Starry Sky Sovereign

Chapter 2083: Supreme Creation

"I just didn't expect that the situation in the special secret realm was as I expected, and it was the worst situation."

After informing Mu Qing about the sacred artifact, the Dark Sky Dharma King sighed again.

This was not a situation he wanted to see, but unfortunately Mu Qing told him what happened, and it was basically certain.

The will of the death demon is just around the corner, trying to resurrect!

Not only him, but the other Dharmakaya masters also didn't want to see this scene.

After all, they all know how powerful and terrifying the Supreme Being of Death Demon is.

If they were to be resurrected, the Dharma bodies of them in the Origin Realm would have no good end.

Strictly speaking, the origin world is something of a death demon, and several of them are intruders who come in without consent.

Relying on the power of the origin world, they all broke through to the third realm of the great master and became the ancients.

To some extent, this can be regarded as the power to plunder the origin world.

The power of the Dharma body in the ancient times was not liquidated by the death demon in the end, and all the power they possessed returned to the origin world.

Now, if the death demon is really resurrected, these dharma masters must be the first targets to be targeted!

"However, from the current point of view, the recovery progress of the dead demon's remains is not too fast. The left hand of the demon is in the hand of the Emerald Dragon Emperor, and only the right hand and an eyeball appear."

The Dark Heaven Dharma King rubbed his chin in thought.

There are three parts of the dead demon's remains, and most of the remaining remains have not appeared.

If you want to prevent the resurrection of the dead demon, you have to find the remains of other parts before the man in blood and destroy it!

Of course, the Dharma King of the Dark Heaven is skeptical about whether he can really destroy the remains of the dead demon.

It is very likely that even the ancients like them may not be able to have any effect on the dead demon.

"The easiest way should be to find the man in blood, erase his will, kill Sword Master Chunyang, and then seal the remains."

The Dharma King of Dark Heaven slowly revealed the solution.

"You don't need to take care of this matter. Next, we will investigate the whereabouts of the man in blood."

After the Dark Sky Dharma King finished speaking, he took out another rune.

Mu Qing looked at it and found that it was a rune that contained a strong pitch-black power. At first glance, it didn't seem to be anything special, but at a close distance, he could feel the mysterious and mysterious aura.

That is the power of the law!

"This dark rune condenses my power. No matter where you are, as long as you activate this dark rune, you can summon my dark world at any time and get the help of my power."

The Dark Sky Dharma King handed this dark rune to Mu Qing, which was the reward he gave to Mu Qing. After all, it was quite risky for Mu Qing to enter a dangerous place such as a special secret realm.

In fact, he is also sure that his choice is correct. If others enter the special secret realm, they will definitely be at a loss when they encounter such things as the slaughter of the dead demon.

Only Mu Qing, a genius from the multiverse, knows about the death demon.

At the same time, the Dark Sky Dharma King also knows that Mu Qing has some kind of means in his hands, which seems to be far more powerful than the space supernatural power.

Mu Qing's ability to enter and exit his Antianmen at will is the best proof!

"Dark Rune?" Mu Qing raised his brows, this is a good thing.

If he encounters a crisis and directly summons the Dark Heaven Dharma King, I am afraid that no one in this world can threaten him.

In addition to the supreme, with the strength of the ancient Dharma King, he is definitely the figure at the top of the pyramid.

"In the origin world, I can appear to help you in a flash, but when it comes to the outer multiverse, it may be a little slower." Dark Sky Dharma King deliberately said one more sentence.

After all, the origin world is special and completely different from other universes.

Mu Qing nodded, expressing understanding.

Seeing that Mu Qing accepted the dark rune, the Dark Sky Dharma King frowned slightly and said, "I can't do anything about the four ancient secret methods on you."

"This seems to contain the power of the death demon, and even I can't strip it from your soul."

"Of course, at present, I have not found anything wrong with these four ancient secret methods. It is likely that the power of the dead demon's slough is not enough to affect you."

"At the same time, the soul substitute in your body also played an absolute role, isolating the magic sword secret technique from the other three ancient secret techniques."

The Dark Sky Dharma King was somewhat amazed, and was quite interested in the soul substitute in Mu Qing's body.

There are very few strong people who take the way of the soul, and there are only a little more in the undead realm in the entire origin world.

And the powerhouse who has made great achievements in the soul Fangming seems to have not appeared.

The Dark Sky Dharma King was surprised that the soul substitute was condensed from Mu Qing's soul fragments, and directly stuffed the potentially threatening magic sword secret technique into it.

This led to Mu Qing still being able to activate the power of the magic sword secret technique at will, but the magic sword secret technique could not affect Mu Qing.

"The centaur Ronan you mentioned was indeed smart enough to make the right choice at such an urgent moment."

"Wait until Ronan's strength is further improved, it is estimated that you can ask him to try again and isolate the true meaning of the ancient secret method in your body."

The Dark Sky Dharma King tried his best to make suggestions for Mu Qing.

Although the ancients are powerful, they are still powerless when it comes to the esoteric soul.

After all, these four ancient secret methods involve the supreme ruler of the death demon!

"Then Ronan is full of hostility to the Death Demon, standing on the same front as you, I believe he will be very willing to help you." Dark Sky Dharma King smiled lightly.

Mu Qing told him everything that happened in the special secret, including the ability to control the soul that Ronan got after wearing the ghost armor.

This ability is quite rare, but the Dark Sky Dharma King believes that Ronan's strength is not enough, and he needs to go further to help Mu Qing.

Mu Qing frowned slightly, he knew that the strength that Dharma King Antian said was further, I am afraid it meant that he would wait until the centaur Ronan reached the power of the Dharma body!

But soon, Mu Qing's brows relaxed.

With the strength of the ancient Dharma King of the Dark Sky, he has not detected the abnormality of the four ancient secret methods in his body. Obviously, he will be fine for the time being.

After leaving the Origin Realm, I might be able to go to Headmaster Wu and Headmaster He to check them again.

Mu Qing hesitated for a moment, then took out two more stone tablets.

The stone tablet is simple, but it is extraordinary and extraordinary. It is imprinted with countless scripture-like symbols, gathering the unimaginable power of reincarnation!

The two reincarnation steles were different except when Mu Qing first came into contact with them, and after that, they were completely immersed in it, and there was no movement.

Now, the role of the two reincarnation stone tablets can only be to help Mu Qing enhance the power of the reincarnation magic sword.

Mu Qing knew that this reincarnation stele was definitely a no-brainer.

He was a little hesitant before, whether to take out the reincarnation stone tablet and show it to the Dark Sky Dharma King. It may be safe to take it back to the elders in the gate of time and space to check.

But if you think about it carefully, if the Dark Sky Dharma King really had any bad thoughts about him, he would have done it a long time ago.

Seeing the two reincarnation stone tablets that Mu Qing took out, Dharma King Antian let out a sigh.

Mu Qing also explained in a timely manner: "This is also obtained in a special secret realm. The two reincarnation stone tablets are quite special. It is certain that the reincarnation stone tablet is related to the reincarnation secret method in the four ancient secret methods."

"After that, the Pure Yang Sword Sovereign used the reincarnation stone tablet to awaken the remnant soul. After the reincarnation stone tablet was activated, it was completely resurrected!"

Dark Sky Dharma King approached the two reincarnation stone tablets, his expression showed a little hesitation, and he looked at it carefully.

While looking up and down the two reincarnation stone tablets, he said: "It does contain a supreme aura, and it seems that it is probably the creation of the death demon."

The Dark Sky Dharma King directly reached out and touched the reincarnation stone tablet, "However, it seems to have some power, but it cannot be motivated?"

"The power in this reincarnation stone tablet seems to be different..."

The Dark Sky Dharma King tried to inject his own power into it again, but there was no response.

Then he went deep into perception and came to some conclusions.

"Although the appearance is the same, the inner strength is different. There may be other reincarnation stone tablets. Only after they are assembled can they show their real effect."

The Dark Sky Dharma King shook his head gently, after all, it is the creation of the Supreme Lord, and he can't see what the specific role is.

The only certainty is that there are other reincarnation steles that need to be assembled.

Mu Qing nodded, there were indeed other reincarnation steles. After all, when he was comprehending the secret method of reincarnation, he saw six reincarnation steles.

Not only that, when Mu Qing was comprehending the Thunder Secret Technique and the Forbidden Secret Technique, Mu Qing also saw six stone tablets corresponding to the power, but only the Magic Sword Secret Technique did not see anything.

"As for this reincarnation stone tablet to awaken the remnant soul, I personally think it is unlikely."

The Dark Sky Dharma King brought the topic to the Pure Yang Sword Master.

"You also said that the Pure Yang Sword Sovereign is actually cooperating with the Death Demon, and it has its own means."

"Maybe he didn't fall completely back then, he just cheated to death."

"However, the next thing should be the credit of the Reincarnation Stone Monument. With the help of the Reincarnation Stone Monument, the remnant soul of the Pure Sun Sword Sovereign was restored to a complete soul."

Although the Dark Sky Dharma King did not enter the special secret realm, but just listening to Mu Qing's description, he also learned a lot of information.

"What are your plans after that? Do you want to stay in my black domain?"

"Perhaps, you can become the inheritor of my black domain."

The corners of Dharma King Dark Sky's mouth were slightly upturned, and he looked at Mu Qing.

He was quite optimistic about Mu Qing. He originally thought that Mu Qing was a little bit different from those peerless geniuses, but now, at a glance, Mu Qing seems to have transformed and has become a peerless genius.

Just went to a special secret realm to inquire about information, but directly reached the peak of the seventh robbery, and was one step away from the eighth robbery.

This level of promotion speed, few people in the history of the origin world can match.

"The inheritor? Isn't Mo Zi already the inheritor of the Black Domain?" Mu Qing was stunned.

"Who said that there can't be two inheritors?" Dark Sky Dharma King didn't care.

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