There are still a few kings on the Kunlun monastic ground. One of them is a middle-aged king wearing a daoist robe. His voice is trembling, and he wants to cry without tears.

He is the king of the Kunlun Mountains, looking at the messy scene all around, there are ten thousand fuck your mother running by in his heart.

Cheating! You left after the fight, but destroyed most of the greenery and buildings in the Kunlun Mountains, without even a trace of compensation!

He beat his chest and sighed, his heart dripping blood, because the layout of the Kunlun Mountains is exquisite, and there are precious ominous beast star cores in many places.

Kunlun Secret Realm’s college entrance examination curtain call, all the kings have left.

Mu Qing, under the leadership of the federal powerhouse such as Ziyue, registered their information in the federal agency.

After that, they can log in to the federal system through communication equipment to receive some tasks, and the functions inside are extremely complete.

And those students who have been eliminated naturally do not have such benefits. They need to go through a series of troublesome assessments before they can re-register their information in the federal system.

Moreover, the eliminated students are disqualified from joining Great Influence. Instead, it is Mu Qing and the others. According to the newcomer task released in the next federation, if the performance is outstanding, some Great Influence will be thrown away. Out the olive branch.

“We will leave first, but didn’t expect to owe you another favor this time.” Ke Fei thanked Mu Qing.

He is grateful to Mu Qing from the bottom of his heart, because the two personalities in his body, regardless of temperament, will affect him as long as they exist.

Ke Fei once had the opportunity to silence both of these two personalities, but the symptoms are not the root cause. Once it breaks out, it will definitely kill him, and no matter how bad it is, he will become a real lunatic.

However, Mu Qing gave him a golden stone tablet, which completely solved the multi-personality problem.

In the future, Ke Fei’s strength will truly reach Peak.

You must know that at the beginning he was just one third soul, and his strength was very powerful. Now the soul is perfectly integrated, even the Formation martial skill has reached the Great Success Realm.

It can be said that he is now the Peak King on Earth, surpassing Li Chao, the Federation King.

Ke Zheng passed out in a coma. Ke Fei told Mu Qing that because Ke Zheng had a double personality disorder before, he wanted to help Ke Zheng solve the matter.

The quack doctor also left with Ke Fei. He has great attainments in medical skills and is more or less helpful.

Mu Qing watched Ke Fei and the quack doctor leave.

He knows that Ke Fei must be very guilty of Ke Zheng in his heart, and he must be very anxious after discovering Ke Zheng’s previous situation.

Ke Fei doesn’t want to let the situation that happened to him happen again. At the beginning, his two personalities were out of order, and the whole person was like a madman. He committed too many mistakes, even his relatives. To kill.

“Hope Ke Principal won’t have an accident!” Mu Qing feels that Ke Zheng will not re-enact the situation of Ke Fei.

After all, Ke Fei and the quack doctor are kings, even if Ke Zheng is dominated by a murderous personality, he will be controlled.

“The blood spirit of their bloodline inheritance is very peculiar.” Shu Siyu said, lying on Mu Qing’s hair.

There is a lot of knowledge in her mind, which comes from the memory of cursing the gods.

Mu Qing learned from her that the bloodline on Ke Fei’s body is very peculiar. It will inevitably experience soul splitting and form other personalities. If there is an opportunity to suppress it, or if the soul splits and merges, it will continue. breakthrough, powerful.

But if you can’t unite or suppress the divided souls, sooner or later you will become a lunatic.

“Your human bloodline is really weird!” Shusiyu’s face was full of curiosity.

Mu Qing asked her about the insect race and the suspected Fire Insect in her heart.

Before Ke Fei and the quack doctor left, the two of them had already checked Mu Qing’s body insects. The strange thing is that they didn’t actually find anything, because the spirit strength they penetrated were all Was inexplicably swallowed.

This caused the two kings to be unable to detect the specific situation.

Even the quack doctor is slightly embarrassed. His medical skills are amazing, but all of his medical skills are based on spirit strength, the original spirit strength therapy.

Now he wants to treat Mu Qing, but he finds that the spirit strength is swallowed up and cleaned.

They didn’t dare to explore more, if the spirit strength made the insect in Mu Qing’s heart become stronger, then they would harm Mu Qing.

“Boy, why not come to our Yang Family!” The old lady Yang has not left yet, with a kind face, she actually throws an olive branch to Mu Qing.

Behind her are Yang Jie and Yang Shanshan.

This Yang Family old woman has a vicious look in her eyes. She can see that her Little Princess Yang Shanshan has a good relationship with Mu Qing, and Mu Qing has a good relationship with several kings, even if she has no origin power. When the law is displayed, it is like a waste person, and there are certain benefits to be drawn to it.

“In the future, let Shanshan support you. As long as you become a member of Shanshan’s harem, it doesn’t matter if you can’t use the origin power!” Old lady Yang said shockingly, and thundered all the people next to her.

“Grandma, what are you talking about! Who is going to form a harem?” Yang Shanshan had a pink cheek and was very shy, stomping his feet in a hurry.

Yang Jie was also dumbfounded.

“What’s the matter?” Mrs. Yang glared at the two of them, and then narrowed her eyes into a slit, said with a smile: “When your strength rises in the future, what is Heaven’s Chosen? What is Great Influence? They are not opponents, so they should form a harem, the mother of the world!”

She seems to have seen the rise of Yang Shanshan, and the space gate summon has produced a large number of foreign world creatures, and they are directly pushed to a Great Influence with an order.

Mrs. Yang talked to Mu Qing about the brilliant picture she imagined, and she became more excited as she talked about it.

Finally, under the push of Yang Jie and Yang Shanshan, Mrs. Yang finally left.

“young man! There is really no way to go, you can come to our Yang Family!” Mrs. Yang still did not forget to win her way before she left.

Mu Qing has a black line, didn’t expect this Yang Family veteran king to talk so much, like a salesman.

But let him be Yang Shanshan’s harem, it would be too shameless. Mu Qing felt that if Yang Shanshan were to be his harem, maybe it would be acceptable.

“The insect in your body should also belong to the insect race.” Zhou Siyu said after a long time.

She used the mysterious spell to barely detect the insect in Mu Qing’s heart.

“The opponent before you was very weird. He was obviously a human, but he had many methods of insect race.” Shu Siyu tilted her head, she was puzzled.

Because she believes that Wang Sheng should be an ugly-looking insect, not a Human Race.

“Insect race is a very terrifying insect race in the universe. It can be said to be the enemy of most races.” Shu Siyu’s little face became serious.

She told Mu Qing some memories of cursing the gods.

Insect race, the scale in the universe is very large, and the fecundity is extremely terrifying. It specifically erodes one after another planet full of Life Aura.

They often provoke wars. Many races fight insect races for their own planets, but most of them are eroded by insect races, and the entire planet turns into wormholes.

“Insect race is like a cosmic cancer!” Zhou Siyu concluded with a sentence.

She claimed that the contradiction between the Human Race and the ominous beast clan is not worth mentioning at all. If the insect race really appears, I am afraid that the Human Race and the ominous beast clan will join forces.

Otherwise, the Human Race and the ominous beast clan will inevitably be eroded by the insect race!

Mu Qing’s face was shocked. He was in the corner, and after hearing the words of Shusiyu, his emotions fluctuated.

“So, Wang Sheng or Wang Family is related to insect race?” he asked.

Chusiyu nodded, said: “Either Wang Sheng is controlled by the insect race, or the entire Wang Family is controlled by the insect race.”

She said that there are only two possibilities at present. .

Mu Qing frowned, trying to tell Ziyue and other federal powerhouses of this news, but was blocked by Curse Siyu.

“You are a Martial Artist, who will believe your words? Even if it is Ke Fei they say it, no one believes it!” Shusiyu scolded.

She feels that Mu Qing’s current strength is too weak, even if she knows about the insect race, she is not qualified to get involved in it.

“Can I just let the insect race appear and ignore it?” Mu Qing recalled some clues he saw in Kunlun Secret Realm.

A group of powerhouses once also entered Kunlun Secret Realm, the group of laboratory powerhouses, and perhaps his father.

In addition to their research on cursed flowers, most of their research data are some variant insects.

And the research data at that time also showed that the mutant insect appeared three hundred years ago.

Perhaps three hundred years ago, the insect race had already descended on Earth and began to erode secretly!

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