Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 1938: Multi-force shots

On the Wanfa Mesa, high above the sky, clouds are lingering, and black shadows pass by from time to time.

Those are all fierce beasts here, their strength is extremely terrifying, the weakest also have supreme strength, and the stronger ones are used to dominate the realm!

However, at this time, there were waves of deep dragon roars coming from a distance, and the dragon might be mighty.

Among the clouds, a huge giant shadow passed by, headed by a golden dragon, its wings spread out to cover the sky and the sun, and its bloated body was surrounded by golden scales, as if pouring in gold.

The strength of this golden dragon is extraordinary, it can be called the level of dominating Tianjiao, but this golden dragon hurried on the road, but it is carrying the most treasure, to bring the secret key to the purple spirit sky to the strong within the dragon clan. .

The Golden Dragon was the companion of the Silver Dragon clan that Mu Qing had previously captured in the Giant Ruins. Because the strength was much stronger than that of the Silver Dragon, he left with the secret key.

After a while, it seemed that considering that the body was too large and easy to be noticed, the golden dragon groaned and his body quickly shrank, transforming into a burly man with a height of three meters.

The muscles of the strong man shone with golden light, like a golden battle armor. A pair of dragon eyes contained majesty, with dragon horns on the top of his head, and a red gold sword hung around his waist, showing his domineering appearance.

He stepped on the white clouds, displayed the power of flying through the clouds and driving the fog, and quickly fleeed towards the distance.

Jinbai looked vigilant at the moment, watching the surroundings while driving the clouds.

He knew very well that when he and others discovered the Zi Lingtian secret key, although they were not seen by others, other forces suspected that they had obtained good things.

What's more, the information about the secret key is likely to have traces of clues elsewhere in the giant ruins. After all, Zi Lingtian chooses several or even a dozen Tianjiao to enter Zi Lingtian every time.

There is not only one secret key!

And Jinbai also knows that although his strength is not bad, he may not be able to find any good things by himself.

What's more, the Wufan of the Lich clan recently launched a big killing, causing panic, and Jinbai was also afraid of being targeted by fellows in the Undead Realm.

His goal is very clear, and that is to send to the Dragon Clan, and when the Nine Tribulations Lord of the Dragon Region intervenes, then he won't be afraid of other forces coveting him.

At the same time, I am escorting the secret key to the past, and the benefits will be indispensable by then!

"There is still a lot of time to go to Dragon City, I hope you don't make a mistake." Jinbai muttered to himself.

The so-called Dragon City is actually a place where the dragon clan powerhouses found a giant ruined city in a special secret territory to occupy it and become a temporary gathering place.

After all, after entering the special secret realm, all kinds of contact methods have failed, so I can only find a gathering place temporarily, and explore the surroundings with the gathering place as the center.

If it walks around like a headless fly, there is a high probability that it will disperse, and there will be no meeting place at that time.

Jinbai was very cautious. Every time he flew for a period of time, he swept the surrounding area with perception, and after confirming that there were no other people, he set off again.

This time it was the same. Jinbai observed the surroundings and confirmed that there was no abnormality. Clouds formed on the soles of his feet and galloped out quickly.

Suddenly dozens of black spots appeared in front of him. When he got closer, Jinbai looked back.

It is a group of birds and beasts that have been encountered before.

Jinbai was too lazy to deal with these beasts, and it was just a waste of time to solve these beasts, so he prepared to take a detour.

But at this time.

The moonlight came from not far away, evolved into the shape of a crescent moon, and slashed towards Jinbai!

Several figures showed up to control the moonlight, but with vague methods but hidden murderous intent.

Jinbai's pupils shrank slightly, and he was able to judge that this should be the powerhouse of the Moon Territory, but he couldn't tell which power it belonged to.

But he was not afraid, drew a knife, and the real dragon hovered, the force of the violent rules condensed into a sword light, and it cut thousands of times!

The sacred artifact in his hand is extraordinary, and it is considered to be the best among the medium sacred artifacts. The red gold sword is turned over, and the blade is densely covered like a net. It is incomparably overbearing between vertical and horizontal, and a sword is more powerful than a sword!

"I know, there are a few short-eyed people who have been following me sneakily!" Jinbai snorted coldly.

He fought with the five strong men of the Moon Territory, and it was obvious that the strong men of the Moon Territory did not have a master of the Tianjiao level, and they could not win Jinbai for a while.

"It looks like it is from the Dark Moon Cult. Can you handle it?" Mo Zi, who had been watching for a long time not far away, chuckled. She recognized the strength of the five moon domain experts.

"No problem." Mu Qing responded lightly, and he looked over there.

In his impression, the people of Dark Moon Cult seemed to be particularly large, but each of them was not very strong. At least so far, he had not encountered a member of the Dark Moon Cult who ruled the Tianjiao level.


Jin Bai's face changed slightly, and he looked over there suddenly.

He could vaguely perceive the people in Moon Region following, but he did not perceive that there were others.

Jinbai cast his gaze over there and saw two figures standing under an old tree.

A woman in a black dress, with all her red lips and white teeth, always wears a seductive smile, her body is proudly curved, her chest is crisp and her hips are round, her jade legs are slightly exposed, her hands and feet reveal everything. Kind of style.

And beside the graceful woman, stood a handsome man wearing a crane cloak with a gentle smile on his face.

The man had no aura, and he couldn't find any information at all. He seemed to be a mortal, but also seemed to be as vast as the starry sky, standing there, standing there like a deep ridge.

Although he didn't know the woman in the black dress, the handsome man Jinbai knew it!

That was the person who killed their dragon race's ruler Tianjiao Longxingtian, and even caused the dragon race to shake. The high level personally issued an order, and the five domains wanted one person!

Mu Qing of the Black Territory!

Jinbai's pupils shook, his eyes were frozen, he knew that he was far inferior to Long Xingtian, and when he met Mu Qing at this time, he was even more unlikely to be an opponent!

"Run!" Jinbai slashed away, shook away the five Darkmoon Masters, and then stepped on a dragon-shaped step, trying to flee towards the distance.

At the same time, Mu Qing had already set off, turned into a flash of lightning, and appeared behind Jinbai with a snap, with his big hands sticking out, and the surrounding world dimmed.

Jinbai was horrified to find that there was no retreat around him, only darkness remained, as if he was imprisoned.

The moonlight fell down, and the five Dark Moon Sect Masters shot one after another, blasting towards Mu Qing.

"This guy also wants to fight for the secret key! Join forces to kill him!"

A Darkmoon Sect Master shouted in a low voice.

Obviously, not everyone knows Mu Qing, at least these Dark Moon Sect masters don't know it.

In other words, most people just heard about the killing of Long Xingtian by Mu Qing from the Black Territory, but when Mu Qing appeared in front of others, many people didn't know what Mu Qing looked like.

Mo Zi, who was not far away, did not help Mu Qing. Firstly, she believed that Mu Qing's strength was sufficient to deal with it. Secondly, she was vigilant around her to avoid accidents.

At this moment, the vast starry sky appeared behind Mu Qing, the mirror of life and death flipped, and a crimson beam of death penetrated a Darkmoon Master in the blink of an eye.

The Dark Moon Sect Master was full of horror, and his whole person flew out. He clearly didn't see the blood appearing, but he could feel a chill, his life was passing, and his life was dying!

Immediately after that, the power of the vast and boundless starry sky burst out, and the three-foot green front soared into the sky, and was held in the hand by Mu Qing, cut down with a sword, and the kendo was overwhelming!

The sword light danced wildly like a silver snake, and the supreme sword intent enveloped the surroundings.

The remaining four Dark Moon Sect Masters vomited blood violently, and all flew out upside down, like puppets with broken wires.

The power of this sword almost killed them all!

Even, this is still Mu Qing's mercy. Could it be that the sword just now caused these people to fall apart.

"Top sacred artifact! Damn! What the **** is this guy!" a Dark Moon Master master cried out painfully. A trace of sword intent invaded his body, his blood was exploded, and his soul was severely injured in an instant.

Mu Qing raised his hand to these guys, a violent white light suddenly flashed, and everything finally came out.

The five Dark Moon Sect Masters lay on the ground, and before they groaned and screamed, they realized that something was wrong.

The treasures on their bodies were all decomposed into golden particles, gathered into a heavenly river, flowing towards the distance.

Those golden particles finally poured into Mu Qing's body, replenishing the miracle light energy.

"Skills can be killed but not humiliated!"

The Dark Moon Sect Master screamed, and the clothes on their bodies were also treasures, with extraordinary origins, but at this moment, everything was completely decomposed by Mu Qing.

Mu Qing ignored these guys, turned and headed towards Jinbai, intending to seize the secret key!

When Mo Zi not far away saw this, a curious look appeared on Qiao's face.

"You still have this magical power? No, you have to find a way to ask for it from this guy afterwards!" Mo Zi immediately caught the attention of this magical power.

Suddenly, Mo Zi's crystal pupil moved to the other side, his face slightly cold.

She shouted in a low voice: "Fifty meters to the left!"

The sudden reminder made Mu Qing stunned, but out of trust in Mo Zi, he immediately sacrificed the Qingze Divine Sword, poured the power of the vast starry sky into it, and the sword pierced into the void on the left.


The supreme sword intent exploded, the sword light was as bright as the stars, and it was cut off with a single sword, directly crushing the space!

Ding Ding Ding!

A figure fell out, fell directly into the ground, and stepped back continuously. Every time it stepped back, it shattered the ground, venting an incomparably terrifying force.

It was a man wearing a black tights, his face covered by black light, holding a small and exquisite ancient shield, he abruptly resisted Mu Qing's sword!

Afterwards, a weird beast was reflected in the eyes of the man in black, and his body faded away and disappeared.

Mu Qing frowned slightly. This was a strong man of unknown forces. It appeared to be a fusion of ancient species. It was vague and shadowless, and the methods were extraordinary. If it were not for Mo Zi's reminder, he would not have been able to find the other party!

"Retreated a certain distance, but didn't leave completely, I'm afraid I will wait for an opportunity somewhere." Mo Zi said quickly.

Her gaze was also sweeping around.

"Jie Jie Jie! Mu Qing in the Black Territory? It is rumored that you killed Long Xingtian. Let the old man take a look today. How capable you are!"

At this moment, a cloud of black mist surged in the distance. It was a pale old man with a strong corpse energy enveloped in his body. His left arm was a white arm with black lines imprinted on it.

This is obviously a strong man in the undead realm. The black mist filled the wave of his hands, summoning an undead army to culminate, and at the same time, his skinny palms approached Jinbai.

This guy's goal is also the secret key to Zi Lingtian!

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