Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2068: Enter the eighth floor of the altar

"It seems that the words of the pure Yang Jianzun are true, and the backlash suffered by the power of the pure Yang swordsmanship is so terrible!"

Fang Ming wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and recovered after a while.

It seems that he also saw the figure of Chunyang Jianzun in the consciousness space, and heard the same words and prompts as Mu Qing.

Mu Qing felt relieved when he saw that Fang Ming was in no serious condition, and then his mind moved, and blood light appeared beside him, and a black and purple magic sword appeared.

This is naturally not the Primordial Magic Sword, but a magic sword condensed by Mu Qing with the magic sword secret technique.

As for the Primordial Beginning Demon Sword, it has been advanced to a super holy weapon, and it takes a huge amount of consumption to activate it.

Seven ferocious black evil spirits gathered together, the evil spirits turned into fire, and wrapped around the magic sword.

Mu Qing pierced through the hole with a sword, and the explosion exploded in an instant, the frantic flames of suffocating suffocation burned everything around, the space melted and collapsed, and a huge ravine stretched out across the earth.

An incomparably huge sword mark was imprinted on the ground, and strands of evil fire spread to the surroundings, burning and destroying everything around.

"It's still bearable." Mu Qing frowned slightly, he could feel a special force coming back, but the eight pure yang divine light suddenly burst out from the flesh and blood, resisting this backlash.

In the end, Mu Qing felt a tingling pain in his body, but it quickly eased.

Although this is Mu Qing's casual sword, he has completely mastered the Seven Devils Burning Heaven Sword with the help of the miracle light of the Code of Life, so the backlash is not that serious.

Moreover, with the physical body of rank eight pure Yang body, Mu Qing can also bear it.

Of course, Mu Qing is also very clear that if it comes to the real battle, the force of this backlash will sweep through the body wave after wave.

It is also a hidden danger in battle!

Therefore, it is still necessary to upgrade the pure Yang body to the nine-turn realm as the Pure Yang Sword Sovereign said, and then go a step further, and the nine Yangs become one sword body in order to completely withstand the backlash of the Pure Yang Kendo.

The magic sword turned into black and purple lightning in the palm of his hand and dissipated, Mu Qing nodded secretly in his heart, still more satisfied with the power of the Seven Demons Burning Heaven Sword.

"I didn't expect you to reach the realm of rank eight pure yang body. It seems that in that consciousness space, anyone who comprehends the pure yang kendo scriptures will get a realm improvement as a reward." Fang Ming was a little surprised. said.

He was originally in the realm of rank four pure yang, but after he realized the Seven Demons Burning Heaven Sword, he was rewarded and directly reached the realm of rank five.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qing himself is the realm of the seventh-rank pure Yang body, and he can be directly rewarded for a level of improvement.

Relatively speaking, Mu Qing appears to be more profitable.

"According to the statement of the Pure Yang Sword Master, the clearance conditions on the eighth floor of the altar are extremely harsh, and the pure Yang body needs to be upgraded to the nine-turn realm."

"Nine-turn realm alone is not enough, and even go a step further, to the point where the nine yangs are one, and the pure yang sword body can be completed to pass the customs and enter the ninth floor of the altar!"

Fang Ming sighed, it seemed that most of the people, including him, could hardly reach the ninth floor of the altar.

According to speculation, the so-called ninth floor of the altar should be the location of the complete inheritance!

Unfortunately, the clearance conditions on the 8th floor of the altar are too difficult, and the pure Yang sword body is required.

Fang Ming is also a person with the rank nine pure Yang Jing, and he knows very well that the nine realms of the rank nine pure yang body correspond to the nine levels of dominance.

The pure yang sword body above this is likely to correspond to the holy tower powerhouse or even the half-step dharma body!

This also means that all of them need to raise their physical bodies to a level comparable to the half-step Dharma body in the world on the eighth floor of the altar.

This is difficult even for an extremely strong person who is a half-step Dharma body!

If it is to be completed, I am afraid that it will take decades to stay in the world on the eighth floor of the altar.

"Even if it is me, it is difficult for me to reach the level of pure Yang sword body in a short period of time, unless there is pure Yang Sword Master on the eighth floor of the altar specially left behind to help Pure Yang body forcibly improve."

Mu Qing shook his head.

Don't look at his rank eight pure yang body, it seems that he is not far from the pure yang sword body, in fact, the more difficult it is to improve, the more powerful the light of miracle energy needed!

The next level is the rank nine realm that is comparable to the ruler of the Nine Tribulations. Even if it is to rely on the light of miracles to improve, it needs the unimaginable light of miracles.

And Mu Qing had just given the Primordial Demon Sword a chance to upgrade it to a super holy artifact, consuming almost all the light of miracles.

Of course, Mu Qing doesn't care about this, because he has a world gate. Even if he doesn't have a pure Yang sword body, he can directly step in and go to the world on the ninth floor of the altar.

"It's not too late, this time we were lucky, we directly discovered the scriptures of Chunyang Kendo, and we can take one step ahead of others and go to the eighth floor of the altar." Mu Qing immediately suggested.

Fang Ming thought about it and it is true. Maybe there are many benefits in the eighth floor of the altar. After all, the difficulty of customs clearance is extremely high, and Sword Sovereign Chunyang should arrange some good things.


Before leaving, Fang Ming went back to the stone sword statue and tried to take it away.

This thing doesn't seem to have any restrictions. As long as there is a three-turn or four-turn pure yang body, enough pure yang blood essence can be condensed to successfully save the stone sword statue and pull it into the consciousness space.

As for whether you can comprehend the pure yang kendo scriptures, you need to look at your comprehension.

Fang Ming used various methods, and then looked at Mu Qing helplessly.

"It looks like this thing can't be taken away."

Mu Qing is not surprised. After all, there are only ten stone sword statues carrying the scriptures of Chunyang Kendo, so how could people take them away at will.

"Since you can't take it away, then cover it up, at least not let others find it so easily." Mu Qing suggested.

Although this thing is of no use to them, it cannot be discovered by others so easily.

Thinking of this, Mu Qing and Fang Ming joined forces to arrange the next layers of enchantments and seals around them.

Mu Qing directly waved his hand to condense two forbidden magic swords, pierced into the ground, and suddenly a layer of gray forbidden magic light burst out, spreading in all directions, petrifying everything he touched.

After that, seal symbols shrouded this place, and the general lord could not find this place at all. Even if he accidentally discovered it, when he came here, he would be touched by the power of the ban and turned into petrification!

Fang Ming also used a secret technique, covering layers of space, and the method was very clever, as if a layer of invisible mirrors isolated this place from the outside world.

After doing all this, Fang Ming and Mu Qing left with satisfaction.

They set off directly and rushed towards the eighth floor of the altar.

The speed of the two was extremely fast, and they arrived at the entrance of the eighth floor of the altar after two days.

And here, to their surprise, there are actually two familiar figures here, looking at each other hostilely.

These two are the King Bone You and the Centaur Ronan!

King Guyou was burning with ghost fire, stepping on the black cloud, and the incorporeal body behind him was already present, it was a terrifying golden skeleton.

The golden skull was quite strange, revealing a sacred atmosphere, with a solemn appearance, wearing a luxurious robe, and holding a golden staff.

In contrast, King Guyou's temperament is rather gloomy and terrifying, like a peerless devil.

"That is the incorporeal body of King Guyou, Golden Bone Arhat!"

"It's just that the incorporeal body of this King Bone You is a little weird, and it doesn't match his own temperament. It always feels a little weird."

Fang Ming whispered to the side.

Mu Qing's face was solemn. He had also been in contact with King Guyou before. This guy is a powerful half-step body, and he will definitely not be much worse than King Jinlong!

As for Fang Ming's statement that the Arhat of the Golden Bone and the King of Guyou are somewhat incompatible, Mu Qing immediately thought of something.

Long before entering this special secret realm, Mu Qing once saw a person under the White Bone Abyss.

That person was originally a branch of the Lich Clan. Later, because of his unique talent, he was plotted against by the Lich Clan when he tried to attack the power of the Dharma body.

The opponent's entire strength, including the original name, was taken away by a person from the Lich Clan. This person is the King Guyou!

The name Guyou King itself is the name of the man under the White Bone Abyss, but now it has become the one in front of him.

From this point of view, perhaps what the man under Baiguyuan said was true. All his power, including his incorporeal body, was taken away by King Guyou, so King Guyou's incorporeal golden bone Arhat would appear so strange, and Their own temperament does not match.

Mu Qing looked to the other side again, and the person who confronted King Guyou was the centaur Ronan.

Ronan has entered a state of battle. He is fused with the silver-helmed ghost. He is wearing the silver ghost armor. He looks majestic, like a general from the underworld.

Even though Ronan is an ancient species, he does not have the power of an incorporeal body, but with this ghost armor, his combat power is not inferior to that of a real half-step dharma body, and he can compete!

King Guyou saw this, so he didn't do it immediately, but opened some distance vigilantly.

Mu Qing also noticed that there was a magic sword in the hand of King Guyou, surrounded by blood, and the black sword had white lines on its body.

Such a familiar magic sword, but its appearance is somewhat different.

"The magic sword secret technique?" Mu Qing was a little surprised. He didn't expect that King Guyou also had the magic sword secret technique. It seemed that the opponent's magic sword was also of the top holy weapon grade.

However, King Gu You only has the magic sword secret technique, and does not have the other three ancient secret techniques, so the power exerted by this magic sword is not complete.

Mu Qing and Fang Ming glanced at each other, then they approached Ronan and looked at King Guyou.

This attitude is quite obvious.

King Guyou snorted coldly, "A mere Nine Tribulation Master and a Seven Tribulation Master, do you think they can interfere in a battle of our level?"

King Guyou scoffed at Mu Qing and Fang Ming's actions, even if they both stood beside Ronan?

Do you really think that the two of them can help Ronan in the half-step battle?

Having said that, King Guyou himself did not intend to fight the difficult Ronan. He just snorted coldly and turned to enter the eighth floor of the altar.

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