“What’s the matter?”

The King of Chaos and the others looked towards Mu Qing in confusion, not understanding what the other party was doing when they suddenly extended the hand and pressed it on the air.

They did not feel any energy fluctuations either.

“It’s okay.” Mu Qing laughed.

When the others saw this, they didn’t say anything, and then the meeting was disbanded and left the meeting hall.

Mu Qing slowly closed his eyes, feeling everything in the star void world.

Since he became Saint Physique in the universe, his control over the star void world has become stronger and stronger!

Nowadays, there is no such thing as an outsider breaking into the void world without being discovered by him.

Only the Holy Fifth took two men into the star void world, Mu Qing immediately sensed it, and then directly used the power of the star void world to suppress and kill!

That is not the power of Mu Qing’s two worlds, but the power of the star void world, the power of one world!

You must know that the star void world has long been refining by Mu Qing with the power of air transport, breaking away from the chaotic universe and becoming his own palm telekinesis.

Fighting in the star void world, Mu Qing’s strength is also stronger!

With Mu Qing cultivation Saint Physique of the universe, the body contains the power of two worlds, and his control over the void world brings it up a level.

“Unfortunately, if I can conquer a few more realms, under the blessing, I may have the opportunity to compete with Supreme Nine Layers Heaven or even Ten Heavens!”

Mu Qing heave a long sigh, some regrets.

He has the ability to refining other stars, but he doesn’t have the guts!

It’s not the powerhouse of the Three Realms, the Demon Flame Supreme, Celestial Emperor, and evil gods, but the consciousness of the universe!

Mu Qing is no longer the former god emperor with a low cultivation base. He is very clear that there are some problems with the cosmic consciousness of the chaotic universe!

What this question insists on is that it is too premature.

If the universe is divided into several levels, they are the newborn, juvenile, growth, maturity, complete, and senescence.

Tianqing Universe, in its maturity and completion period, reached its peak. During this period, there were five Sovereigns, and countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures can be seen everywhere in the universe!

However, Tianqing Universe is also heading for destruction after its aging period!

Once the universe enters the age of aging, the energy contained in the universe will drop sharply, eventually facing decay and collapse into nothingness.

Generally speaking, when the universe reaches its maturity stage, cosmic consciousness is no longer ignorant. After reaching the complete stage, cosmic consciousness begins to become hostile to many creatures, because all powerhouses in the universe are still Relying on the power of the universe itself in cultivation.

The complete universe consciousness will begin to realize that the sentient beings bred by it will gradually deprive it of its power.

Those powerhouses that are not strong enough in Supreme do not care at all for the cosmic consciousness, and the energy absorbed from it is very small and can be ignored.

But those Supreme powerhouses, and even the Supreme powerhouses of the Supreme Ten Heavens, it can be said that every time a similar powerhouse is born, the universe will lose part of its energy.

After reaching the aging period, the cosmic consciousness will fully understand that those powerhouses above the Supreme are like harmonious insects. Some cosmic consciousnesses in the aging period will decisively take action to kill these Supreme powerhouses. Regain energy.

Because the aging universe, once it comes to an end, it is like the end of life of a mortal. The entire universe is shattered and exhausted from the inside out. This whole process is called cosmic catastrophe!

In the aging universe, if you want to continue to survive, you must take back the power that has been deprived by sentient beings. Only in this way can it survive forever!

Tianqing Universe is when the cosmic consciousness of the aging period begins to recover energy, but unfortunately it fails.

In the end, Tianqing Universe all split up and in pieces, and a small part of the universe fragments fell into the chaotic universe, which also led to the survival of a part of Tianqing Universe’s powerhouse.

Of course, Tianqing Universe still pulled the four Sovereign powerhouses into the water at the last moment. After all, the cosmic consciousness itself was almost exhausted. It was so angry that it naturally wanted to kill the four Sovereigns.

Sovereign powerhouse is fully qualified to go to the multiverse and survive in other universes.

But why did the four Sovereigns of Tianqing Universe choose to fight with the universe consciousness at the last moment?

It’s not that I don’t want to leave, but I can’t leave!

The consciousness of the universe is clear. I am in the age of aging. If I want to survive, I must recover all the energy in the Supreme powerhouse. The most important thing is the power of the four Sovereigns!

The four major Sovereigns in the Tianqing Universe, among which Scarlet and Storm, were created by half of the energy after the first mysterious Sovereign fell. The remaining Tianba and Sun rely on the Sovereign sacred relic to create Sovereign. Level verses, breakthrough yourself.

But in the final analysis, the breakthrough depends on the energy of the universe!

The cosmic consciousness stalks, and desperately wants to leave four Sovereigns, because as long as the aging cosmic consciousness swallows the energy of the four Sovereigns, it can continue to survive.

This is why some of the Supreme powerhouses of other Tianqing universes escaped to the chaotic universe, and even the Supreme Tenth Heaven escaped. Only the Sovereign powerhouse failed.

“Our chaotic universe is just a growing universe. According to theory, the universe consciousness is still in a period of ignorance, but in fact…”

Mu Qing touched the chin with a full face dignified.

He doesn’t think that the universe consciousness of the chaotic universe is in a state of ignorance!

At first, Xinrui was planning to break through Supreme, but because of the potential of Innate Perfect level, it directly shocked the consciousness of the universe and was destroyed by it. As a result, Xinrui’s Great Dao of Reincarnation was only left with a 90% increase in strength. .

Of course, it is estimated that the cosmic consciousness has not expected that Xinrui also has the characteristics of Great Dao of Reincarnation, and has the confidence to restore the grade of Supreme Avenue to Innate Perfect level Avenue.

This is actually a training for Xinrui, allowing him to understand Samsara Power better.

Mu Qing doesn’t think that the universe consciousness that can make these methods is still in a state of ignorance.

Obviously, for the chaotic universe that is still in its growth phase, the cosmic consciousness is already too premature.

He also took the initiative to hide the origin of chaos. This is definitely not a sign of ignorance!

Maybe, Sovereign sacred relic will really appear in the universe, I am afraid it will be hidden by the cosmic consciousness immediately, and the Sovereign powerhouse will not appear.

Mu Qing does not dare to refining other starry sky. He is not afraid of the opponents of the Three Realms or the Supreme Ten Heaven, but the universe consciousness!

You must know that the ten realms of the universe are originally part of the universe, and they are also forces governed by the consciousness of the universe.

Mu Qing first took advantage of the lack of maturity of the universe consciousness, took the lead in refining a realm, and became a star void world completely controlled by him.

This also means that the cosmic consciousness has lost one-tenth of its power!

The universe consciousness is not in trouble with Mu Qing now, it is already thank goodness.

It is conceivable that if Mu Qing refining other realms again, doing things that cross the boundary, it is estimated that he will be targeted by the universe consciousness immediately!

Mu Qing shook the head, refining the other worlds of the universe, don’t think about it. Once you do it, it will definitely cause the cosmic consciousness to target it.

He returned to the land of cultivation, intending to meditate for a period of time, and by the way, he will comprehend the three Sovereign-level scriptures on his body.

The Sun Sutra, actually Mu Qing is already in a bottleneck, and the progress is a bit slow.

Primal Chaos Scripture, which has just been acquired, has a lot of room for improvement.

The Destiny Sutra is one of Mu Qing’s plans to focus on cultivation next.

After all, the Destiny Sutra has the power about the long river of time, and Mingxuan also promised that as long as Mu Qing helps him find the real fleshy body, he will be taken into the long river of time for a period of time.

In this case, Mu Qing plans to mainly cultivation the Destiny Sutra related to the long river of time.

Three days later, he left the land of cultivation and entered the chaos temple!

Mu Qing, who has been tainted with the breath of a long river, completely ignores the restrictions of the Chaos Temple.

In this, Time Flow Speed ​​is different, and it is naturally an excellent practice field for him!

“The environment inside needs to be changed.”

Mu Qing touched the chin, looking at the dim Chaos Energy in the Chaos Temple, whispered.

The Temple of Chaos is most suitable for Chaos Creature cultivation, but for others, it can only be considered as ample energy, but it can’t compare with the energy of the top Divine Stone vein.

Mu Qing thought of this and immediately entered the Qi Luck Orb, consuming a lot of Qi Luck Points, and purchasing the top Divine Stone mineral vein.

He is now rich and imposing, and he bought a hundred in one go!

And the luck points on his body were almost exhausted at once.

But Mu Qing doesn’t care, as long as the two stone tablets in the core of the black world are still there, his luck points are naturally continuous.

The temptation of the Sovereign-level scriptures is enough to make the Supreme powerhouse in the heart of the black world desperately collect luck points for him.

“Cut! Really stingy!”

After purchasing one hundred top Divine Stone veins, Mu Qing discovered that he was in the list of top Divine Stone veins on the Qiyun bead above surface. Dimmed.

Even if he has more luck points, he can’t buy the top Divine Stone mineral vein.

Mu Qing immediately understood that this was a restriction imposed on him by Mingxuan. Other Supreme powerhouses in the Black Realm would complete a task with hundreds of luck points in the sky, but he did not worry at all.

Mingxuan is also impossible to allow Mu Qing to redeem the top Divine Stone veins without limitation!

Although Mingxuan really has this ability, after all, it relies on the strength of a long river of time. It consumes a lot of itself. Just Mu Qing’s one hundred top Divine Stone veins, Somewhat reluctantly.

If Mu Qing continues to redeem top Divine Stone veins, Mingxuan does not have this ability to get Mu Qing more top Divine Stone veins.

“Forget it, one hundred is one hundred.”

Mu Qing shrugged, one hundred top Divine Stone veins are already a very scary number, even the Three Realms , It was impossible to come up with so many top Divine Stone veins for a while.

Then Mu Qing glanced at the exchange list in the luck beads, and the face of next moment went black.

He found these lists, and almost everything on them restricted him.

This is also a measure to prevent him from unlimited redemption.

“that’s all.”

Mu Qing sighed, consciousness is withdrawn from the Qi Luck Pearl.

Immediately, Mu Qing took out a hundred top-level Divine Stone veins from the Qi Luck Bead space, and in an instant ten thousand zhang brilliance filled the chaos temple.

Several top-level Divine Stone veins, like giant dragons, hover in Chaos Energy, with dazzling rays of light penetrating everywhere in the Chaos Temple.

The star void world powerhouses in the chaos temple cultivation were all startled and looked at them with amazement.

“Top Divine Stone veins?!”

“My God! There are so many?!”

“A hundred!”

The star void world powerhouse that is being cultivation is almost frightened. Any one of the top Divine Stone veins can cause powerhouse competitions from all walks of life in the entire universe, but now there are a hundred of them!


next moment, the vast starry palms emerge, the power of the two worlds shrouded, and all the top Divine Stone veins turned into giant dragons were imprisoned, impossible to move.

Hundreds of top-level Divine Stone veins, buried in the center of the Chaos Temple, under the faceless chaos statue, by the vast and boundless hand of the starry sky, next to the record of the Sun Sutra and Primal Chaos Scripture Of stone tablet.

hong long!

In an instant, countless rich energy rushed all around, and even Chaos Energy was washed away.

The flaming rays of light are crowded with Chaos Temple, this place instantly transforms into a cultivation Holy Land!

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