Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2056: desert battle

"Golden Dragon King!"

Mu Qing's eyes flashed an icy cold light, and he saw a tall figure in the distance.

Over the desert, the Golden Dragon King showed a grim smile, and his body was instantly covered with dragon scales, entering the state of a dragon man.

At the same time, the golden giant dragon behind it appeared in phantom, filling the entire sky!

The Golden Dragon King was condescending, his eyes swiped in front of Mu Qing, and then fell on Emperor Xu.

He half-squinted his eyes and threatened again: "Are you still going to mix in? Emperor Xu, do you know the fate of offending my Dragon Clan?"

This sentence is not just a verbal threat. Since the Dragon Clan built the Wanlong Pond with the help of the Emerald Dragon Emperor, and the Dragon Clan powerhouses have the ability to resurrect, they have become arrogant in the Origin Realm.

For a long time, the dragon clan is synonymous with domineering. After all, they can fight unscrupulously, even if they fall, it is fine. Anyway, they can be resurrected in Wanlongchi after the incident.

It can be said that no matter who they are, as long as they offend the dragon race in the origin world, they will be met with a terrible counterattack.

Emperor Xu ignored the threat of the Golden Dragon King. The platinum dagger appeared in his palm. At the same time, the silver and white treasure wheel behind him appeared incorporeally, competing with the golden dragon in the sky.

Mu Qing looked around, looking for Mo Zi's whereabouts.

When the Golden Dragon King saw Mu Qing's actions, he grinned twice and said, "You don't have to look for it. If you have the ability, you can kill me, otherwise you will never find her in your life!"

"Don't panic, I have already felt it. The Golden Dragon King specially opened up a secret space, and I am afraid that Miss Mo Zi is in it. It's just that it will take a lot of time to find the specific location."

Emperor Xu's face was indifferent, and at the same time he sent a voice transmission to Mu Qing.

As a virtual emperor who specializes in the laws of space, he naturally sensed the location of Mo Zi at the first time, and was trapped in an independent space specially opened up by the Golden Dragon King.

However, the Golden Dragon King is also a strong half-step body, even if the virtual emperor is good at the power of space, it is impossible to crack it directly in front of the opponent, and it will take a certain amount of time.

In the case of not solving the Golden Dragon King, it is still relatively difficult for him to openly crack that space.

Therefore, the top priority is to get the Golden Dragon King first!

Mu Qing and Fang Ming retreated into the distance. Even if Mu Qing was in a hurry at this moment, it was useless, and the battle with the Golden Dragon King could only be handed over to Emperor Xu.

The two of them made do with it, and most of them couldn't even bear the aftermath.

"If the World Gate can still be used!" Mu Qing gritted his teeth. If the World Gate could still be used normally, he could enter that space and rescue Mo Zi in a single thought.

"Wait, it seems that there are other powerhouses." At this time, Fang Ming noticed that some figures appeared in all directions in the distance.

His face changed slightly. Could it be that the Golden Dragon King has joined forces with other powerhouses?

Mu Qing frowned and looked around.

In the distance around, there are indeed silhouettes emerging, among which there are some acquaintances, such as King Gu You, the ancient lion-headed man, the divination mother-in-law of the Dark Moon Sect, and the Variety Xingjun of Shuiyuedongtian.

In addition, there are some forces that have never been seen before, but there are also extremely strong men with half-step Dharma bodies sitting in town, and they are turning their attention to the field.

"It shouldn't be the helper of the Golden Dragon King." Seeing this, Mu Qing slowly shook his head.

Even King Gu You appeared, but they didn't make a move. Instead, they had a tacit understanding, leaving enough space to hand over the entire desert field to Emperor Xu and King Golden Dragon.

For many strong people, their goal is to enter the eighth floor of the altar, and now in the seventh floor of the world, the so-called pure Yang Kendo scriptures have no shadow.

In this case, the opponent can be one less than one.

In the battle between the virtual emperor and the golden dragon king, they don't need to know why the two fought, they just need to know the result.

Even if no one falls, if one of them is seriously injured, it is a good thing for the many strong people present.

In the distance, the divination mother-in-law of the Dark Moon Sect saw Mu Qing. She turned a blind eye to Mu Qing, but stared at the silver-helmed ghost behind Mu Qing with a chill in her eyes!

In the previous terracotta world, the divination mother-in-law suffered a lot under the hands of this silver-helmed ghost.

But it is different now. The seventh-layer world of the altar has no restrictions of the laws of heaven and earth, and everyone's strength is restored.

The divination mother-in-law has the confidence to deal with the eerie silver-helmeted ghost.

"Forget it, let's wait for these two guys to decide the winner, and then it's not too late to deal with the ghost!" The fortune-teller looked at Emperor Xu and King Jinlong again, shook her head, but she was still patient.

"Hand over the hostages, you are not my opponent!" The Emperor Xu was very domineering, the power of the surrounding space fluctuated more and more, and the killing spirit was rising!

Emperor Xu is confident enough that as long as the Golden Dragon King dares to attack Mo Zi, he can follow the trajectory of power and use space power to rescue Mo Zi before he makes his move.

The Golden Dragon King sneered, "You are a long-established senior, I naturally know that I am not your opponent, but unfortunately I still have some helpers."

Emperor Xu frowned slightly when he heard the words.

As soon as the words of the Golden Dragon King fell, accompanied by two roars, the desert below was turbulent, the sand was flying wildly, and two huge shadows rushed out from the bottom of the desert.

"That is?!"

Mu Qing watched the battle from a distance, and when he saw the two huge shadows, his face changed slightly.

That turned out to be an old nine-baby bird and a yin-yang ghost dragon!

The many powerhouses watching the battle from a distance were also surprised. The old nine-infant bird and the yin-yang ghost dragon, when they were robbing the sword fruit, everyone had played against them.

But at that time in the Clay World, everyone was restricted by the laws of heaven and earth, so their strengths were similar, and for these two special guys, it was impossible to distinguish the original specific strength.

Now, under these circumstances, they discovered that the strength of the old nine-infant bird and the yin-yang ghost dragon has reached the level of a half-step dharma body!

"How is this possible?" Mu Qing's face was moved.

He had seen the old nine infant birds before and fought against each other before, but at that time in the terracotta world, for Mu Qing, the opponent's strength could only be said to be average, and it was no big deal.

In Mu Qing's mind, this guy has at most the level of combat power that dominates the Nine Tribulations.

Unexpectedly, the breath burst out at this time, which can be comparable to the half-step body!

"Are the dead demons helping them improve their strength? Or do they have such strength?" Mu Qing's eyes flickered, guessing in his heart.

No matter what, the fighting strength of the Yin-Yang Ghost Dragon and the old Nine-Infant Bird had reached the level of a half-step dharma body.

However, everyone also found that these two big guys did not have an incorporeal body symbolizing the half-step Dharma body realm behind them. Although they had a certain intelligence, they couldn't speak.

Come to think of it, this is just barely reaching the half-step legal body in combat power, which is somewhat different from the half-step legal body that is truly cultivated.

Even so, the strength should not be underestimated!

What's more, at the moment, the Golden Dragon King is teaming up with the old Jiuying Bird and the Yin-Yang Ghost Dragon, and the three are working together to deal with the Void Emperor!

"Just because of this? Even if there are two beasts to help, you are still not the opponent of this old man!" Emperor Xu was arrogant, and there was disdain in his eyes.

After all, Emperor Xu is also known as the ultimate powerhouse in suppressing an era. He is an existence comparable to Emperor Mu Xing. How could he back down because of this scene?

Instead of retreating, he advanced, he stepped out one step, and with a bang, an incomparable power of space swept across his body.

The virtual emperor appeared in front of the Golden Dragon King in the blink of an eye, and the platinum dagger in his hand swung down, a thin silver line directly divided the world, and the space suddenly burst!

The face of the Golden Dragon King also changed suddenly. At this moment, the Emperor Xu was all out, and he realized how terrifying the strength of this man was.

The people around watching the battle also retreated again and again to prevent them from being involved.

"As expected of a virtual emperor, his strength is so strong, it can even be said that he is not as strong as a half-step body." Variety Xingjun was full of admiration.

Everyone else had a look of approval on their faces.

Compared with the top powerhouses of their half-step dharma body, the strength of the virtual emperor is obviously several levels stronger.

To be called infinitely close to the Dharmakaya's great power, this sentence is not nonsense.

On the contrary, the ancient lion-headed people in the crowd, their eyes flickered, their scarlet tongue stuck out and licked their lips, a little excited.

If there is a serious injury between the Golden Dragon King and the Emperor Xu, he may be able to take advantage of this opportunity to devour one of them and gain powerful power in one fell swoop!

"Be careful! Since the old nine-infant bird and the yin-yang ghost dragon have appeared, there must be ancient species as helpers!"

At this time, the voice of the centaur Ronan came from the silver-helmed ghost standing next to Mu Qing.

He said solemnly and said solemnly: "Ancient species, ghosts, nine infant birds, and ghost dragons are all forces controlled by the death demon."

"Among them, some of the ancient species joined me, and the strongest on the ghost side is the silver-helmed ghost, which is also controlled by me."

"But it's absolutely impossible not to appear!"

Mu Qing was startled at this time.

Ronan the Centaur was indeed on the same front as him, but most of the Ancients were still under the control of the Death Demon.

There is also the category of ghosts. Although the most special silver-helmeted ghosts have been controlled by Ronan, there will be no special powerhouses such as Yin-Yang ghosts and dragons that far surpass their counterparts, but it does not mean that the group of ghosts will not attack. .

However, Mu Qing was just alert when the sand under his feet collapsed, forming a deep pit.

A grim-faced ghost rushed out directly and slaughtered towards Mu Qing and Fang Ming.

The two reacted immediately and rose into the air.

Seven suns appeared behind Mu Qing, fists blasted out, accompanied by pure Yang divine light, and each pure Yang divine light blasted away, and could blow up several ghosts to pieces.

The pure yang divine light condensed from the cultivation of the pure yang body to the later stage has unimaginable lethality to ghosts!

At this time, a strange voice sounded from the body of the silver-helmed ghost. It seemed to be some kind of song, but it didn't listen to the specific content at all. It was ethereal and strange.

At this time, the ghosts suddenly stopped and walked towards the silver-helmed ghost involuntarily, turning into a stream of light and drilling into the body of the silver-helmed ghost!

The silver-helmed ghost is a special species born of these ghosts, but it is a pity that the death demon has not had time to control, and was succeeded by Ronan.

Now Ronan can use the silver-helmeted ghosts to deal with the ghosts in reverse!

"Watch out!"

Mu Qing let out a low voice, reminding Fang Ming beside him.

Although the group of ghosts was resolved, there was still a strong aura coming from the sand pit under their feet.

It's an ancient species!

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