The squally wind is howling, and there are at least hundreds of storms near the Kunlun Mountains. The land is loosened, and the hurricanes lift flowers, trees, and rocks into the sky.

This scene is like a natural disaster, like the end of the day.

As soon as Ke Fei moved, the whole person turned into a wisp of wind, and he appeared next to Li Chao in the blink of an eye.

At his fingertips, a dozen storms swept in and trapped Li Chao.

Li Chao’s body glowed, and he exploded with terrifying power, but he still couldn’t break through the shackles of the storm.

He has blue veins violently, a mysterious rune emerges from the long knife in his hand, and behind the blood spirit is a lightning leopard, surrounded by terrifying electric light.

Li Chao slashed out, and the space was distorted, finally tearing the storm apart.

However, next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw Ke Fei’s face after tearing through the storm.

Ke Fei pointed out with his finger, and suddenly all the storms near the Kunlun Mountains gathered on his fingertips, forming a white light hole.


A transparent hole appeared in Li Chao’s abdomen. Large swaths of blood light burst out, and the white light condensed by hundreds of storms swept out, sweeping away The top of a mountain was crushed.

“Formation martial skill……Great Accomplishment!” Wang Rong swallowed saliva and said.

He is also the king of cultivated formation martial skill. It took me how long it took him to barely cultivation to Small Success Realm. He is already a well-known figure among the kings.

And he also knows the Formation martial skill very well. From Ke Fei breakthrough to the queen, he feels an unfathomable mystery power.

At this moment, he finally understood that while Ke Fei was breaking through to the king, he also had a breakthrough in the understanding of the Formation martial skill and achieved Great Accomplishment in one fell swoop.

Originally, the Formation martial skill of Small Success Realm can only cover the entire Kunlun monastery at most, but Ke Fei, who has reached the Great Success Realm, turns the entire Kunlun Mountains and nearby areas into its own domain.

In this, it can be said that as long as the gap is not particularly large, no one is Ke Fei’s opponent at all, and even the King of Peak’s Li Chao will be defeated!

“Ke Fei! You and the Federation will only make the people you want to protect more dangerous!” Li Chao scolded.

He knew that Ke Fei appeared to save Mu Qing.

“I came here to prevent you from placing some imaginary charges on Mu Qing.” Ke Fei’s eyes were cold, and the breath of the whole person was terrifying.

Li Chao sneered, he clutched his abdomen, where blood kept flowing out.

He snort disdainfully, and said: “You dignified an important criminal who has been wanted by the Federation for more than ten years. The moment he appeared and helped the kid, he had already killed him!”

Li Chao’s meaning is very simple. Even if Mu Qing was not charged with Mu Qing, his federation can arrest Mu Qing because he has close ties with the wanted criminal Ke Fei.

Ke Fei frowned, he also felt a little tricky.

Even if he can defeat Li Chao, but Mu Qing is involved with him in front of many people, the Federation has every reason to capture him.

However, at this time, a beautiful woman in a white cheongsam stepped forward. Her long hair was like a waterfall. The skirt of the cheongsam was very short, which could cover the upper thigh, and her eyes were like crystals, very moving.

Her sexy bearing and charming temperament, although the aura on her body cannot be compared with the kings present, she is also a powerful Martial Venerable.

The person here is Ziyue!

Her body is shining, white legs are sultry, and she went straight to Mu Qing Shu.

“Why are you here?” Mu Qing was puzzled, but his face did not show any contempt.

Because he knows that the innate talent of the woman in front of him is terrifying and has Formation martial skill. Don’t look at it as Martial Venerable now, but she already has certain king strength.

“There is news from the Federal Headquarters.” Ziyue chuckled lightly and glanced at Mu Qing in the distance, with curiosity in her moving eyes.

She did two things for a great character in the Federal Headquarters. The first time was for Mu Qing, and now the second time, it was also for Mu Qing.

If it wasn’t for the details of the great character, she knew it, she even thought that this great character was Mu Qing, the father Mu Yu who had not heard from him for many years.

Ziyue handed a communication device to Mu Qing’s book, with a voice on it, playing.

Listening to this speech, Mu Qing’s face changed drastically. His expression was shocked. It is not clear why the great character in the Federal Headquarters would come to help Mu Qing.

The Federal Headquarters is located high above the Atlantic Ocean. It has been fighting ominous beasts all year round and rarely manages other things.

“Li Captain!” Mu Qing shouted.

Li Chao reacted, and at this time, a voice popped up on his communication device.

After hearing this, his face suddenly changed, which was sent by his immediate boss.

Finally, with a dark face, he took Wang Rong and Mu Qing’s book and came to Mu Qing.

Ke Fei’s eyes are wary, thinking that these people will use tough methods to kill Mu Qing.

But at the next moment, Li Chao bowed deeply to Mu Qing in front of all college entrance examination students and college teachers at Kunlun Monastery, and apologized.

“Because of my negligence in duty, I caused you inconvenience…Yes! No! Get up!” Li Chao gritted his teeth, spitting out word by word.

Although this apology is insincere, the weight is very powerful.

Everyone was stunned, Mu Qing and Ke Fei were stunned, and everyone around was stunned.

Those college entrance examination students and other people who eat melons are all embarrassed, and then they talk noisily.

What did they see? A king, or the highest Peak king on Earth, actually took the other two kings, moved towards the little Martial Artist and bowed!

“Isn’t it? I’m crazy or these kings are crazy?” Some students exclaimed and couldn’t believe it.

Most college principals quickly took pictures of Mu Qing with their communication records. They didn’t want to post it online, but wanted to remember Mu Qing thoroughly so as not to provoke him in the future.

Even the king of the Federal Branch personally came to bow to him a small college entrance examination student. What a method, these Principals knew with their feet that there were huge figures behind them.

Mu Qing finally reacted, he also a little not knowing what to do, he looked up, and saw that he was wearing a white cheongsam in the distance, and the sexy and sultry Ziyue moved towards and blinked.

“Mu Qing, why are they so respectful to you?” Shu Siyu shouted, her little face was also taken aback, feeling that things were changing a bit quickly.

However, her words made the kings in front of them even more ugly, and felt a deep shame.

In the end, Li Chao said that Mu Qing was not accused of any crime and everything was accidental.

He announced that those who have passed the college entrance examination are still unqualified, and of course they have received generous compensation from the Federation.

And Mu Qing and the others, because there is no clear score, they still need to wait for a task issued by the Federation to score based on their performance.

Furthermore, Ke Fei’s wanted is also announced to be cancelled, which has surprised Ke Fei for a long time.

“Let’s go!” Li Chao was black all the time, especially since he was seriously injured. I feel that this trip is completely having given away a bride, to lose one’s army on top of it .

Several kings left in a hurry, disappeared.

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