Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2069: golden beam

"It seems that you have all found the scriptures of Pure Yang Kendo. Even I didn't expect that the scriptures of Pure Yang Kendo turned out to be a special sea beast under the sea."

Ronan was wearing a ghost armor, and his body was full of gloomy ghosts. He turned to look at Mu Qing and Fang Ming, and also let out a sigh.

He was the first batch to enter the seventh floor of the altar, and it was only now that he found the scriptures of pure Yang Kendo.

Mu Qing and Fang Ming were stunned when they heard the words, and they looked at each other with strange eyes.

"The pure Yang Kendo scripture we found is a stone sword statue located in a certain ruin." Mu Qing was a little strange, the pure Yang Kendo scripture found by Ronan didn't seem to be the same as them.

After listening to the descriptions of the two, Ronan also felt a little strange.

"It's weird, the pure Yang Kendo scripture I found is a special sea fish in the bottom of the sea. It is shaped like a sword, extremely fast, and scriptures are branded all over its body."

Ronan touched his chin and said, "It seems that every object that carries the scriptures of Pure Yang Kendo is different."

After speaking, his face became solemn again, and he said solemnly: "Let's enter the eighth floor of the altar first. I have already discovered that the group of ghosts, nine infant birds and ghost dragons have entered the eighth floor ahead of schedule."

Mu Qing was a little stunned, "Those creatures with low intelligence can still comprehend pure Yang swordsmanship?"

It is even more difficult for ordinary dominant powerhouses to comprehend the pure yang kendo, not to mention the three clans of ghosts and monsters with low intelligence.

Mu Qing believes that even if the three clans of ghosts and monsters find the location of the scriptures of Chunyang Kendo, they will not succeed in comprehending them.

"Most of it is the means of death. If you think about it, you can see that those ghosts, ghost dragons and nine infant birds don't even have the intelligence to communicate normally, but they can come to the seventh floor of the altar or even go to the eighth floor."

"Behind this, there must be death demons helping them. For those guys who have no intelligence, they basically don't need to meet the clearance conditions."

Ronan said.

Mu Qing suddenly realized that, indeed, if the power of the dead demon's slough was behind it, it would most likely be able to break the barrier of the altar.

"As far as I know, the death demon has a clear goal, and it should be on the ninth floor of the altar."

"Perhaps it is to take the inheritance of the power of the Dharma body as his own, so that it is easier for him to regain his strength."

Ronan guessed based on some information he got.

Mu Qing nodded, the dead demon did have its own purpose, and what the other party wanted to do, the origin boy had already told him before.

The original origin boy accidentally got the reincarnation stone tablet, one of which was given to Mu Qing, and the other was placed on the ninth floor of the altar, awakening a remnant of Chunyang Sword Master.

And the death demon remnant noticed this for some reason, perhaps because the breath of the reincarnation stone tablet was exposed. After all, the secret method of reincarnation was also created by the death demon.

The Devil of Death planned to go to the ninth floor of the altar, and the youth of origin planned to let Mu Qing go to the ninth floor together, trying to let Mu Qing touch the reincarnation stone tablet.

After all, when Mu Qing came into contact with the reincarnation stone tablet for the first time, he had a vision and directly summoned the real gate of six reincarnations.

Mu Qing is willing to go to the ninth floor of the altar. Although the youth of origin has never taken action when he encountered a crisis before, it feels unreliable, but he thinks that the youth of origin will definitely appear on the ninth floor of the final altar.

After all, the origin boy spent his time awakening the remnant of Chunyang Sword Sovereign, just to find enough helpers.

If Chunyang Sword Sovereign can be resurrected, then it will definitely be a great help for the youth of origin.

He couldn't let the Death Demon to destroy.

Of course, Mu Qing doesn't have a good opinion of the origin boy now. If he encounters danger at that time, he will decisively use the World Gate to turn around and leave without staying too long.

"By the way, didn't you say you want to find a helper?" Mu Qing looked at Ronan curiously.

He found that Ronan was still acting alone.

"A cooperation has been reached. At present, the ancient species under my command are all under the command of that guy. In order to work at a critical moment, I let him hide himself as much as possible."

Ronan chuckled lightly, looking confident.

Mu Qing nodded, so it seems that there are quite a few people who are going to deal with the slaughter of the dead demon!

On Ronan's side, he was considered a fairly powerful fighting force, and on the other side, there was also the origin of the youth.

He reckoned that he would never have imagined that he would provoke so many people.

Afterwards, Mu Qing and the others stepped into the eighth floor of the altar, and the centaur Ronan shrank in size, wearing a ghost armor in a ready-to-fight form, and followed Mu Qing and Fang Ming.

Next, Ronan has only one goal left, and that is to defeat the death demon when it appears!

Stepping into the eighth floor of the altar, Mu Qing and others obviously felt their bodies sink, and a terrifying pressure was crushed from all around!

"What a horrible gravity!"

Mu Qing was shocked, and he quickly looked at this side of the world.

"This is a special planet." Mu Qing quickly noticed the strangeness of this place.

I saw them walking away, a desert and yellow sand, nothing but sand.

This is not the world created by Chunyang Jianzun, but the other party opened up an independent space, and then stuffed this planet full of yellow sand into it.

The location where Mu Qing and others are located is on this planet!

"With this gravity, I am afraid that ordinary dominant powerhouses will be crushed to death when they come in, right?" Fang Ming said with some difficulty, even if he had a rank five pure yang body, he could not adapt to it for a while.

"It's a special environment, but it's a good thing for body refining supernatural powers." Ronan's physical body was tough, but he quickly got used to it.

Mu Qing also nodded, "It seems that the eighth-layer world of the altar arranged by the Pure Yang Sword Master really wants the testers to cultivate here painstakingly to condense the pure Yang sword body that unites the nine Yangs."

He has a rank eight pure yang body, and naturally he got used to it in a short period of time.

At the same time, Mu Qing also saw some other figures.

The King Gu You and the Variety Star Lord, these two are not far away, they are alert to the surrounding and at the same time adapt to the gravity here as much as possible.

Fortunately, although this planet is special, it is not restricted by the laws of heaven and earth. If they really want to fight against it, they only need to mobilize the strength in their bodies to easily resist the gravity on this planet.

However, they all already know the clearance conditions of the eighth floor of the altar in the consciousness space of Pure Yang Kendo, so they still have to try to cultivate the pure Yang body to make the body stronger.

Mu Qing and others did not have direct contact with King Guyou. In this case, they still avoided fighting. They separated and explored in different directions.

This yellow sand planet is actually not as huge as the world on the seventh floor of the altar, plus there is nothing special about the yellow sand everywhere, and it is very fast to explore.

"Is there nothing on the eighth floor of this altar?" Fang Ming felt very strange.

They explored for a few days, and everything they passed was yellow sand. Mu Qing even condensed several magic swords and escaped into the ground. He was also sure that the ground was also full of sand, and there was nothing special.

"Perhaps, Sword Sovereign Chunyang really wants the testers to cultivate here." Ronan said with a frown.

This does seem a little unreasonable.

"There is another possibility, maybe this planet is also set up with a great formation of pure yang." Mu Qing thought while rubbing his chin.

Fang Ming immediately understood what Mu Qing meant, and slapped his forehead, "Don't tell me, this planet full of yellow sand is very similar to the desert on the seventh floor of the altar!"

The desert on the seventh floor of the altar was caused by the energy shock caused by the failure of the Pure Yang Great Array.

It is very likely that this planet is also the same at the moment. A larger pure Yang formation was arranged. Unfortunately, it failed. The energy shock swept the entire planet, and finally everything on the planet turned into yellow sand.

"If that's the case, all you need to do on the eighth floor of the altar is to find the core position of the Chunyang Great Array. There must be something there." Fang Ming already had some clues.

Mu Qing nodded, he also understood so.

"So that's the case, are we going to find the core next?" Although Ronan didn't have the experience of following Mu Qing and his group, he also felt that it made sense to listen next to him.

Mu Qing shook his head, the corners of his mouth were raised, and he was planning to let the two follow him directly to the ninth floor of the altar. After all, he has a world gate, and even the enchantment arranged by the Dharma Body can't stop him.

But just when Mu Qing was about to speak, there was a loud noise above the sky, and a beam of light suddenly pierced through the sky!

The attention of Mu Qing and others was immediately attracted, and they looked at the high sky in the distance.

The space there shattered into a large piece, and there was nothing in it, but a huge golden beam of light pierced through it and landed directly on the yellow sand planet.


It seemed to be affected by the beam of light, and a strong shock spread, and the sandstorm rolled in and swept to every corner of the planet.

The immortal starry sky behind Mu Qing appeared, directly covering the three, so that the sandstorm could not threaten them.

Since the first self-evolution, the Immortal Starry Sky has possessed a certain power and has a variety of applications.

Mu Qing and the two looked at each other, and then the three decided to go to the location of the light beam first.

After half a day, when Mu Qing and others came here, King Guyou and Lord Baichang Xing also felt it.

King Gu You glanced at Mu Qing with some vigilance, then withdrew his gaze and focused his attention on the golden beam of light in front of him.

The Variety Xingjun stepped forward directly and touched the golden beam of light.

The result is no change.

Variety Xingjun was a little surprised, and then used various means, but the golden beam of light still did not respond.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he did not believe in evil, and even used magical powers to attack directly, but the golden beam of light still did not respond, and it was as motionless as a mountain.

Ronan and Fang Ming were also looking at what that golden beam of light was.

Could it be a good thing left by the Pure Yang Sword Sovereign, which can make people quickly improve the pure Yang body?

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