snake finger contains a strong Power of Water, especially he also realized a trace of Profound Truth of Water, the formidable power is blessed, and directly smashed the Fire Dragon into pieces.

Mu Qing stepped on the electric light and continuously displayed the water snake finger close up. Wang Haixuan let out a scream, and the fire broke out on his body, but three more blood holes appeared.

Mu Qing’s understanding of the martial skill of the water snake finger has been extremely deep, mainly due to the integration of Heaven and Earth.

“Impossible!” Wang Haixuan’s expression was horrified. There was a sharp pain in his body, but he still couldn’t believe it. He was injured by Mu Qing with no difficulty.

Liu Tianyu on the other side also launched an offensive, slapped his palms, the energy is like a wave, his blood spirit is a whale, and his origin power is very strong.

But Mu Qing sneered, the black robe rays of light flashed, and the whole person disappeared into black mist.

Liu Tianyu was astonished, this palm slapped on the trunk, and a big hole was blasted out, showing its formidable power.

Black mist reappears, Mu Qing is already behind him, slammed down with the golden sickle in his hand.

“Be careful behind you!” Wang Haixuan bleeds from his body, but he doesn’t care about the severe pain, so he yells to remind him.

Liu Tianyu turned around, his face was shocked, and quickly backed away.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Mu Qing’s golden sickle was chopped off vertically, just like Death God was harvesting, cutting off his arm.

Large pieces of blood light burst out, and Liu Tianyu screamed like a hissing lung.

Mu Qing blasted with a punch, nine blazing white thunder and lightning burst, Liu Tianyu’s whole body was charred and flew out.

He doesn’t know his life or death. In order to ensure his death, Mu Qing used his fingertips and a water snake pierced out and made a blood hole in his heart.

In a short time, the two who besieged Mu Qing one killed another injured!

Wang Haixuan trembled, he shook his head and couldn’t believe it.

Obviously their two First Rank bloodline Martial Artists went to deal with Mu Qing, why would they be easily slaughtered by each other.

Mu Qing moved towards Wang Haixuan, it’s time to understand the grudges before.

He also thoroughly felt that there are strengths and weaknesses in the First Rank bloodline.

Mu Qing has the strength comparable to Heaven’s Chosen, and Wang Haixuan is just an ordinary First Rank Martial Artist who just broke through, not Mu Qing’s opponent at all.

It is precisely this that will cause a unilateral massacre. In fact, if God Yi and the others come, you can also achieve one against two.

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