Mu Qing was wrapped in black mist, and he appeared in front of Wang Haixuan instantly. The golden sickle was swung down, and the blood spattered to the ground.

Wang Haixuan was beheaded and completely dead!

Mu Qing has a cold expression, he turns his head and looks at it. At this moment, Ling Fei and Rat San are both fighting.

Ling Fei’s opponent is Wu Duannan, who is good at one-handed Eight Trigram Palm, able to pull a thousand catties in four or two, Ling Fei’s attacks were all bounced back by him.

Wu Duannan is extremely powerful Honest, Ling Fei is not his opponent, because his attacks have been bounced back, the origin power is consumed a lot, and the opponent does not breathe.

On the other side, Shaolin’s Xuan Ling Yi and Rat Three are fighting.

Xuanling is the First Rank bloodline, and it is not the opponent of the old mouse at all. At the time, the old mouse didn’t intend to exert all his strength from the very beginning.

Its golden eyes squirmed, and its body didn’t use a trace of its original power, it just relied on the fleshy body to fight

Although the cultivation base was suppressed. , But the strength of the body is not suppressed. Every time the bloodline increases, it will also drive the fleshy body to become stronger.

It was originally an ominous beast of the fourth-order bloodline, and its fleshly body strength is much stronger than that of humans. At this moment, it can easily deal with Xuanling I without a trace of origin power.

Xuan Ling’s head is full of sweat, he is wearing a monk robe, his whole body is golden light and it is a Buddhist Golden Body.

His power has always been the strongest of the same level. When the golden body is displayed, the whole person is as hard as diamond stone.

However, the mouse not far away was even more terrifying than him. With a punch, his entire arm was numb.

Mu Qing looked at it, and naturally found that the third mouse was putting water there. If the third mouse really burst out with all his power, he could completely suppress the Heaven’s Chosen of the First Rank bloodline.


A black shadow fell from above, it was a person stained with blood, and the blood even splashed on Mu Qing’s body.

“Yang Jie?” Mu Qing looked surprised and hurried forward.

The person who fell from above was Yang Jie, but he was bleeding all over and was seriously injured.

Mu Qing helped Yang Jie to check his injuries. Fortunately, it was not fatal.

He wondered who could make Yang Jie hurt like this. You must know that Yang Jie’s strength is not weak at all. In the face of Wang Haixuan’s First Rank bloodline Martial Artist, one can play several.


Yang Shanshan ran up, her crystal face was full of worries.

Mu Qing found that she was also injured, and there was blood spilling from her abdomen.

The tree trunk above has one after another silhouette falling again, and everyone comes down and divides into two camps.

Shen Yi also had a lot of injuries on his body, and Kunshan’s mouth overflowed with blood.

Shen Yi said nothing, came to Yang Jie’s side, a medicine bottle gourd appeared, and the medicine gas poured down to help him heal his injuries.

Fortunately, with Shen Yi, Yang Jie’s injuries are recovering quickly.

When Yang Jie’s injury was not serious, he treated Yang Shanshan and Kunshan again.

Ji Jia is standing next to Mu Qing. There is a bronze ancient sword rotating around her, and Dragon’s roar is faintly transmitted.

Across from them, there are several people. The headed one has a handsome face and obvious flame fluctuations. It is Wang Family Heaven’s Chosen, Wang Sheng!

Beside him, Wu Duannan and Xuan Ling are both present.

In addition to the two, there is also a man and a woman. The man has long blue hair and blood spirit emerges behind him. It is a big knife, wrapped in mist, and there is a harsh roar from time to time.

The female has long golden hair, beautiful eyes and blue, beautiful eyes, beautiful body, wearing a mini skirt and white short sleeves, high crisp chest, white thighs.

“The blue-haired man is a feud, Five Great Families in Beijing, Heaven’s Chosen of the Hai Family.” Kun Shan told Mu Qing of his identity as a blue long haired man.

The enemy is the City Lord of the desert, but he does not know why he appeared here.

Shen Yi was also puzzled, because he knew that the relationship between Haifen and Wang Sheng should not be so good that he ran over to help.

He guessed that it is very likely that Wang Sheng paid some price and rewards to bring together many Heaven’s Chosen.

“Be careful of that woman.” Yang Jie stood up, his injury healed a lot, but there was some collapse.

Mu Qing hearing this was taken aback, then looked at the blonde beauty next to Wang Sheng.

The other party seemed to be a Westerner, dressed boldly and had an enchanting posture. After discovering that Mu Qing was looking at her, he even cast a wink at Mu Qing.

“Huh? Rank 2 bloodline?” The old mouse was next to Mu Qing, he said in surprise.

It is the ominous beast of the fourth-order bloodline. It has spirit strength. You can see through the cultivation base of the western beauties at once, and it has reached Rank 2 bloodline.

Mu Qing’s face was shocked. No wonder Yang Jie and the others were injured. It turns out that Wang Sheng and them have a Rank 2 bloodline Martial Artist.

This strength is beyond the ordinary Heaven’s Chosen!

The blonde woman smiled and quivered, with a pair of white jade-like thighs crystal clear and near-transparent. She spoke Chinese proficiently and introduced herself.

She is an international student, named Ai Li, from the Western Holy See.

“Western Holy See?” Everyone was surprised.

Ji Jia’s face is dignified, she puts her scarlet hair together into a single ponytail, full of heroism.

She took a deep breath and said: “The Western Holy See is a terrifying force, covering most of the West.”

Ji Jia knows some information about the West, and she tells it softly. Everyone.

Many Great Influences in the West and China are not the same. There are only two terrorist forces over there, one is the Holy See and the other is Blood Race.

These two terrorist forces are opposed to each other, and there are many powerhouses. It can be said that they are the closest force on Earth to the Federal Headquarters.

“This one named Ai Li is unusual, many of us can barely contend with her!” Kun Shan said.

At this time, Wang Sheng sneered in the distance. He looked at Ji Jia, his eyes flashed with a killing intent.

“Hand over the City Lord Token card obediently, and I can let you go.”

He has a cold expression, even if he finds the bodies of Wang Haixuan and Liu Tianyu. remain unmoved.

For him, Wang Haixuan and the two are just slightly stronger cannon fodder that’s all.

Wang Sheng is very aware of the gap between ordinary Martial Artists and Heaven’s Chosen, and only those who reach the strength of Heaven’s Chosen are worthy of him to look at with the same level of vision.

Ji Jia didn’t speak, but her body was shining, and the bronze ancient sword in her hand bloomed with green splendor, and a dragon could even be seen hovering on it.

People with blood spirit weapons, generally speaking

Her actions have surfaced her own determination, because she knows that even if she takes the initiative to hand over the City Lord Token card, Wang Sheng will not Will let them go.

Wang Sheng complexion sank, behind him, a dazzling rays of light soared into the sky, a round of sun, venting the billowing heat.

This round of the sun is very dazzling, the fire of the sun burst out, all around are burning.

“Aiya! It’s so hot!” Ai Li complained for a while beside Wang Sheng. She pulled her collar, revealing a white and deep gully.

Immediately, she chuckled slightly, and saw her red lips lightly open, and there was a chanting sound in her mouth, softly speaking, but there was a mysterious force pouring out.

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