Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2055: Chasing the Golden Dragon King

"Rest assured, I will help deal with the Golden Dragon King. In fact, from the previous fights, I can also feel that there is something wrong with the strength of this Golden Dragon King, and there are hidden injuries."

Emperor Xu said to Mu Qing, he has enough confidence!

Even in the heyday of the Golden Dragon King, Emperor Xu was sure to defeat the Golden Dragon King.

Not to mention that in the battle just now, Emperor Xu noticed that the state of the Golden Dragon King was a bit wrong. Although he was indeed still at the level of half-step Dharma body, he was strong on the outside and weak on the inside.

Coupled with the powerful power of space that Emperor Xu has mastered, he is 80% sure to save Mo Zi directly!

From Emperor Xu's point of view, Mu Qing was the opportunity for him to break through the power of the legal body. Since he has intervened, he will help him to the end.

If Mu Qing really listened to the death demon's slaughter and accepted the true meaning of the magic sword secret method, and then was directly controlled by the death demon, then the opportunity for the virtual emperor to break through would probably be gone.

"What's more, we should have a helper..."

The virtual emperor looked into the void in the distance, his eyes flickering.

Mu Qing was the opportunity to break through the power of the Dharma body, and this was what Mu Xingdi told him.

Emperor Mu Xing reached the limit of half-step Dharma body earlier than Emperor Xu, and even created a real universe-like star dimension, which is stronger than Emperor Xu in terms of strength.

Emperor Xu was sure, Emperor Mu Xing must have also come in, maybe he was watching everything secretly in a corner.

He can be sure of this. He must know that this special secret realm has great restrictions, and even the power of the law body is blocked from the outside.

When the powerhouse of the holy tower enters here, it is impossible to communicate with the power of the holy tower from the outside world, so it can only exert the strength of the ruler of the Nine Tribulations.

Emperor Xu had seen Mu Qing borrow the power of the star dimension. As a half-step Dharma body and a friend of Emperor Mu Xing, he naturally knew that Emperor Mu Xing must be here, so Mu Qing could borrow the unique power of the stars.

But for some reason, Mu Xingdi was more able to sit still than him, and he never showed up.

"If you need the trace of the Golden Dragon King, I can help."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from not far away.


Emperor Xu's eyes suddenly became sharp, his eyes were like knives, and he directly cut through the layers of space.

I saw a figure emerge, it was a ghost in silver armor, holding that strange arrow in his hand.

The arrow with the head of the ferocious ghost has also seen its power last time, and this ghost arrow is the final ability of this silver helmet ghost, and it has the power to control the soul!

When Emperor Xu saw this, his face gradually softened, and he naturally knew that the silver-helmed ghost had helped Mu Qing before.

Fang Cai Mu Qing also informed Emperor Xu by the way that the centaur Ronan should be regarded as their same front.

"Do you know the whereabouts of the Golden Dragon King?" Mu Qing asked quickly with a tense expression.

Ronan's voice came from the silver-helmed ghost, "Yes, our ancient species have certain advantages in this altar, and now more and more ancient species have entered, and the ancient species standing on my side are also A lot."

"What's more, I am also paying attention to the news of the powerhouses from all sides. After all, if you want to find the pure Yang Kendo scriptures, those powerhouses will definitely move."

"Just now, I learned the news and whereabouts of the Golden Dragon King from the ancient species under my hand."

"Now, the Golden Dragon King is due east of you, but it is far away. I will let the silver-helmeted ghost follow you and report the news at any time."

The centaur Ronan simply let the silver-helmed ghost follow Mu Qing and the others.

And he was willing to continue to help Mu Qing because he discovered that the grievance between the Golden Dragon King and Mu Qing involved the death demon!

Since there are traces of the death demon, the centaur Ronan will naturally have to intervene, but he has been waiting for the opportunity of the death demon to appear.


Emperor Xu nodded, and the spatial fluctuations spread out on his body. I saw his incorporeal body appearing, and the silver-white treasure wheel directly held the crowd and rushed towards the due east.

He directly took the crowd with his incorporeal body, and the speed was much faster than before.

At this time, Mu Qing also suppressed his emotions, and after noticing the strong spatial fluctuations escaping from Emperor Xu's body, he couldn't help but ask.

"Senior Void Emperor, did you practice the Law of Space?" Mu Qing slapped sideways.

Emperor Xu didn't notice Mu Qing's strange eyes, he nodded and said: "Yes, the power of the law that the old man understands after the shattering of the holy tower is the law of space, which is also one of the laws that are extremely rare in the entire origin world. force."

After learning about this, Mu Qing frowned slightly.

It is indeed rare in the origin world, but there are many in the multiverse outside.

What's more, there is also the existence of Zhangjiao Wu, the law body of the space law, which means that it is impossible for the virtual emperor to break through to the law body realm.

Moreover, Mu Qing also found a problem.

With the strength of Headmaster Wu, most of them are not in the realm of Dharmakaya's power, at least in the second realm of the master.

It may even be the existence of the third realm of the great master, known as the ancient one.

This kind of existence has no concept of death.

Since Zhangjiao Wu will not die, then he has confirmed his only position in the laws of space, and no one else can take it away from him no matter how powerful he is!

According to Fang Ming, if there is already a Law Bodhisattva on the path of the power of the selected Law, then the only solution is to kill the Law Bodily Power, so that you will have the opportunity to become the Law Bodies on the Law. !

However, even the concept of death is gone, how can others grab it?

Mu Qing didn't know if he should tell Emperor Xu about this. After all, the only goal of such a half-step dharma body is to attack the realm of the great master.

If he told Emperor Xu that it was impossible for you to break through to the power of Dharma body in your life, I wonder if Emperor Xu's Dao Heart would collapse?

You must know that for such existences, breaking through to the Law Bodies is their final pursuit.

Mu Qing took a deep breath and still felt that he should keep this matter for now, at least until he left here, or ask Fang Ming and others for their opinions.

Two days later, under the leadership of Emperor Xu, everyone gradually approached the location of the Golden Dragon King.

At this time, they met a group of powerful men from the Moon Palace.

These are mostly rulers of more than seven eons, and they know Yue Cheng.

When Mu Qing saw the powerhouses in the Moon Palace, he also understood that in this time period, not only the existence of the half-step Dharma body, but also the powerhouses of other forces have gradually reached the conditions of the third-turn pure Yang body and entered the altar seventh floor.

Yue Cheng's injury had almost recovered, and he voluntarily withdrew from the group and joined the group in the Yue Palace.

"The saintess of our Moon Palace is also on the seventh floor of the altar. I will go back to communicate with the saints and try to convince the saints to help you." Yue Cheng's face was solemn.

He is not retreating, but intends to find a strong helping hand.

Every half-step dharma body in the Moon Palace is the most powerful person, most of them are women, known as the saintess, if they are men, they are called the saints.

Yue Cheng understood that even if he followed Mu Qing and the others and faced such a powerful existence as the Golden Dragon King, he would at most exert his strength as the ruler of the Nine Tribulations, and he would not be of much help.

Therefore, he plans to go back to find the saintess of their Moon Palace.

Moreover, the relationship between the Moon Palace and the Void Dynasty was not bad. Yue Cheng thought that after explaining the situation in the past, the saintess who came to the Moon Palace this time should be willing to take action.

Even if it is just a few shots, it will be of great help to Mu Qing and others!

Fang Ming nodded, "Be careful along the way."

Mu Qing also glanced at Fang Ming gratefully. If there is another half-step dharma body powerhouse to help, then they will have more chances to rescue Mo Zi!

After Yue Cheng left with everyone in the Yue Palace, Emperor Xu continued to lead everyone towards the east.

"The Golden Dragon King has changed his position!"

Suddenly, following the crowd, the voice of the centaur Ronan came from the silver-helmed ghost who had been on standby.

"I am also on my way to the past, but according to the information of the ancient species under my hand, the Golden Dragon King suddenly changed his position and went west, where there is a desert."

Hearing the words, Emperor Xu immediately adjusted his direction, and the silver-white treasure wheel burst into rays of brilliance, and the strong spatial fluctuations spread around, and the speed became faster.

Mu Qing and Fang Ming glanced at each other. Isn't that location exactly the desert they used to be?

It used to be one of the test sites for Sword Sovereign of Pure Yang. Although the grand formation of Pure Yang failed completely, causing a big explosion, the shock wave spread and turned it into a desert, but some important breakthroughs were also achieved.

Unexpectedly, the Golden Dragon Dynasty rushed over there!

At this time, Mu Qing was also a little emotional. He didn't expect that there was no shadow of the young man of origin. Instead, it was the centaur Ronan and Emperor Xu who helped him.

This made Mu Qing realize that the alliance between him and the origin boy, or the cooperation between the two, was not that strong.

The origin of the youth is mysterious, and he is more calm than anyone else. He can completely sit back and watch Mu Qing fall under the hands of the Golden Dragon King with his own eyes.

Because the origin boy intends to give a fatal blow to the dead demon, and before that, he will never reveal his identity and existence.

If Mu Qing really fell on the way, the youth of origin may only feel a little regret, and then go to find other suitable candidates for cooperation.

What the origin boy needs is only a candidate who can lure out the dead demon.

Mu Qing is perfect for this!

In fact, the centaur Ronan thought the same way, but unlike the origin boy, the centaur Ronan directly helped Mu Qing through the silver-helmed ghost.

Even, facing the Golden Dragon King next, the centaur Ronan's body also moved towards this side.

From the analysis of his calm tone, Mu Qing believes that the strength of the centaur Ronan may be stronger than when he first saw it, and it may even be comparable to the half-step body!

"Be careful, the Golden Dragon King suddenly changed his trajectory, maybe he has already discovered us, and set up a trap again!"

Ronan Centaur's voice came from the Silver Helmets, and he was quite cautious.

Emperor Xu nodded, and at the same time the spatial fluctuations spread, always paying attention to the surroundings.

After a day, they came to that desert!

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