Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1935: Break away from Yuxuantian

"God's decree!"

"Ming Xuanfeng, Xuan Qing..."

The voice on the jade paper came out again, echoing around.


Xuan Qing's guardian once again hugged his head and wailed in pain.

Obviously, this decree of God is of great significance to him, and it is likely that the voice is also a person he is quite familiar with.

Even if the memory of Xuan Qing's guardian was completely shattered, these voices could still stimulate his memory, and he might be able to recover it again.

But at this moment, Mu Qing doesn't care if this guy's memory can be restored, but now is a good time to leave this place.

Mu Qing quickly looked at Menghan and King Shura and found that they were still fighting with the strong stone statue outside.

Jade Xuantian has a large number of powerful people. When the mysterious powerhouses invaded in the past, they seemed to come only to seize the true intention of the ban, and did not kill too many Jade Xuantian people.

Later, the two great guardians of Xuanfeng and Xuanqing jointly performed the banning secret method, banning the entire Jade Xuantian, and everyone turned into stone statues.

These stone statues were alarmed and began to quickly regain their strength before they were alive, almost continuously, besieging the two.

Obviously, returning the same way is not good enough, Mu Qing hesitated for a moment, planning to summon the World Gate to take the two to leave.

In fact, the world gate has limited effect for Mu Qing.

The greatest effect of the world's snake ability is to permanently get rid of the influence of the curse of time, but because of this, he cannot grasp the power of time.

Another feature of the world gate is that it can travel anywhere almost unconditionally.

But when facing a formidable opponent, Mu Qing might be interrupted by interference before he could enter the world gate.

This is also the reason why he hadn't summoned to escape from the world gate before.

The opponent is Xuan Qing's protector, half-step Dharma body existence, if Mu Qing directly summons out of the world gate to escape, 80% of the flaws will be exposed.

On the contrary, it is now, the best time to escape!

Since the return of the original road is not feasible, then simply summon the door of the world directly and leave Yuxuantian with Menghan and King Shura.

Mu Qing was about to speak when he suddenly saw Meng Han throw a Taoist charm towards him.

"Boundary Breaking Talisman! Although the location of the teleportation is random, it will definitely be able to get out from this Jade Profound Heaven!"

Meng Han also saw the situation clearly and understood that this moment was a good opportunity to escape.

This is a very precious thing in their Void Dynasty, but Mu Qing alone blocked Xuan Qing’s protector for so long, and created a chance for them to escape. In the sense of reason, Mu Qing should be given a boundary-breaking talisman. .

Aside, King Shura also nodded at Mu Qing, affirming Menghan's words.

Without further ado, he had already crushed the Boundary Breaking Talisman, surrounded by frantic silver rays, and the tyrannical force directly shattered the void, wrapping his body and fleeing away.

Meng Han glanced at Mu Qing deeply and confirmed that after he received the Boundary Breaking Talisman, he also crushed the Boundary Breaking Talisman and left.

Mu Qing was stunned. The speed of the two was too fast, and he didn't even have a chance to explain.

In fact, he can leave here with the two of them...

Looking back, the state of Xuan Qing's guardian gradually improved. Without further ado, Mu Qing could no longer stay.

He put away the Boundary Breaking Talisman, the World Gate appeared in front of him, striding into it.

After walking out of the world gate, Mu Qing had already returned to the position where he had entered Jade Xuantian.

Under the arrangement of the Lich Race, dense fog is here, and a spatial crack is looming.

Mu Qing looked around and found no trace of anyone, nor could he see Meng Han and King Shura.

It seems that as Menghan said, the Boundary Breaking Talisman took them out of Jade Xuantian, but the location was random.

Mu Qing did not leave directly, but touched his chin, looking at the crack in the space leading to Yuxuantian.

He pinched his hands, and the power of countless stars shrouded it, squeezing the space.

It can be seen that the shining star lines are intertwined in the space cracks, and they have healed the space cracks abruptly!

Mu Qing once again used the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Tu to cover this place with the power of this supernatural power.

Now, even if the Lich clan returned here, he couldn't find Jade Xuantian!

Mu Qing nodded in satisfaction, then turned and left.

Becoming a person again, Mu Qing once again set foot on the road to find Elder Gou An.

"Damn it, Elder Gouan looks cold, it's not that he couldn't bear the temptation of ancient species."

While rushing, Mu Qing cursed inwardly.

There were many powerful masters of the Nine Tribulations that chased down the ancient centaur, and the speed of the Nine Tribulations was faster than them. I don’t know how much. Maybe Elder Gou An has already left the Wanfa Terrace area at this moment.

After all, in the entire Special Secret Realm, Wanfa Mesa is just one area.

Said to be a secret realm, in fact, this place is equivalent to a world, not smaller than the black realm.

Mu Qing continued to rush forward. The Wanfa Terrace was too big. He could only find out some sporadic news about the ancient centaur species by relying on passers-by who occasionally met.

On the way, Mu Qing also saw a lot of ruins and the like.

All kinds of signs indicate that there were many people living in it, but why didn't they see any figures?

The only things that exist are those powerful beasts and ancient species.

When encountering these ruins, Mu Qing would enter them to find out some clues.

He hadn't forgotten what he was doing when he agreed to enter this place by the Dark Sky King. The main task was to investigate.

In Mu Qing's view, this main task was mostly completed.

The Dark Sky Magic King guessed that the emergence of this special secret realm was either related to the death wand or the remnant of the death demon.

However, the death wand was actually on the side of the dragon clan, but it was the remnant of the death demon, and it really revealed clues in the secret realm!

Mu Qing continued to investigate, in fact, to find out what kind of existence this special secret realm used to be?

There is a big power like Yu Xuantian here, so will there be other forces?

A few days later, Mu Qing found another ruin.

This is an abandoned giant city, and a stone monument can be seen at the gate of the city, which reads Red Heart City.

This is considered to be a relatively well-preserved relic. The Red Heart City was damaged everywhere, but the damage was not large, and a lot of information remained.

There were still a lot of people in the damaged Red Heart City, most of them came to look for clues, Mu Qing took advantage of no one around, and directly caught a fellow of the Dark Moon Cult.

Dark Moon Sect is a force that seems to have a large number of people, and some can be seen everywhere, but there are fewer strong ones, either the second-order supreme or the newcomer to the dominance level.

Mu Qing used the intent to capture the spirit, and only then learned that the reason most of the people gathered in Chixin City was not because the place was still well preserved.

But someone once got an ancient species here, and their strength greatly increased.

Others naturally wanted to come over and try their luck. Someone really found the ancient species and became the powerhouse who dominated the Tianjiao level.

However, apart from the first two cases, no one has found the ancient species.

After getting the information he wanted, Mu Qing left the man aside and strode into Red Heart City.

As the special secrets have been opened for longer and longer, the number of people entering has also increased, and there has been friction between various forces, large and small, and they are eyeing.

In particular, the Wufan of the Lich tribe recently launched a large-scale killing, causing panic. Some people even think that the ancient rumors of the Jade Emperor Heaven are true, and they start to kill like Wufan.

When Mu Qing entered Red Heart City, he immediately sensed that more than a dozen eyes shifted over.

He was silent, Zhou Tian's Star Dou Tu turned around, and all other perceptions were transferred away when he approached him.

Mu Qing swaggered into Scarlet Heart City, and he didn't worry that someone would attack him. Before entering, he had completely perceived the people in Scarlet Heart City, and there was only one Lord of the Five Tribulations.

"Is that the one who killed Long Xingtian? It seems to be Mu Qing from the Black Territory?" Someone recognized Mu Qing's appearance.

After all, the Dragon Clan has already issued a wanted order, which has spread to all major regions during this time, and even those who enter the secret territory have also received news.

After the others recognized Mu Qing, they were quite jealous, and quickly withdrew their gazes.

After all, this is the existence of slaying Long Xingtian and other dominating Tianjiao, whose strength is far beyond their ordinary dominators, and can not provoke them without provoking them.

Mu Qing stayed in Chixin City for several days, and he found many ancient books with clues.

Most of the content is the description of Scarlet Heart City. From various places, it can be seen that Scarlet Heart City is only a whole power, not an ordinary city established. The city lord has the power to rule the nine calamities.

And Mu Qing noticed one thing. From the description in ancient books, it seems that everyone is pursuing the ancient species, but anyone who obtains the ancient species will immediately be greatly improved and become a tianjiao.

"Sure enough, there are many forces in this secret territory, but there is no Yu Xuantian among the major forces listed in this Red Heart City?"

Mu Qing stroked his chin.

He put down the ancient book that was about to be broken in his hand, turned and left.

The information here is almost finished, and he took the time to check the city of Chixin, but he found no trace of the rumored ancient species.

Perhaps, there were only two ancient species in Chixin City, which were taken away by the first good luck.

"It's just that all the forces here seem to be in a state of destruction, and no one living person can see it." Mu Qing groaned, he felt that something big had happened here.

Perhaps, all forces have experienced a catastrophe.

On the contrary, Jade Xuantian, under the effect of the banning secret method, turned into stone statues, but the memories are almost shattered, and the destruction is almost the same.

"What happened? Couldn't it be the remnants of the dead demon behind the scenes, sucking up the lives of all forces in order to resurrect, right?"

An absurd idea emerged in Mu Qing's mind.

Soon, he shook his head and discarded the idea.

If this is the case, then when the last time he saw the broken arm of the Death Demon, he and the little old man must have fallen on the spot, so they would not have to rely on traps to trick them, and they themselves had escaped early.

Mu Qing walked out of Red Heart City, and suddenly stopped at the gate of the city.

I saw under an old tree next to the city gate, a graceful shadow was leaning against, fluttering in a black dress, setting off that exquisite and beautiful face, with a seductive style.

The woman with apricot eyes, peach cheeks, cherry lips and jade teeth, is extremely beautiful and full of beauty.

Her eyes are charming, her chest is crisp and round, and her jade legs are wrapped in black knee-length stockings. The snow-white skin contrasts sharply with the black stockings, which hits people's hearts directly.

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