Although the strength of the king of Wudang is not the opponent of Mrs. Yang, the veteran king, Wudang’s martial skills are all based on softness.

This king of Wudang does not fight head-on with Mrs. Yang, but chooses to constantly wander and get involved.

“Suffer to death!”

Mu Qing wrote Kong Xiu, the finger he displayed is very powerful, the giant dragon condensed by countless currents, is huge, moved towards Ke Fei banged away.

This is a powerful martial skill of Mu Family, water dragon finger.

The water snake finger of Mu Qing cultivation is just a small part of this water dragon finger, and with the understanding of this martial skill in the future, it can also be transformed into a water dragon finger.

Ke Fei was injured. The storm from his condense was crushed by Wang Rong’s offensive, and then a water dragon whizzed down, vomiting blood.

Wang Rong’s body burst out with golden flames, forming a fire sea, containing a large piece of mysterious rune.

This is the Formation martial skill of his cultivation, which has reached the Small Success Realm.

If he wants to, he can condense an independent space at any time, in which he can control all the fire of the sun.

Ke Fei once said that the only way to deal with Formation martial skill is to use Formation martial skill.

He defeated Mu Qingshu with the Formation martial skill before, but facing Wang Rong, who has the same cultivated Formation martial skill and possesses the king’s strength, he was invincible.

“Ke Fei, you have committed a big deception and killed countless people, even if it has been more than ten years, you can’t change it!” A king stood up.

This person is square-faced, and the breath on his body is terrifying, almost forming a storm, stronger than Wang Rong and Mu Qing.

He is the king of the federation. He had always been on the sidelines, because he felt that this was just the personal grievances of Great Influence such as Wang Family and Mu Family, but he killed a student with no background.

Furthermore, the Federation also gave him a task to let him solve what happened in Kunlun Secret Realm this time, just to let Mu Qing, who offended Wang Family and Mu Family, come to be the scapegoat.

When the time comes, give some compensation to the universities present, this matter will pass.

But what the Federation King absolutely did not expect was that Mu Qing would have the ability to let the King figure come forward to keep him.

The Federation King originally thought that the scene would get slower and slower. He could see that there were several Heaven’s Chosen around Mu Qing, all contacting his own King.

However, the arrival of Ke Fei allowed him to find a breakthrough, because Ke Fei was a federal wanted criminal who had killed many students in West Lake colleges and committed major crimes.

It was supposed to be a matter of Great Influence like Wang Family, but now he can take action. He has to control the current scene with a thunderous method, so as not to become more chaotic later.

The king of the Federation was very terrifying, his palm protruded, and a huge palm suddenly fell under the clouds in the sky. The imposing manner and size are not comparable to Wang Rong.

Obviously, the strength of this federation king is much stronger than other kings.

“Not good! Li is out of hand.” The quack doctor complexion changed.

His original confidence was that Li Chao, the king of the Federation, would not take action, because the Federation would not intervene when it comes to the grievances of various Great Influences.

But Ke Fei is different. He has an arrest warrant in the federation. The appearance of Ke Fei gave Li Chao a good reason to take action.

Mu Qing also saw clearly, that Li Chao was the powerhouse that opened Kunlun Secret Realm before opening it.

hong long!

The huge palm directly crushed Ke Fei’s body, and terrifying energy fluctuations swept out, glowing everywhere.

Mu Qing’s face is tense, I don’t know what happened to Ke Fei.

The quack doctor is also very dignified. He is fighting against the king of Shaolin, but he is also watching the battle on Ke Fei.

After seeing Li Chao’s attack, his heart sank.

Ke Fei’s Formation martial skill, no matter how powerful, is just a ninth-order bloodline Martial Venerable, and it is basically impossible to match Li Chao.

Wang Rong and Mu Qing both have a smile on their faces, and they have already believed that Ke Fei will die.

Li Chao, the king of the Federation, is considered Peak among all kings on Earth.

Mu Qing’s gaze in the book looked towards Mu Qing, there is a killing intent in his eyes.

And Wang Rong is also be eager to have a try. He has been entrusted by Wang Sheng to capture the girl who is hiding on Mu Qing’s head anyway.

They moved towards Mu Qing, trying to kill him, but they found that Mrs. Yang suddenly appeared in front of Mu Qing.

“What’s the matter? Wasn’t she stopped by the king of Wudang?” Wang Rong was puzzled, and his eyelids trembled after a closer look.

I saw the king from Wudang. At this moment, it was the bloody nose and swollen face, entangled by the crystal clear green vines.

The old lady Yang has a smile on her face, she is pestering her cane, her clothes are not windy, and a towering tree appears behind her.

This big tree is 100 meters long, and it is perfectly integrated with her. Beautiful flowers and grasses grow out of the void all around.

Yang Family is best at manipulating plants. This family is very powerful. At its most glorious time, it can be said to be the strongest family in China.

At that time, the Yang Family patriarch and blood spirit were just like Yang Shanshan, they were all mutant blood spirits, space gates!

In order to make the Yang Family glory again, the elders of Yang Family can be said to be responsive to Yang Shanshan’s requirements.

She can be regarded as a veteran king. Although her strength is not as good as Li Chao, she is definitely better than ordinary kings like Mu Qing.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, he was locked in by the breath of the two kings just now, and he was in a cold sweat. Fortunately, Mrs. Yang arrived.

He looked towards Ke Fei, worrying about Ke Fei’s situation even more.

Mu Qing is also a little touched, because Ke Fei only has a ninth-order bloodline, but he is willing to come and help him resist the king of Wang Family and Mu Family.

“weng! ”

in the sky, Long’s No. 1 landed. This huge flying ship has intelligence. After discovering that Ke Fei has been attacked by terrifying, it automatically enters The alert state.

Long’s No.1 blooms golden rays of light, and a large barrier emerges with lines similar to a tortoise shell, which is used for defense in emergencies.

“en?” Li Chao is frowned, he punched out, the flaming beam bursts, strikes on the barrier, but only shakes a few times.

The defensive power of this barrier is amazing!

At this moment, Mu Qing suddenly felt a scorching breath from his dantian.

He was surprised, and then discovered that it was the golden stone tablet he got from Kunlun Secret Realm.

This golden stone tablet suddenly became extremely hot and changed.

“Mu Qing, give that golden stone tablet in your dantian to that guy.” Cursed thinking of rain exited, and said crisply.

She seems to know something about golden stone tablet.

Mu Qing nodded, he ran to Ke Fei’s side, because he had taken Longshi No.1, the barrier did not stop him, and he walked in smoothly.

He saw Ke Fei, covered in blood. Li Chao’s blow was terrifying and almost interrupted the skeleton in Ke Fei’s body.

“It seems that I am still inferior to those two personalities.” Ke Fei was very weak. After seeing Mu Qing, he laughed at himself.

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