After teleporting back to the moon through the space channel from the core of the black world, Mu Qing touched the chin and called Tu Lao.

“Publicize the cultivation method of the body of Sovereign. Anyone who is buried in the stars can cultivation.” Mu Qing indifferently said.

After communicating with the leader of the black world, Mingxuan, I have gained a lot.

At the same time, he also understood that it turned out that only the body of the cultivation Sovereign can’t reach the Sovereign realm.


Tu Lao hesitated, the cultivation secret technique of the body of Sovereign is known to the senior leaders of the Star Void World, but this involves the cultivation method of the Sovereign realm. Do you really want to go public?

Even if it is only for those who are absolutely loyal, the void world powerhouse that planted the stars.

Mu Qing nodded, said: “Don’t worry, even if the body of the demon flame Supreme, the evil god, and the others cultivation Sovereign, it is impossible to reach the Sovereign realm.”

“And this Sovereign Physical cultivation can make the powerhouse of the star void world more powerful.”

Tu Lao hearing this, without saying anything, turned and left, and did what Mu Qing had ordered.

“Sovereign-level scriptures all need the help of foreign object. Others may have to overturn the entire chaotic universe before they can find the Sovereign sacred relic, but I don’t seem to need it.”

Mu Qing whispered.

He didn’t want to create a Sovereign-level scripture. Firstly, his cultivation realm has not yet reached. Secondly, he believes that his cultivation universe, Saint Physique, is much more powerful than the ordinary Sovereign-level scriptures.

After listening to Mingxuan’s words, Mu Qing finally understood that the key to breakthrough Sovereign is to create a Sovereign-level scripture by himself.

Then cultivation by yourself and achieve Great Accomplishment is eligible for breakthrough and become Sovereign!

In fact, once you create a Sovereign-level verse, then breakthrough Sovereign is almost a certainty!

Only those created by yourself are the Sovereign-level scriptures that fit you best.

The Sovereign-level verses of other people’s cultivation, of course, are not weak, but the limit is the Supreme Ten Heaven!

However, for most people, Supreme Tenth Heaven is already Supreme Existence, and you can walk unhindered wherever you go.

Sovereign realm is illusory.

“Is there a Sovereign sacred relic in the current chaotic universe?”

Mu Qing touched the chin.

At least he hasn’t seen it before, or even heard of such rumors.

“It has the same effect as Sovereign sacred relic, but it can also be other things, such as the long river of time and the origin of chaos!”

“Since the chaos god relies on the chaos Strength of Source to create the Sovereign Grade Scripture, that also means that the origin of chaos is feasible, and the evil god’s hands……”

Mu Qing eyes slightly shrink, it seems that a terrible thing has been thought of!


The evil god has the origin of the Holy Spirit universe!

The evil god relied on the crystallization of the universe, and even created the Ten Saints, and since then, the evil god has been in the sea of ​​silence in the main part of the holy realm, fouling the cosmos crystal.

No one knows what the evil gods are doing!

The entire holy world, including those under the holy world, is managed by the ten saints, and evil gods rarely appear!

“Damn! The evil gods are not creating Sovereign-level scriptures, right?!”

Mu Qing gritted his teeth, his face a little ugly.

Since the evil god relied on the Holy Spirit Strength of Source breakthrough to the Supreme tenth day, Mu Qing originally thought that the evil god would trouble him.

But in fact, Mu Qing did not encounter much trouble.

Think about it carefully, since the evil god got the Holy Spirit universe crystal, he has not seen outsiders.

Perhaps, the evil gods are really trying to create Sovereign-level scriptures with the power of the Holy Spirit universe!

“This is not good news.”

Mu Qing took a deep breath.

In the chaotic universe, Sovereign sacred relic has not appeared yet, so the powerhouse of Supreme Tenth Heaven wants to break through to Sovereign, only to find a comparable power or Supreme Treasure.

The origin of chaos is one, but it is hidden by the consciousness of the universe, and even the Supreme Tenth Heaven can’t find it.

But the universe crystallization in the hands of evil gods is also transformed by the origin of the universe.

It is true that the Holy Spirit universe is inferior to the chaotic universe. If the chaotic universe is middle-aged, then the Holy Spirit universe is a child.

Universe Source Strength, even if the universe is weak, its strength is still above all beings.

Mu Qing is sure that the universe crystallization in the hands of evil gods absolutely meets the requirements of creating Sovereign-level scriptures!

“But there should be some time!”

Mu Qing took a deep breath and calmed down.

It’s not that evil gods get the crystallization of the universe, they can immediately create Sovereign-level scriptures, it’s not that easy.

To know Mingxuan, it was only after countless years of being trapped in a river of time that a Sovereign-level scripture was created.

The same goes for the Chaos Gods of the past years. After creating Sovereign-level scriptures based on the origin of Chaos, they failed to cultivation to Great Accomplishment and tried breakthrough Sovereign, but they were killed by the monster of time.

“It won’t be so fast, there is still a lot of time for us to prepare!”

Mu Qing’s face became serious.

Assuming that the evil god really knows the real method of breakthrough Sovereign, the other party is also impossible to break through in a short time.

It takes a long time to create the Sovereign-level scriptures. It will take a lot of time for the evil god to create it alone. The only way to shorten the time is to observe other Sovereign-level scriptures. Get inspiration and deepen understanding.

Originally, the Sun Sovereign Hall was an opportunity for the evil gods.

Looking back carefully, in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, the evil god seemed to be relatively low-key.

The other party’s goal is the Sun Sutra. As long as he sees other Sovereign-level scriptures, he doesn’t need to go too deep, as long as he gains more understanding and vision.

Unfortunately, the Sun Sovereign Hall and his party, because Mu Qing used the Star God body to swallow the power of the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow, which caused the Sun Sovereign Hall to collapse. The evil gods did not have time to comprehend the Sun Sutra and harvest not much.

“Even if the evil god is really created, it still needs cultivation to Great Accomplishment, it is just a chance to breakthrough Sovereign!”

Mu Qing took a deep breath, although time There is still a lot, but no matter what, he must stop the evil gods.

Once the evil god breaks through Sovereign, then he will undoubtedly die!

Not only him, it is estimated that when the time comes, Mozu, Yaoyan Supreme, etc., will be killed!

Once the evil god arrives at Sovereign, he will definitely kill the other Supreme Powerhouse!

“This is really not good news.”

Mu Qing heave a long sigh.

Subsequently, Mu Qing fell into contemplation again.

“On the surface, apart from Sovereign sacred relic, only the universe crystals in the hands of evil gods can create Sovereign-level scriptures.”

“It may be possible to spread the news in secret Go out and let the Demon Flame Supreme and Celestial Emperor find trouble with the evil gods to delay time.”

Mu Qing touched the chin, the evil god is so low-key that he obviously does not want others to know, but Since Mu Qing already knew the secret of the other party, he would not sit back and watch the evil gods create Sovereign-level scriptures so smoothly.

As for himself, he doesn’t need Sovereign sacred relic.

Mingxuan obviously has the ability to pull him into the long river of time!

Sovereign sacred relic, which is a headache for other Supreme Ten Heavens who want to breakthrough to Sovereign, does not need Mu Qing.

As long as Mu Qing breaks through to the Supreme Tenth Heaven, Mingxuan can pull him into the long river of time and create Sovereign-level scriptures with the help of the power of time.

Even, it doesn’t necessarily need to be shot!

After all, Mu Qing’s starry sky gate possesses the special ability of the world snake. Maybe at that time, Mu Qing can rely on the starry sky gate to travel freely for a long time!

After thinking for a long time, Mu Qing’s eyes flickered and called Xingfeng.

He handed over the task of secretly spreading news to Xingfeng, as far as possible to spread the cosmic crystallization in all walks of life is related to breakthrough Sovereign, and the evil gods have been trying to breakthrough Sovereign news.

Xingfeng took the task and left, and left the star void world that day.

The task of secretly spreading information can at least be carried out by a powerhouse at the Supreme level!

After all, when it comes to evil gods and Sovereign, Mu Qing is worried that people who become the Beneath the Supreme will spread the news, and they will be killed before it spreads.

“Wait for the King of Chaos and Xinrui to come out, and let them go for a walk.”

Mu Qing breathes deeply, he had a foreboding that the peaceful worlds of the universe would soon become chaotic. Woke up.

Soon, three years have passed.

The people in the Chaos Temple also came out. During the period, a large number of star void world powerhouses entered the Chaos Temple cultivation.

Chen Jiusheng chose to join the Star Void World. Compared to the Ancient Immortal world of my friend Thunder Punishment, the Star Void World with Sovereign-level scriptures is more attractive to Chen Jiusheng.

After being hunted down by the descendants of Sovereign, Chen Jiusheng has realized the lack of strength. Mu Qing’s Sovereign-level scriptures can help him improve faster.

Thunder Punishment took Gu Feng, the lord of Immortal Palace and the lord of Thunder Palace back to the realm of Ancient Immortal.

He also understands Chen Jiusheng’s choice, after all, the temptations of the Sun Sutra and Primal Chaos Scripture are equally great for him!

At the same time, during this period, the King of Chaos, Xinrui, Chen Jiusheng, Xingfeng and other stars, Void World Supreme, secretly traveled to various realms every once in a while, secretly spreading about how the evil gods are planning Breakthrough Sovereign news.

All circles in the universe naturally heard this news and started to boil.

The creatures under the saint realm haven’t realized the seriousness of this news, but they are all very excited.

“Our Lord of the Holy Realm is trying to breakthrough Sovereign, I am afraid Sir Holy Lord will be the first Sovereign of the Chaos Universe!”

“It will not be long before our Holy Realm will completely rule The universe is now!”

The supreme emperors of the holy realm are all full of surprises. If the holy realm unifies the universe, their power will expand a lot, and the resources they get will double!

“Where did the news come from…”

Monster Realm, on the Ten Thousand Monster Mountain, Yaoyan Supreme was lost in thought.

For their existence at this level, it is natural to see that the news is someone behind it.

“Is the universe crystallized? I have to say, that may indeed be one of the opportunities for breakthrough Sovereign.”

The demon glow in the eyes of the demon flame Supreme flickered.

I have to admit that this news did affect him, and if he were to watch it like this, he obviously couldn’t do it.

“It seems that I need to test the evil god.” Yaoyan Supreme quickly had some ideas.


“The news has spread, and the mysterious powerhouse after the Demon Realm Supreme and Demon Realm seems to have taken action.”

Feng’s expression was pleasantly surprised, and the news that Mu Qing asked them to pass on was faintly, so that Monster Realm and Demon Realm both began to target the Holy Realm!

“en. ”

Mu Qing nodded with a smile, this is also his goal.

Suddenly, Mu Qing converges with a smile, eyebrows slightly frowned.

“What’s the matter?” The Chaos King and the others next to Mu Qing found that Mu Qing’s expression changed, and they were a little surprised.

Mu Qing slowly reached out his palm, placed it on the air in front of him, and gently pressed it down.

After a while, Mu Qing coldly snorted, said: “It seems that the people in the holy world have begun to explore all parties, trying to find the news disseminator.”


Star void world periphery zone.

In Boundless Starry Sky, three silhouettes shuttle past and arrive on an unmanned planet.

“Previously there was a powerhouse in the Three Realms who broke into the star void world, but they were all destroyed. Except for the Holy Three, they all fell.”

One of the silhouette said solemnly, obviously very Fear, and his breath is not weak, he has reached the Supreme level, and is the powerhouse of Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer!

“Holy Five, this star void world is different from other worlds. They basically do not allow outside powerhouses to enter.”

There is a Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer powerhouse next to it, With a respectful look on his face, he said to the man in charge.

The man headed by him has a breath of Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer, but his strength is obviously higher than that of the ordinary Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer.

The Holy Fifth didn’t care, waved his hand, and said: “We’re just here to investigate the situation and see if the person who secretly spreads the news is from the Star Void World, and it is not necessary to fight the Star Void World. “

“As long as we don’t cause trouble, we won’t attract attention…”

Before he finished speaking, he stopped, a trace of panic appeared on his face , Look up.

The same is true for the two Supremes next to them, looking towards the top of the head blankly.

Above the vast starry sky, a starry sky palm that is several times larger than the planet emerges, slowly falling down!

The terrifying stalwart power shrouded, and the three people including the Holy Five were completely unable to move, and then watched the starry sky palms together with them, smashing the entire unmanned planet to pieces!

In an instant, the three Supremes fell!

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