Ke Fei coughed and coughed up a lot of blood.

He originally just wanted to take a look at Mu Qing’s college entrance examination. He didn’t expect that Mu Qing would be named by a king and become a scapegoat.

Mu Qing rescued Ke Fei from the seal. He remembered this love, and he had no hesitation in taking action and wanted to save it.

Ke Fei shocked everyone with the book of Mu Qing who defeated the king-level with the ninth-order bloodline, but for himself, he claims to be inferior to the previous two personalities.

He told Mu Qing that if the two previous personalities were still there, I’m afraid they would have broken through to King Realm long ago.

“Unfortunately, I am the newly born third personality, and I feel that I have some flaws in my body and I cannot break through.”

He has reached the peak of Martial Venerable a long time ago, but has been Unable to break through to the king.

“Give him the golden stone tablet!” Shu Siyu lay on Mu Qing’s head, holding his hair with her little hand.

She told Mu Qing that the reason why Ke Fei was unable to break through was because the soul was divided into three parts, two of which were sleeping.

“Refining this golden stone tablet, the three silent souls in your body will merge.” Shusiyu’s little face is very serious.

“en?” Ke Fei was taken aback. He looked at Shusiyu, feeling a little surprised.

Church Siyu is like an elf, small in size, not human in any way.

Mu Qing has no doubts about the words of cursing the rain. Now Ke Fei is seriously injured. Regardless of whether it works or not, he immediately handed the golden stone tablet in dantian to Ke Fei.

This golden stone tablet was obtained by Mu Qing from Kunlun Secret Realm. It is the City Lord Token card of Thunderstorm City. However, it is different from other City Lord Token cards in form and has peculiar abilities.

Ke Fei coughed again and again, his condition was very bad, his lips were pale, and his body was covered with blood.

He took the golden stone tablet and his face was stunned. He felt a mysterious force pouring into his mind, which was very cool.

Ke Fei uses his own origin power to wrap the golden stone tablet, and you can see that wisps of golden light rush out from the golden stone tablet.

The light was absorbed by Ke Fei, and the wounds on his body showed a faint white light, and he began to recover at an extremely terrifying speed.

His expression changed, but he didn’t expect that this golden stone tablet really had peculiar energy.

Ke Fei closed his eyes and concentrated on absorbing the energy from the golden stone tablet. The blood hole in his abdomen was also healing.

Mu Qing looked at him, then surprised, because behind Ke Fei, a blood spirit three-headed dragon appeared.

Originally, Ke Fei’s three-headed dragon had two heads that were unable to display power, and the eyes were dark and empty.

And now, in addition to the head representing Wind Attribute, the other two heads have also changed, with frost and flame entwined.

But you can see that the head in the middle is assimilating the power of the other two heads.

“Wait until his two silent personalities recover and merge with their current personalities, that’s when he breaks through to the king!” Shu Siyu said.

Ke Fei should have broken through to the king long ago, but his soul split into three personalities, and physique was flawed.

This golden stone tablet, according to Curse Siyu, is made from a special material and has a great effect on the healing of the soul.

hong long long.

Outside the barrier, there was a violent vibration. Federal powerhouse Li Chao personally took action, constantly struck the barrier displayed by Dragon One.

Long’s No. 1 is the first machine, and it can’t be resisted by the multiple strikes of the king’s power, and the barrier begins to shatter.

Ke Fei is in a mysterious state at this moment, unable to feel the outside situation, he is completely wrapped in golden light.

His blood spirit three-headed dragon originally had three attributes, but now with the refining golden stone tablet, the attributes of the three-headed dragon gradually moved towards Wind Attribute.

The two heads that had been silent are now roaring, breathing fire while entangling frost.

Ke Fei used to be a gentle personality, good at frost origin power, and bloodthirsty personality, good at flame origin power, these two forces clash.

Later, he got the opportunity to silence these two personalities, but they did not disappear. If they recover again, the whole person will be more chaotic.

And now I got the golden stone tablet donated by Mu Qing, those two personalities have indeed recovered, but there is only the most basic soul fluctuation.

Under the cover of golden Xiguang, the souls of the other two personalities began to merge with Ke Fei’s current personality.


There are more and more cracks on the barrier, spreading like a spider web.

“Not good!” Mu Qing retreated, a terrifying force swept over him, and the barrier formed by Long’s No. 1 was completely shattered.

Li Chao’s feet are in the void, his eyes are like lightning, looking towards Mu Qing.

He blasted away with a punch, and the rays of light were brilliant, turning into a beam of light and directly smashing Long’s No. 1 to pieces.

The metal blocks scattered all over the sky, Li Chao’s strength was too terrifying, and he smashed Long’s No. 1 into pieces with one punch.

Li Chao came to Ke Fei’s face and slapped him with a palm. If he can kill Ke Fei, even he can get some benefits from the Federation.

However, at a critical moment, Ke Fei’s previously closed eyes suddenly opened and closed.

Two dazzling rays of light pierced through, and he stood up, a terrifying wave swept out, and even Li Chao couldn’t help but step back a few steps.

“How is it possible?” Mu Qing yelled in the distance, and found that Ke Fei, who had been seriously injured and almost dying, was completely disappeared at this moment.

What is even more shocking is that Ke Fei seems to be another person. He has become very young, he looks only 30 years old, his hair is dark and healthy, and his face is majestic.

He was upright, a three-headed dragon behind him roared deafeningly, and he was surrounded by one after another gust of wind.

Ke Fei, has become the king!

His blood spirit has completely transformed into a three-headed wind dragon, and the origin power attributes of the three heads are unified, which will no longer cause conflicts.

The golden stone tablet is transformed into an ordinary stone and shattered, and the energy in it is absorbed by Ke Fei, which becomes the cornerstone of his breakthrough to the king.

Ke Fei took a deep breath, he felt the infinite power in his body.

A long knife appeared in Li Chao’s hand. There was a chill in his eyes, and the brilliance of hiding the sky and covering the earth fell down.

However, Ke Fei’s expression is calm and composed, and the wind in his eyes is howling, punched out suddenly, the storm condenses into a giant dragon, and roars away.


The long knife in Li Chao’s hand vibrated violently, a burst of blood spurted from his mouth, and the whole person flew out upside down.

His face was horrified, and the other kings were also shocked.

Li Chao, the King of Peak, was actually injured by Ke Fei, who just passed through to the King inexplicably just now!


Ke Fei sang softly, one after another hurricane entangled the entire Kunlun Mountains, and the clouds in the sky were violently turbulent.

With the Kunlun Mountains as the center, all around storms gather. Every storm connects Heaven and Earth. It contains terrifying energy, and the trees roll up into the sky.

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